A woman was tased at a local middle school for turning into the wrong drive. Her sister, I went to school with, is a teacher at the school. The teacher was arrested and given felony charges for checking on her sister. There is video of the event but I am beyond pissed over this.
A good lawyer and she will own this town. Sorry for venting here but it's all I got.
Sitting here listening to liberal hivemind just now. I have to ask is this salty cracker? Sounds just like him except reserved.
Can one of my frens make the Scooby Doo unmasking meme from swift to mulvanainycock(the budlight boy) kek.
Got my wife and brothers eyes on GAW after years of memes and red pills. They have always been of the same mind just never "exposed" to freedom of we are the news. Thanks frens

Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG! Q