Freedomfighterok 1 point ago +1 / -0

On point 6.) I have a close relative who works in a school (elementary and middle school) and manages shot records. They have complaints a plenty about shots. In our state, they have a computer system that they access to get shot records. It is tied in with the rest of the country because we have lots of illegals in the school system who have shot records that originate from border facilities. BUT there are other illegals who do not even exist in the system (or any system). They are required to suspend them for shots until they get them and I assume they then show up in the system after a doctor's office has entered them, there is never a paper record. There are also some records that originate from Mexico, and I'm not sure how those get there, it is not from a paper copy brought by the parents. The other option is just fill out a form that says blah blah blah, the school is not responsible and I don't want vaccines, and it's the same outcome as having all your shots, kids are in school, no hassle, no worries, all is good.

Strange little caveat is that they WILL NOT suspend these kids for having 0 vaccinations and/or 0 form. Said family member has tried to get them suspended for it because the refuse to respond to any form of communication (which can also get them in trouble with DHS for not providing legit contact info for emergencies with their child) and the school refuses to even send them a threat of suspension because they are "underprivileged" . Which messes with my family member by them basically being the one who "did nothing" about the shot record/waiver issue. There's a paper trail but..

My experience with the inner workings of the school and medical fields are that record keeping isn't as great as you'd think. Maybe not record keeping, but idk what to call it. I guess there is an over expectation of what they will do vs what they can/should be able to do. Sure all of it can be tied together and have a nice, neat, easily readable, traceable, and verifiable package, but... at the end of the day, human error, confusion, social justice, and flat out laziness make it hard to realize that outcome.

My guess is that there will be a large amount of people who got the vaccine, got a card, and are somehow incorrectly entered, skipped, missed, or otherwise left out of the electronic record legitimately. There are shots being given at drive through clinics, sports arenas, rodeo grounds, pharmacies, parking lots, etc. There's no way it's being accurately reported/recorded. The only document that will be able to prove that you have had the shot will be the card. My guess is they plan on this because they gave you the card. They don't give you a card for other shots, they just put it on your record. Which also brings up the fact that there are shots I received at two separate hospital emergency rooms and at an urgent care, that still do not show up on my record today. They aren't required, but other times I've gotten them, they went on the record.

To everyone saying that it is a HIPAA violation, yes I believe it is, but there are too many instances where companies say something isn't and push people to do things that are actually illegal and they know it is. I've seen the email with my own eyes that the schools are sending to the nurses requesting information about shot status for the teachers and faculty and keeping a record of responses in a distributed amongst management google doc for future reference. In the email they tell the employees they want asking the questions that they need to push for answers and get mean about it because "this is a fight". At the end of the email, it is spewed that, "we have spoken with legal, and this is not a HIPA (sic) violation, anyone who uses that excuse to attempt to conceal their shot status is misinformed." Family member is not dumb and is not participating in the round up by refusal to ask anyone/fill out the form with anything, but there are plenty of people who are participating and wholly believe that this is not a violation of anyone's rights because an email from someone who heard from someone that you aren't doing anything wrong is good enough for them. The school is so mismanaged it hasn't been brought up that no response from the school family member works at has been recorded, and it's been 4 months since they started keeping track.

Now for question 4 (I know it's out of order but that's how I organize my thoughts). NOTE: After typing this up, I realized your question was maybe from a customer standpoint, but here this is because I think it is also valuable to know, I had never heard of it until someone told me when they started working at a hospital.

There is already precedent for this. Nurses at virtually every place a nurse can work (besides ironically a school) are required to get the annual flu vaccine as a condition of employment. If you don't take it, I've heard of some places saying you have to wear full PPE full time, basically making it so you don't want to not get it because the alternative is not feasible for working. But I've heard of plenty that just say, "you don't get your flu shot then you're not working here." I have a family member who has a legitimate health issue that the shot does pose a small risk to them, who is also a nurse in an ICU, and they cannot get an exemption for the shot. Again, I think this is another example of a misinformed "enforcer" and if it was taken to a legal system, they'd have to at least provide options, but most people won't go that far or it's just not worth the hassle. Maybe someone who actually works in this field has more answers, but I do not, I just know people who do and we have had conversations about it and how ridiculous it is.

Fight the system, they aren't as competent or prepared as you've probably been led to think.