Why do 200,000 children get kidnapped every year? Where do they go? Why do the perpetrators of these crimes only face Justice at a very low rate? Why do they want open borders? Easy access to a quick supply of children who can’t speak the language of the country they are taken to?


So I got a couple horse’s that may need some of that special horse paste (the one they use in India on humans! Lol how silly are they?!) if only to prevent them getting so spooked. Seen a lot of people on this forum have really good success with their horses so I was wondering where to get it, how much should I- I mean my horses take, and how I should deliver it to them. Keep in mind my horses are very human like. Thank You.


I do think there are certain vaccines that are indeed used to treat what they are intended to, (smallpox, polio etc.) however how much have we been lied to? How many of them are cancerous destructive jabs put there to weaken us? Why did I, a seemingly healthy young boy, develop type 1 diabetes after I got vaccinated for school? In fact why did auto immune diseases such as the previously mentioned go up by over 1000% in the years that vaccines were required in public schools. Just food for thought.


We still haven’t got the Friday Twitter message... “My fellow Americans the Storm is upon us...”

Not gonna predict, however there are so many Q proofs that I’m almost in complete disbelief that it isn’t real in some form.


The plans for world domination are stupid as fuck. People around the world hate the government as much as they did in the 50s, but people must realize the thing that has changed is the line the government must cross for their to be action. That is in fact a result of brainwashing but they’ll never be able to erase that line. They’ll have to kill us eventually for no reason, however they have no ideas the loyalties of soldiers, the small amount of sociopaths that do stick on their sides will be annihilated by 8 billion people who don’t care if they die because the government is already killing them. They are stupid. Real stupid. The human condition will never surrender, nature demands it. What they also don’t realize is the evils of humans who feel that they have been put down. I do not speak for myself in this matter, because I believe inflicting pain and judgment is God’s job. However, the shear pain some of them will go through, at the hands of people rising up is unimaginable. Humans in that regard are almost too smart for their own good, we aren’t like other animals who are just trying to get a bite to eat, when we are angry we try to maim and torture before the kill. They would be better off to just surrender, much quicker, less pain, and they get to see their boss down stairs.


No way it wasn’t, it would be a very unnatural hand movement for someone who just likes to talk with his hands. Also, he does it extremely quick, even out of rhythm with his voice, which usually when subconsciously speaking with your hands, you don’t do. I thought you guys were grasping at straws when I heard about it, but I think he’s trying to signal people to not lose hope.


Little bit of a rant, but holy fuck, as the popularity increases the dumber those dense fuckers become. I now get downvoted because I don’t think defunding the police is a good idea and I I don’t think attacking a flight attendant and an Air Marshal the day before the biggest Trump rally because they kick some lady off a plane is the hill to die on. And boy do they choose the dumbest hills to die on, seen some people say they’re gonna ignore mask mandates and beat up the employees and cops who come to arrest them. And they call us LARPers? Seriously, why wouldn’t you save that energy for shit that can actually make a difference? I’m all for civil disobedience in the face of the enemy who wants to enslave us, but they need to learn how and when to pick their battles. They all seem to think they will be able to call of duty their way across the country.


Patriot here, planned this trip for my family and I back in March, thinking that everything would be over already. (I should have known it would take until after the election.) Was about to cancel in November but of course, I caved to the kids. Should I be worried about shit going down while I’m here? I know it seems kinda silly, but I’m kinda legit worried. Albeit 35% capacity, but mass hysteria would be crazy, and who knows if anyone here is gonna get arrested? I guess the saving grace is that my wife is based as fuck. (albeit still thinks some of my ideas are crazy conspiracy theories) Anyway love you guys, GOD WINS!


Usually when I see Q post, they never seem to argue the validity of Q it’s self, they just post very interesting findings and “coincidences.” Yet, the attackers usually go in and attack Q’s validity with stupid shit like “Trust Sessions!” not ever questioning the info being presented to them. It screams classic commie tactics to me, screams “I’m a leftie shill paid by big tech to yell at people posting Q stuff.” Just sayin.