Jason and his daughters doing the illuminati hand sign: https://twitter.com/NiqueBasquez/status/1359847337326116864
You comment and argue like what you are doing right now. If we have way too many junk posts flooding /new then there's not enough time to comment on them all. When you click on a post, what else do you notice beside the upvotes? The number of comments. If you see a post with a massive comment thread you would be more encouraged to participate. Whereas if you see like 200 new posts with 5 comments or less and a couple of upvotes spread out, you don't really feel the urge to participate in them. Even if one post has what you want to talk about, no one's commenting on them so you won't really be able to get a discussion going. And then that one post you're interested in will just get quickly flooded up by 20 other posts being posted in /new.
Also the fact that upvotes means jackshit. Just look at r/politics. They got like 40 different types of gild awards. /pol/ may be autistic but it's still infinitely better than the cesspool that is reddit. I still see interesting discussions pop up here and there on /pol/.
Put your fucking egos to the side. MovieBob is rotting in his mom's basement while the DS pays for his shilling with CP, shilling for the global satanic pedo cabal. What happened to "Where we go 1, we go all"? We're just gonna let PedoBob walk free?
MovieBob has been jerking to CP since September 1st because he's a degenerate brainwashed by the globalists. You dumb fucks still shilling here? Wake the fuck up, YOU ARE ALL taking orders from a pedophile. MovieBob, aka, PedoBob needs to be arrested! #ArrestMovieBob #MovieBobIsPedo !! @
but I find that it seems mostly worthless to me knowing what the institution as a whole is working towards.
Gather intel and send it anonymously to other white hat organizations with the power to enact change or spread the word. When you feel outnumbered, you can treat it as being behind enemy lines. You are gathering intel that could potentially be useful for the future. This is just the beginning. Imagine a future where every single organization is completely infiltrated by white hats. No bad deeds will go unseen. The DS are terrified at the thought of this. That's why they're trying so hard to squash the Q movement right now.
How high up are you in the Beer Industry? Is there anything you can use to your advantage to drop red pills on people? Use your connections and knowledge in the Beer industry to actively engage in white hat operations to the best of your ability. Maybe investigate your company's higher ups and figure out how the money is flowing. Who knows? You could end up with a lead somewhere. We need white hats to be infiltrating in every organizations that exists, especially the globalists and left-wing ones. Doesn't matter how insignificant your actions may seem in the grand scheme of things. Become a white hat and start collecting intel.
In the story it was never confirmed that she was a real nun. She just used her status and appearance to trick people into sending kids to her orphanage. In public, she comes across as the most generous and caring "mother" but that was just a ruse for her to sell kids to the government.
Very similar to how Clinton foundation operates. They appear to normies as helping kids in Haiti but that's not what really goes on behind the scenes.
Check out this panel: https://www.opfanpage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/6q3wi380rr941.png
This was written in 2013 and it talks about 20 elite bloodline families forming the World Government.
Here's where they're talking about World Government being formed by 20 elite bloodline families. This was from the Dressrosa arc which was WAAAAAY back in 2013, this is how far ahead of time he was with his predictions: https://www.opfanpage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/6q3wi380rr941.png
Really makes me consider that Oda really could be a white hat operative.
The story is too blatantly pro-freedom and anti-globalist, I dunno about the dude being part of the pedo cult. But here's actually something freaky, his mentor was actually caught with child pornography. So if the dude that mentored this guy is a confirmed pedo, it does raise some questions.
Yeah if they picked him for Aquaman it means he's been initiated into the club.
Look at his hand gesture right here: https://twitter.com/NiqueBasquez/status/1359847337326116864
Would a normal dad take a photo with his daughters holding up some weird hand symbol like this? No, normal dads and daughters don't do this.