I really wish this stuff was exposed. I think if people knew what abortion was really about, politicians wouldn't touch it and it would be nothing more than a rare emergency procedure.

Write-up in the link:


Relevant Excerpts:

In 1986, Robert Jay Lifton published a book called “The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide.” It is an amazing read that I would not recommend to anyone I truly cared about. That book will put images in your mind that are difficult to free yourself from.

During World War II, the Germans raised institutional murder to an absolute art form. They threw the resources of a thoroughly modern nation-state into the effort, and it showed. The total death toll was probably somewhere around 17 million. However, murder on such an astronomical scale wasn’t easy. There was a steep learning curve.

Killing a couple of hundred people is pretty straightforward. 17 million is another thing entirely. Figuring out the most efficient way to snuff folks by the literal millions required intentionality, planning and research. Josef Mengele and Company invested a great deal of effort in figuring out how to kill people quickly and efficiently.

They tried lots of stuff, some of it fairly bizarre. It’s all in the book. However, early on, one of their techniques was to take the victim and force them to their knees. An assistant twisted both arms behind the back, one across the top and the other across the bottom. The wrists were then manually held together with the knees pinned to the floor. In this state, the executioner then injected concentrated sodium chloride directly into the heart using a long cardiac needle and a syringe.

This particular technique worked like a champ. Death was quite expeditious. The problem was that doing this for a while began to take a toll on both the dude with the syringe and the other dude pinning the flailing limbs. The Nazis subsequently moved on to more palatable stuff like gas chambers and crematoria. Now, hold that thought.


Abortions performed after the age of viability most often involve a progressive dilation of the cervix followed by manual removal of the fetus. This most commonly involves tearing the baby into pieces and removing it piecemeal. The dead child is then reassembled outside the mother to ensure everything is accounted for. Failure to remove everything will invariably result in a fairly ghastly infection.

Sometimes, that can get spectacularly untidy. You can read about an experience I personally had with the procedure in my previous article, “What’s in the Sack?” Seeing that is what shaped my own views on the subject.

The rub is that sometimes the kid doesn’t come to pieces as he or she should. Under those circumstances, the abortion provider runs the very real risk of yanking a viable child out into the world. Nobody wants that.

To ensure that you don’t have to suddenly fret with an unwanted screaming baby, the abortionist typically, under ultrasound guidance, will insert a needle into the baby’s heart or amniotic sac and inject it with either digoxin or potassium chloride. This injection intentionally stops the heart so as to eliminate the possibility of an unintended live birth. Sound familiar?

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I'm not suggesting anything nefarious is in the works, I just don't trust the DS, the medical profession, anyone connected to the 3 letter agencies, the MSM, several coworkers, a neighbor or two, etc. That leaves the rest of us having to look out for each other.

Scientists have developed aerosolized COVID-19 boosters that, when inhaled, appear to stop infections in their tracks. In trials involving monkeys and rodents that had already received vaccinations, the boosters successfully increased immune responses in COVID-19’s home base: the respiratory tract. The hope is that the aerosols could lead to simple, accessible booster doses that prevent—not just help fight—infections.


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