Sorry about the title, just thought it was funny that the date in the article is for tomorrow.
Some text from the link:
The eastern European country of Slovenia a person purporting to be a whistleblower nurse claims that politicians and other high ranking citizens receive saline instead of the mRNA experimental medication.
In a video on Facebook, which has been deleted by YouTube, the woman claiming to be the head nurse of the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving and managing the jab bottles for politicians, resigned and gave a press conference on the scandal.
During the conference she showed codes on the bottles where each contains 1, 2 or 3 digits, and then explained the meaning of those numbers.
Note: Daily Telegraph understands from our sources in Slovenia the original video has now been removed from Facebook.
Number 1 is the placebo, saline. Number 2 is a the mRNA. The number 3 is an mRNA stick that contains the onco gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. She said those receiving the number 3 bottle will develop soft tissue cancer within two years of receiving the jab.
I hear the medical response team being called over the intercom once or twice a week now. I'm seldom in the front lobby area to see anything. But did this week. Guessing the guy was mid 30s. Healthy looking, not seriously overweight, if at all. I wasn't being nosy, just passing through tailing them for a bit, and caught a little of the conversation. I won't say anything about it, except that it used to be a very rare thing, at any age under 70-80.
It seems as though the ads for charities is on the rise for some time now. Am I the only one noticing this?
Which ones are legit? Save the children? Homeless teens? Impoverished Jews? Homeless animals (i.e. ASPCA - pretty sure they are another liberal money grab)
If I didn't know better, the DS is fishing for free funding from conservatives. But maybe I'm just jaded. Or maybe I suspect these charities are some of the same trusted entities that Q was referring to as being tied to the DS.
To make my point, I need to establish a truth. Why do companies spend Billion$ advertising products and services? It's simple - they know it works. They track their advertising $pend and adjust it in response. Small companies do it on a smaller scale. This is not a secret. Advertising is just another form of propaganda. Advertising, propaganda, public psy-ops, political news, it's all the same thing packaged up a little differently where words and ideas are used to infect people's minds. It can be informative, useful, neutral, nefarious, harmful, or evil.
Anyone noticed the rise in pharma advertising lately? It's for every little thing, and some big things. I don't watch much TV, but I've noticed the change. And it's for a lot of the same things people on this board discovered about the vaccines over the last couple years - HIV, blood pressure, diabetes, blood clots, heart and liver issues, etc.
I think big pharma is using their advertising $ to get people used to idea that it's normal to have health issues, and BTW they have a drug for that.
At the same time, when I catch the local weather and traffic report before work, there's almost always someone pushing the covid vax - whether it's an ad or a quicky news spot before the weather report - Get your vax today! Before some unknown variant gets you....
Stumbled across this video - honest, I wasn't looking for it - how do you go from jet engines to knife steel to Seagal the creep?
It is on youtube....
Cliff notes - Seagal (pronounced same as the bird), rapes women, lies about everything, is associated with the mob, and pays people to make him look like someone he isn't.
I wouldn't say the sky is falling, but it won't be long before this tech is ubiquitous, tech being what it is. And since it can be used for good, like checking on the elderly (I've fallen and my router is telling you I can't get up), there will be plenty of reasons for pushing the technology.
Scientists from Carnegie Mellon University have shown that an off-the-self Wi-Fi router can not only tell where you are in a room, but it can also determine your body position.
The team didn’t have to spend big to get the hardware for this experiment. All they needed was a pair of entry-level routers that cost about $30 apiece. The routers were set up at opposite ends of a room, and a computer measured 2.4GHz signal transmission between the access points.
First off, who is Donald Bren? Is he another DS millionaire?
This kind of reminds me of Bill Gates investing in vaccines.
Anyway, this is a demonstration project, so something to watch and be aware of.
One of the features:
MAPLE (Microwave Array for Power-transfer Low-orbit Experiment): An array of flexible lightweight microwave power transmitters with precise timing control focusing the power selectively on two different receivers to demonstrate wireless power transmission at distance in space.
Donald Bren:
SSPP got its start in 2011 after philanthropist Donald Bren, chairman of Irvine Company and a lifetime member of the Caltech Board of Trustees, learned about the potential for space-based solar energy manufacturing in an article in the magazine Popular Science.
Intrigued by the potential for space solar power, Bren approached Caltech’s then-president Jean-Lou Chameau to discuss the creation of a space-based solar power research project. In 2013, Bren and his wife, Brigitte Bren, a Caltech trustee, agreed to make the donation to fund the project. The first of the donations (which will eventually exceed $100 million) was made that year through the Donald Bren Foundation, and the research began.
Bren said, “For many years, I’ve dreamed about how space-based solar power could solve some of humanity’s most urgent challenges. Today, I’m thrilled to be supporting Caltech’s brilliant scientists as they race to make that dream a reality.”
Reasons for concern:
In order to provide a worthwhile transfer of power, any focused beam of microwaves will deliver substantial power to the receiver. Like megawatts. A typical home microwave oven is around 1 kilowatt. Humans make pretty good receivers at many different frequencies. But it’s not necessary for people to start “frying” to do damage. A focused beam of energy at TV frequencies over some time can slowly cook internal organs, or cause or health effects.
Keep in mind, microwaves are non-ionizing, so I'm not concerned about radioactive energy. But the ability to focus substantial power to a target on the ground means the ability to choose many different targets, like an outdoor concert, or an indoor stadium.
Here's a little info on high power radar and RF. This was not microwaves (> 1000 MHz), so more likely to penetrate into internal organs.
Effects of acute exposure to ultra high radio frequency radiation on three antenna engineers EDITOR ,—Schilling1 reports the health problems of three men overexposed to ultrahigh frequency (UHF) TV radiation (785 MHz, >20 mW/cm2 for 1–3 minutes). Their symptoms included immediate sensations of heating and pain, and later erythema lasting a few days. Two had diarrhea for one to three days. Subsequently all three had headaches, dysaestheasia, lassitude, and loss of stamina which slowly improved over some three years.
And a naval officers first hand experience:
Brad Pearce - Former Lieutenant Commander, USN at United States Navy (USN) (1983–1995)Author has 118 answers and 356.1K answer views5y
When I was (1) on active duty and (2) inport (a rare event), an unqualified and junior salior climbed aloft on one of the surface ships a couple of piers over while the ship’s fire control radar was being tested. The sailor died from the radar exposure.
I don’t recall whether we had a fleet wide safety stand-down, but we definitely were reminded about safety procedures.
Radar, especially fire control military radar, can be very strong.