Staff to hear by 1600 GMT whether they are being laid off
Musk looking to cut around half of the workforce -internal plans
Employees file class action lawsuit against Twitter
Nov 4 (Reuters) - Twitter Inc temporarily closed its offices on Friday after telling employees they would be informed by email later in the day about whether they are being laid off.
The move follows a week of uncertainty about the company's future under new owner Elon Musk.
The social media company said in an email to staff it would tell them by 9 a.m. Pacific time on Friday (12 p.m. EDT/1600 GMT) about staff cuts. "In an effort to place Twitter on a healthy path, we will go through the difficult process of reducing our global workforce on Friday," said the email sent on Thursday, seen by Reuters.
On Thursday evening, all employees received an email stating that they will be informed of their employment status at 9 A.M. PT on Friday. Each email will be sent with the subject line “Your Role at Twitter.” If an employee is keeping their job, they’ll be notified via their work email — if they’re let go, they’ll be notified on a personal address.
“To help ensure the safety of each employee as well as Twitter systems and customer data, our offices will be temporarily closed and all badge access will be suspended,” the email reads. “If you are in an office or on your way to an office, please return home.”
Let's ignore the DS angle for a bit, since I suspect many corporate boardrooms were opposed to Trump for more reasons than just being infiltrated (some may not be infiltrated by DS players at all). I want to bring this up because I feel that Trump and the Patriots exposed these people as well, and I'm probably only touching the tip of the iceberg.
Business Competition - Trump created an environment (by removing regulations) that allowed small / new businesses to grow and thrive without having to have the resources to deal with corrupt government agencies
Labor Market - job growth creates a tight labor market, which gives people options to move around and seek better jobs and opportunities for themselves
Labor Competition - requires companies to pay higher wages and/or better benefits
Control over employees - amazing how covid showed that many people can be productive working offsite, which made life easier for people who had to be onsite (parking, commuting, fuel costs, etc) - but now those same corporations feel their people must be onsite full time to get work done, when it clearly has nothing to do with getting work done.
Political Control - a few large corporations are easier to control from a political standpoint, than many smaller companies. The people running the large corporations benefit from having a symbiotic relationship with politicians, being better prepared (advance warning) for regulations and government manipulation of large markets. I suspect they feel they can strongly influence and exercise some control over the political side, and profit from it.
Video of Cramer explaining how he steals our money. This came out a long time ago, but it never hurts to wake more people up.
Article about the admission
How many Wall Street companies have institutionalized market theft?
This post triggered some thoughts / questions:
What if some of the previous players who were no longer in office during Trump's term were arrested for treason? Everything strictly by the book? Sort of like NoName, who was an officer in the military, and came under military rules rather than civilian rules, and could be charged accordingly.
Now it's our turn to vote the rest of the traitors out of office, so real, fair, and honest justice can be served to those guilty of other crimes?
How long before the general population finds out (or figures out) all this health BS is due to the vax and the DS plan to wipe out the world's population?
My only concern is my company (and state) jumping on the bandwagon to shut everything down right before the elections. I work with too many people who don't have a clue after 2 years of in your face DS theater.
The federal government declared a public health emergency Thursday to bolster the response to the monkeypox outbreak that has infected more than 7,100 Americans.
If DHS can do it, then no one has a reason to condemn True-The-Vote for doing it.
BTW - I did a quick search for this here and nothing came up.
According to documents obtained by the ACLU under a Freedom of Information Act request, DHS agencies like Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) were able to purchase a raft of location data that allowed it to track the movement of millions of mobile devices around the US. The disclosure grew out of a lawsuit filed by the charity in 2020, which was a response to a Wall Street Journal report that alleged this very behavior.
More info in the link:
Did they do rituals before every abortion?
There's plenty of circumstantial evidence for it. And more than a few former employees have said things that suggest this is the case.
What if the real goal is to legally expose the players?
And to serve up data for tribunals for treason?
And prepare the public for military tribunals?
These people were all involved in a plot to overthrow the government, and a minor conviction isn't going to move anyone's needle relative to the crime.
Maybe just a dumb question, but I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else is having similar thoughts and questions.
It's going to take some work to get it done, but getting the ball rolling starts with people discussing ideas and getting those ideas out into the public, and I suspect plenty of parents would get on board with it, and school boards would come out against it.
Any time there is a school shooting, the local school board, the school administrative staff, the LEO administrators, and the responding officers, are all automatically under investigation, and may be brought to court on charges of accomplices to murder.
If they can't prove that they had a plan in place to prevent a school shooting, or at the very least making a concerted effort to implement such a plan, and that they executed to that plan to the best of their ability, they run the risk of being found guilty of accomplices to murder.
If anyone is found to have subverted or compromised any part of a plan to ensure the children's safety, like by propping open a door, they are also guilty of murder.
This is already being done if in the commission of a crime, there is a death that results from the crime being committed. Any time there is a shooting in self defense, there is an investigation (even if it doesn't amount to much).
It's time anyone who works in any area of government gets held to the same standard as the rest of us who pay their wages and benefits.
It's probably going to take a law to make it happen.