What is the great awakening? 🗣️ DISCUSSION 💬
posted ago by G45Colt ago by G45Colt

Is it coming to terms with the corrupt political establishment?

Is it people realizing evil people have been taking over the world?

Is it US citizens realizing that the US government does not control our rights, as much as they are trying to?

Or some other rhetorical questions?

I'd like to float a couple ideas for discussion - keep things simple - concerning the brilliance of our founding fathers, and maybe some of what has been lost over time.

  1. Freedom of speech - people need to wake up to the fact that freedom of speech is about a lot more being free to say what ever they want, at any time. It is also a check on evil. That should be clear by now (and I think it's part of what Q meant by the great awakening). If people aren't allowed to speak freely, and the MSM is a perfect example of what happens when freedom of speech is taken away. Part of governing ourselves is speaking freely about what we see going on around us.

  2. The Right to Bear Arms - what is a Republic without the right to bear arms? It's been joked about. We've been told it's just about hunting, or maybe to throw off a corrupt government, but then we are told that imposing just a few restrictions is for our benefit and protection. And the MSM talking heads talk about how reasonable that is, and people buy into it. But I think the founding fathers had much more in mind. The right to bear arms is also the right to self defense. The right to bear arms is the right to stop evil in it's tracks. Not vigilantism, there are courts for dealing with criminals after the fact. But the ability to stop an attacker, to prevent a crime, to stop a criminal in the act of violence - That Is a Form of Self Government, and a check on evil. It's not about handing everything over to the Feds - we've seen how that works out, and maybe that's a big part of the great awakening.

So, if we are going to have a Republic, we must participate in the actions of government, which is to have law and order all around us, in our own communities. Some are called to serve in government positions, but they need to be vetted by us, and not be some name floated by the MSM. That may sound difficult, but a place like this board, and others, is the perfect place to expose the people seeking office. Everybody knows somebody, and with enough honest people participating, we should be able to vet anyone running for office. I happen to now 2 people in our state government. More importantly, I know other people who know them better than I do. So while I might not agree with everything those 2 say (who am I kidding, 99% is as good as it gets), I know they are one of us, and stand for what is right.

I don't want to ignore what is going on in the world around us as part of this movement. Far from it. I just think too many people in the US are still sleeping on their responsibilities.


I know it's possible this was covered here already, and I missed it. Just seems odd that so many public figures are now battling serious health issues (forcing retirement).

I don't recall WIllis being exposed like some other celebrities in 2018 when Q was dropping pedo names.

Jim Carey was exposed by anons at the time, and I just saw he's retiring. I usually try to catch the weather for the day, and get exposed to a few minutes of MSM propaganda....

Here's a link for anyone who hasn't seen it, and relevant snippets so no one has to use the link.


Bruce Willis is taking a break from acting as he battles a health diagnosis, his family revealed Wednesday. The 67-year-old actor has been diagnosed with aphasia, a condition that affects the ability to communicate.

According to Mayo Clinic, aphasia can affect the person's ability to speak, write and understand language, both verbal and written. "It typically occurs suddenly after a stroke or a head injury but can also come on gradually from a slow-growing brain tumor or a disease that causes progressive, permanent damage (degenerative)," Mayo Clinic explains on its website.

Probably the most interesting aspect of Churchill's life in politics in the 1930's is how much you can see the hand of the DS in Great Britain before the war. Otherwise, I think they would have been much better prepared to deal with Hitler. Churchill was constantly sounding the alarm about Nazi ambitions, yet the people in power always seemed to side with Hitler while making excuses about how it's best for everyone.

There's just so many parallels to today (and over the past 50 years) it's uncanny. You just have to blur the national boundaries and political parties - it's all there.


I ask because I was just told that from a coworker who needs arteries opened up in his heart. He had something like 8 or 10 put in a year ago after a heart attack, and they are all starting to plug up now. From my understanding, that many stents at one time is highly suspect. And they don't usually plug up that quickly. I knew he had gotten the vaccines, so I told him I had just read a little of a report that I had just seen, and Pfizer had quite a few adverse events from their vaccine. Then he told me, "that's what I got. Pfizer." He had no idea about all the issues surrounding the clot shot. I wasn't trying to scare him, and I didn't say very much, but I thought his family should know in case he passes away suddenly. I did say that they are not talking about it in the news, and a judge had just forced them to start releasing the information they wanted to hide for 75 years. Which he didn't know about either.

This is the report I was referring to: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1WyY8JBxItFJQmgVxrjJIMn2kCyc2dVtq4tOBDAvRhezEdQYb0pqoqpow

Praying for the guy. He's in rough shape.

Anyway, first I've heard of anyone having to wait for a stent procedure. Usually, they are scheduled right away.


What a ride that was. I wonder if it was part of the Q plan?


America needs to give up freedoms, and sovereign rights. Are we there yet? Not counting mask mandates, vaccine mandates, etc.....
Also, there's some good quotes in this link. The video links to U-Tube, I guess you have to be an adult to watch it. There's a better image quality video link below, on a NWO site.

“It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government [emphasis mine] patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace. To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order. But the American colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect unions the world has ever seen.”

Here's the full speech, with Hillary's comments at the end. At ~13:00 he starts in on the US failure to support world governance, and at ~13:50 states join me, I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.

The plan to abolish war is not to make peace

A democratic world federation could outlaw war and more
Can you imagine a world that solves its problems in a court of law instead of crushing the lives of millions of men and women? Imagine these steps to it.
First, we transform the United Nations from a confederation to a federation of nations with a constitution that guarantees universal human rights, protects our global environment, and outlaws war and weapons of mass destruction.
Then we create the global institutions needed to establish and enforce world law with justice. If a government official breaks the law, that individual would be arrested, tried, and if found guilty, put in prison. We can end war and, also, secure justice.

China is just another pawn to push their agenda. Personally, I think that's why FDR allowed Mao to go to the communists.

The U.S. Federal Government should establish a task force to look beyond the four-year election cycle and focus on finding long-term solutions to global governance. One solution to consider is the expansion of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) into a governmental organization. The 38 OECD countries are democracies, including the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, Israel, Japan, Australia, South Korea and others. (See OECD Members.) This organization could be strengthened into a governmental body with a population and economic power to match China.


The Gospel is not Racist - Every Life Matters


I've noticed more than a few complaints about CEOs, Senators, Representatives, Governors, government employees, etc being let off the hook through a simple resignation due to sexual misconduct.

Full Disclosure - I may have expressed frustration about that a time or two.

Right now, the important thing is to get these people out of positions of power. I don't think this means the end of the road for them. But there's no point in holding them accountable for their real crimes as long as the DS has enough people in place to protect them.

So, what if the long term plan includes circling back to these people with the real criminal charges?

There is no Statute of Limitations for Treason.


The federal treason statute is 18 USC 2381 and it is similar to the language in the Constitution.

The list of crimes with no statute of limitations is rather long.


7 U.S.C. 2146(b) Killing a federal employee engaged in duties with respect to transportation and sale of certain animals
8 U.S.C. 1324 (1) Bringing in or harboring aliens where death results
15 U.S.C. 1825(a)(2)(C) Killing those enforcing the Horse Protection Act
18 U.S.C. 32, 33, 34 Destruction of aircraft, commercial motor vehicles or their facilities where death results
18 U.S.C. 36 drive-by shooting resulting in 1st degree murder
18 U.S.C. 37 Violence at international airports where death results
18 U.S.C. 43, 3559(f) Animal enterprise terrorism constituting murder of a child
18 U.S.C. 115 Kidnaping with death resulting of the member of the family of a federal official or employee to obstruct or retaliate
18 U.S.C. 115 1st degree murder of the member of the family of a federal official or employee to obstruct or retaliate
18 U.S.C. 175 Development or possession of biological weapons
18 U.S.C. 175c, 3559(f) Variola virus offense constituting murder of a child
18 U.S.C. 229, 229A use of chemical weapons where death results
18 U.S.C. 241 Conspiracy against civil rights where death results
18 U.S.C. 242 Deprivation civil rights under color of law where death results
18 U.S.C. 245 Discriminatory obstruction of enjoyment federal protected activities where death results
18 U.S.C. 247 Obstruction of the exercise of religious beliefs where death results
18 U.S.C. 351 1st degree murder of a Member of Congress, conspiracy to kill or kidnap a Member of Congress if death results, kidnapping a Member of Congress if death results
18 U.S.C. 794 Espionage
18 U.S.C. 831, 3559(f) Nuclear material offense constituting murder of a child
18 U.S.C. 844(d) Use of fire or explosives unlawfully where death results
18 U.S.C. 844(f) Burning or bombing federal property where death results
18 U.S.C. 844(i) Burning or bombing property affecting interstate commerce where death results
18 U.S.C. 924(j)(1) Murder while in possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime of violence or drug trafficking
18 U.S.C. 930(c) 1st degree murder while in possession of a firearm in a federal building
18 U.S.C. 1091 Genocide where death results
18 U.S.C. 1111 1st degree murder within the special maritime or territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.
18 U.S.C. 1121(b) Killing a state law enforcement officer by a federal prisoner or while transferring a prisoner interstate
18 U.S.C. 1114 1st degree murder of a federal officer or employee
18 U.S.C. 1116 1st degree murder of a foreign dignitary
18 U.S.C. 1118 Murder by a federal prisoner
18 U.S.C. 1119 1st degree murder of an American by an American overseas
18 U.S.C. 1120 1st degree murder by an escaped federal prisoner
18 U.S.C. 1121 1st degree murder of one assisting in a federal criminal investigation
18 U.S.C. 1201 Kidnapping where death results
18 U.S.C. 1203 Hostage taking where death results
18 U.S.C. 1365, 3559(f) Tampering with consumer products constituting murder of a child
18 U.S.C. 1503 1st degree murder committed to obstruction of federal judicial proceedings
18 U.S.C. 1512 Tampering with a federal witness or informant involving murder
18 U.S.C. 1513 Retaliating against a federal witness or informant involving murder
18 U.S.C. 1591, 2245 Murder committed during the course of sex trafficking by force, fraud or of a child
18 U.S.C. 1651, 1652, 3559(f) Piracy involving murder of a child
18 U.S.C. 1716 Mailing injurious articles with intent to injure or damage property where death results
18 U.S.C. 1751 Kidnapping the President where death results; Conspiracy to kill or kidnap the President where death results; 1st degree murder of the President
18 U.S.C. 1952, 3559(f) Travel in aid of racketeering involve the murder of child
18 U.S.C. 1958 Use of interstate facilities in furtherance of a murder-for-hire where death results
18 U.S.C. 1959 Murder in aid of racketeering activity
18 U.S.C. 1992 Terrorist attacks on trains and mass transit
18 U.S.C. 2113(e) Robbing a federally insured bank if death results
18 U.S.C. 2118, 3559(f) Robbery or burglary involving controlled substances constituting murder of a child
18 U.S.C. 2119 Carjacking where death results
18 U.S.C. 2199, 3559(f) Murder of a child by a stowaway
18 U.S.C. 2241, 2245 Aggravated sexual assault of a child under 12 years of age in the special maritime or territorial jurisdiction of the U.S. where death results
18 U.S.C. 2242, 2245 Coercing or enticing interstate travel for sexual purposes where death results
18 U.S.C. 2243, 2245 Transporting minors for sexual purposes resulting in the death of a child under 14 years of age
18 U.S.C. 2244, 2245 Abusive sexual contact where death results
18 U.S.C. 2251 Sexual exploitation of children where death results
18 U.S.C. 2251A, 2245 Selling or buying children where death results
18 U.S.C. 2260, 2245 Production of material depicting sexually explicit activities of a child where death results
18 U.S.C. 2261, 2261A, 2262, 3559(f) Murder of a child involved in interstate domestic violence, stalking, or interstate violation of a protective order
18 U.S.C. 2280 Violence against maritime navigation where death results
18 U.S.C. 2281 Violence against maritime fixed platform where death results
18 U.S.C. 2282A Interference with maritime commerce where death results
18 U.S.C. 2283 Transportation of explosive, nuclear, chemical, biological or radioactive material resulting in death
18 U.S.C. 2291 Destruction of a vessel or maritime facility
18 U.S.C. 2332 Terrorist murder of an American outside the U.S.
18 U.S.C. 2332a Use of weapons of mass destruction where death results
18 U.S.C. 2332b Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries where death results
18 U.S.C. 2332f Bombing public places
18 U.S.C. 2332g, 3559(f) Anti-aircraft missile offense constituting murder of a child
18 U.S.C. 2332h, 3559(f) Radiological dispersal device offense constituting murder of a child
18 U.S.C. 2340A Torture where death results
18 U.S.C. 2381 Treason
18 U.S.C. 2441 War crimes where death results
18 U.S.C. 2421, 2245 Transportation of illicit sexual purposes where death results
18 U.S.C. 2422, 2245 Coercion or inducement to travel for illicit sexual purposes where death results
18 U.S.C. 2423, 2245 Transportation of minors for illicit sexual purposes where death results
18 U.S.C. 2425, 2245 Interstate transportation of information concerning a minor where death results
21 U.S.C. 461 Killing a poultry inspector
21 U.S.C. 675 Killing a meat inspector
21 U.S.C. 848(c), 3591(b) Major drug kingpin violations
21 U.S.C. 848(e)(1) Killing in furtherance of a serious drug trafficking violation or killing a law enforcement official in furtherance of a controlled substance violation
21 U.S.C. 1041(c) Murder of an egg inspector
42 U.S.C. 2000e-13 Murder of EEOC personnel
42 U.S.C. 2283 Murder of federal nuclear inspectors
49 U.S.C. 46502 Air piracy where death results
18 U.S.C. 32 Destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities
18 U.S.C. 37 Violence at international airports
18 U.S.C. 81 Arson within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction
18 U.S.C. 175 or 175b Biological weapons offenses
18 U.S.C. 175c Variola virus
18 U.S.C. 229 Chemical weapons offenses
18 U.S.C. 351(a),(b),(c), or (d) Congressional, cabinet, and Supreme Court assassination and kidnapping
18 U.S.C. 831 Nuclear materials offenses
18 U.S.C. 832 Participation in a foreign atomic weapons program
18 U.S.C. 842(m) or (n) Plastic explosives offenses
18 U.S.C. 844(f)(2) or (3) Arson and bombing of federal property risking or causing death
18 U.S.C. 844(i) Burning or bombing of property used in, or used in activities affecting, commerce
18 U.S.C. 930(c) Killing or attempted killing during an attack on a federal facility with a dangerous weapon
18 U.S.C. 956(a)(1) Conspiracy to murder, kidnap, or maim persons abroad
18 U.S.C. 1030(a)(1) Protection of computer systems containing classified information
18 U.S.C. 1030(a)(5)(A)(i) Resulting in damage defined in 1030(a)(5)(B)(ii) through (v) (protection of computers
18 U.S.C. 1114 Protection of officers and employees of the United States
18 U.S.C. 1116 Murder or manslaughter of foreign officials, official guests, or internationally protected persons
18 U.S.C. 1203 Hostage taking
18 U.S.C. 1361 Destruction of federal property
18 U.S.C. 1362 Destruction of communication lines, stations, or systems
18 U.S.C. 1363 Injury to buildings or property within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States
18 U.S.C. 1366 (a) Destruction of energy facilities
18 U.S.C. 1751 (a), (b), (c), or (d) Presidential and Presidential staff assassination and kidnapping
18 U.S.C. 1992 Terrorist attacks on trains and mass transit
18 U.S.C. 2155 Destruction of national defense materials, premises, or utilities
18 U.S.C. 2156 Production of defective national defense material
18 U.S.C. 2280 Violence against maritime navigation
18 U.S.C. 2281 Violence against maritime fixed platforms
18 U.S.C. 2332 Certain homicides and other violence against United States nationals occurring outside of the United States
18 U.S.C. 2332a Use of weapons of mass destruction
18 U.S.C. 2332b Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries
18 U.S.C. 2332f Bombing public places
18 U.S.C. 2332g Anti-aircraft missiles
18 U.S.C. 2332h Radiological dispersal devices
18 U.S.C. 2339 Harboring terrorists
18 U.S.C. 2339A Providing material support to terrorists
18 U.S.C. 2339B Providing material support to terrorist organizations
18 U.S.C. 2339C Financing terrorism
18 U.S.C. 2339D Receipt of military training from a foreign terrorist organization
18 U.S.C. 2340A Torture committed under color of law
21 U.S.C. 960A Narco-terrorism
42 U.S.C. 2122 Atomic weapons
42 U.S.C. 2284 Sabotage of nuclear facilities or fuel
49 U.S.C. 46502 Aircraft piracy
49 U.S.C. 46504 Assault on a flight crew with a dangerous weapon (second sentence)
49 U.S.C. 46505(b)(3) or (c) Explosive or incendiary devices, or endangerment of human life by means of weapons, or aircraft
49 U.S.C. 46506 If homicide or attempted homicide involved, application of certain criminal laws to acts on aircraft
49 U.S.C. 60123(b) Destruction of interstate gas or hazardous liquid pipeline facility
18 U.S.C. 1201 Kidnapping a child
18 U.S.C. 1591 Sex trafficking by force, fraud or of a child
18 U.S.C. 2241 Aggravated sexual abuse
18 U.S.C. 2242 Sexual abuse
18 U.S.C. 2243 Sexual abuse of a ward or child
18 U.S.C. 2244 Abusive sexual contact
18 U.S.C. 2245 Sexual abuse resulting in death
18 U.S.C. 2250 Failure to register as a sex offender
18 U.S.C. 2251 Sexual exploitation of children
18 U.S.C. 2251A Selling or buying children
18 U.S.C. 2252 Transporting, distributing or selling child sexually exploitive material
18 U.S.C. 2252A Transporting or distributing child pornography
18 U.S.C. 2252B Misleading names on the Internet
18 U.S.C. 2260 Making child sexually exploitive material overseas for export to the U.S.
18 U.S.C. 2421 Transportation of illicit sexual purposes
18 U.S.C. 2422 Coerce or entice travel for illicit sexual purposes
18 U.S.C. 2423 Travel involving illicit sexual activity with a child
18 U.S.C. 2424 Filing false immigration statement
18 U.S.C. 2425 Interstate transmission of information about a child relating to illicit sexual activity


From Human Trafficking position to Ambassador. Makes perfect sense - from protecting children to a position representing the country.


PHOENIX — Cindy McCain resigned from her position as co-chair of the Arizona Human Trafficking Council on Thursday following her confirmation by the U.S. Senate to an ambassador post in the Biden administration.

Oh wait. I don't recall her publicly stating something should be done about Epstein.


by Spencer Neale, Breaking News Reporter - January 24, 2020 01:20 PM
Cindy McCain, the widow of late Sen. John McCain, blasted authorities who were "afraid" to arrest convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein even though everyone "knew" what he was doing. "Epstein was hiding in plain sight," said Cindy McCain. "We all knew about him. We all knew what he was doing, but we had no one that was — no legal aspect that would go after him. They were afraid of him. For whatever reason, they were afraid of him."

NoNames Legacy:

Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/11/2018 18:42:20 ID: Archive Bread/Post Links: 1 / 85 Direct Link: 85 Image Name: WDSHN_ISIS_TRAITOR_NN.jpg Filename: 8fc27ca13d4f5cec6cfb157c78864f4da2b28eb05e3eb5968431a9ca952fc184.jpg
We don't say his name returning to prime time.
Wonder if his so-called illness/condition will flare up.
"He's not a war hero."
He's a mega millionaire.
[Not complete].
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/04/08/john-mccains-claim-he-has-nothing-to-do-with-the-mccain-institute/?utm_term=.0e635aaf76b1 https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-08/mccain-institutes-failure-use-donations-anti-trafficking-purposes-raises-questions
Define money laundering.
Define the word 'Traitor'.
A world w/o this man is a world better off.

From this link in the Q post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/04/08/john-mccains-claim-he-has-nothing-to-do-with-the-mccain-institute/

McCain is facing questions about his ties to an eponymous nonprofit, after Bloomberg reported the Saudi government had donated $1 million to the nonprofit’s fundraising arm. After a town hall event in Phoenix, McCain answered questions about the donation in a media scrum. McCain at one point distanced himself from the nonprofit, saying he had “nothing to do with it” beyond being its namesake. Is that really the case?

What is Cindy NoName being rewarded for?


This question was inspired (at church this morning) by hearing about a man with a young family who is fighting for his life due to covid. I don't know anything about his vax status, but would not bet against this being a vax event.

So it got me to thinking - Why?

For the Great Awakening?

To expose the DS plans?

To unite the people against the DS?

Wasn't stealing the election enough?

Or maybe, what if the Patriots, knowing the DS plans, knew that the only way to stop the DS, was to catch them all in the act of crimes against humanity. If we don't get them all, we will be back here in a few years, fighting the same enemies, or their kids and prodigies. It would be impossible to use military action and tribunals against the ringleaders hiding in the shadows (Gates, Rothschilds, etc), if their lackeys committed all the crimes and their was no evidence against them.

But what about the Pharma companies - withholding cures for cancer and other diseases to peddle worthless drugs for huge money? How do you get them for past crimes? We now have fresh evidence of their current crimes - i.e. the vax.

And what about the CEOs and VPs of major corporations who pander to the DS, but maybe the worst thing they've done is to agree with the evil empire? Well, pushing their employees to get the vax against their will through blackmail (you will lose your job), makes them accessories to crimes against humanity.

Anyway, I figured there has to be many reasons for all that we are seeing. It's not an ideal situation, but we are in a war. And the goal is total victory and a DS unconditional surrender and defeat.

I'm interesting in hearing how anyone else would answer the question - Why?


First off, I apologize to anyone who suffers with Herpes.

Seems like the truth of the vax side effects, like cardiac issues in healthy young adults, and people dying suddenly, is all but ignored. Maybe a humorous video could be used to get a message through?

There has to be some anons with the talents and time to do something like this.

Y-tube, but if anyone wants to create another link, please do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrVqD67zils


Hopefully the title is accurate - tried to make it short and informative.



I hope this isn't true, but...best find out now and start looking into it.



Decided not to make a link post to quote one paragraph.


... American public scrutiny immensely neglects the sheer amount of Chinese government influence with Mexican drug cartels, and how their activities are increasingly becoming a threat to national security. He cites that the Chinese have a direct hand in fentanyl supply to cartels, a strong influence in major American industries. He further adds that this is occurring with full knowledge of the Communist Party in China.

This provides a lot of insight regarding the border and the treasonous opposition to the border wall. We knew it was bad.


Twice - same time stamp, consecutive post counts.

I sure hope that doesn't mean a 2 year delta, but that wouldn't be too far off either. Seems like it has to be soon now.

We talk about it, and I think we expect the arrest to be public, just like the indictment unseal.

What if the first arrest isn't public? Could be a private message (to the military? the DS?) meant to inspire fear, confidence, resolve. IDK.

Also, nothing on Marker 9 that I could find. It's been a while since I've gone through the drops, so maybe they are imbedded.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/17/2019 17:03:45 ID: 4e4d4a Archive Bread/Post Links: 7537521 / 7538263 Direct Link: 7538263

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts - would love to hear them.


Any time I wonder about where things are going, and why it's taking so long for criminals and punishment to meet each other, I remember the impossible....

There was no way for Trump to win in 2016. Obama was in the WH, the DS owned all three branches of government, and just like 2020, vote counting stalled after midnight in 2016. Trump was doing well early on, and then Hitlery seemed to be gaining momentum going into the night. I recall thinking that somehow, they were going to steal another election. But then something strange happened, the DS failed to come up with the votes they needed to steal the election. Clearly something happened. We all know they would have continued counting ballots for days, but they didn't. Something stopped them. Maybe the electronic machine links failed, and/or fake ballots weren't delivered, and corrupt election officials didn't push the limits. I don't know what all happened, but I suspect a few things went down that no one knows about yet.

Q let us know that Patriots were in control, and gave us plenty of hints to prove it. Q also let us know there was more to come, and that 2016 was not another 4 year election.

Waiting is the hardest part. So I try to do what I can to help push things forward. I'm convinced we all have a part to play in this. In the end, education is going to be the key that unlocks all the chains holding people back. It's pretty obvious that many people have no idea what is going on. In the last few weeks, and in several different states, I'm not sure how many people I've talked to about the Arizona audits. Most of the people I talked to have heard little or nothing about the audit. Most were surprised to hear it's a full forensic audit of the actual ballots, and not a simple review of a few documents. I encourage people to look into it.

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