Anyone have the talent and ability to record these lyrics to the song:
Take this jab and shove it
I ain't listenin' no more
My freedom done left and took all the reason
I was working for
You better not try to stand in my way
As I'm a-walkin' out the door
Take this jab and shove it
I ain't listenin' no more
I've been workin' in this country
For a many great years
All this time I watched my freedom
Erode cuz of sheeps' fears
And I've seen a lot of good folk die
but death's everyone's price to pay
The good Lord calls all of us home
And I have the guts to say
Take this jab and shove it
I ain't listenin' no more
My freedom done left and took all the reason
I was workin' for
You better not try to stand in my way
As I'm a-walkin' out the door
Take this jab and shove it
I ain't workin' here no more
Well that speaker, she's a regular dog
The POTATUS, he's a fool
Got a brand new icecream and a mask
Lord, he thinks he's cool
One of these days I'm gonna' blow my top
And that sucker, he's gonna' pay
Lord, I can't wait to see their faces
When I get the nerve to say
Take this jab and shove it
I ain't working here no more
My freedom done left and took all the reason
I was workin' for
You better not try to stand in my way
As I'm a-walkin' out the door
Take this jab and shove it
I ain't workin' here no more
Take this jab and shove it
One of the reasons SCOTUS ruled in 1973 that a woman can pursue an abortion based on privacy issues:
This right of privacy, whether it be founded in the Fourteenth Amendment's concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is, or ... in the Ninth Amendment's reservation of rights to the people, is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy. — Roe, 410 U.S. at 153
Why would they change now? Is it a change in the leanings of the court?
Is it related to vaccine mandates? Can I argue that I don't want to take the vaccine and use Roe v Wade as the legal basis?...unless the SCOTUS weakens this ruling.