My friend lives on Milford Street in Bethel Park where the supposed shooter lived.

She said they are evacuating people and the street is blocked off.

She said they said they found bombs in the house.

What twenty year old can do all this?

Even my friend agrees they are planting evidence.

They are covering up and making this person a fall guy for the Deep State.

Too soon? (media.greatawakening.win) 🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
posted ago by GGRockz ago by GGRockz

My friend sent this to me.

My husband saw it on the news. Is it true that PA is trying to pass a bill to ban chemtrails? So is KY and some other states?

Commie Shapiro signed a bill to rebate property tax on low income people.

Hmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔.

You think he is trying to make himself look good so he can run for President.

New Gender? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by GGRockz ago by GGRockz
To be clear. This is a SHIH TZU (media.greatawakening.win) 🐴 SHITPOST 💩
posted ago by GGRockz ago by GGRockz
LOSING CONTROL!!!!! 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by GGRockz ago by GGRockz

I am finding that I am getting beyond the point of what I can handle with what is going on around me. I just received a text that a person in my Bible Study passed away. She was completely healthy. A few weeks back she was having strange symptoms like tingling, poor coordination, weakness and visual problems. She was admitted to the hospital, and they ran an abundance of tests and couldn't find anything. She was in and out of the hospital for a few weeks. She passed away Monday from a rare disease called Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. It is a brain degenerate disorder. "INFECTIOUS PRIONS ARE MISFOLDED PROTEINS THAT CAN CAUSE NORMALLY FOLDED PROTEINS TO ALSO BECOME MISFOLDED". it is a rapid disease and she lasted only a few weeks. Another SAFE AND EFFECTIVE vax. In Apil my brother passed away and two weeks later my sister. Courtesy of the vax. Between my husband's family, my family, coworkers and neighbors we have lost count of the deaths and cancers. There are at least twenty five or more. It is almost becoming a daily occurrence. I am praying daily and it is very hard to handle. Sorry for throwing this out there and thank you for listening.

HUSH MONEY (media.greatawakening.win) - LOCK HIM UP! -
posted ago by GGRockz ago by GGRockz

I asked for prayers the other day.


I want to sincerely thank everyone who prayed and wrote regarding my sister.

I wanted to let you know she passed away early this morning.

Thank you again for all your support.

PRAYERS NEEDED 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by GGRockz ago by GGRockz

My younger sister was just rushed to the hospital with what they thought was a seizure.

She never had a seizure in her life until she was vaxxed and has had several.

She has Down Syndrome but is high functioning.

They are taking her to another hospital because she has a large brain bleed and they need to operate.

My older brother passed away about two weeks ago from turbo cancer.

All courtesy of the vax.

Thank you all in advance for any prayers.


I know there are some people who will never get it but I fear there are way more than what we think. We are liked minded here but are we living in a bubble here like DC and Hollyweird but in our own way?

Today I was invited to a brunch at a good friends home. There were about twenty people there. They are black and they are very Christian and loving people. There was only one other white person there. I am explaining this so you understand the mindset.

I never talk politics around them because I am positive they are liberal Democrats.

In the living room they had on MSNBC so I was definitely not sitting in there. As I was walking through they were reporting on Fani Willis being able to stay on the case and they were all excited.

I was sitting in the kitchen with my friends sister and brother. The people at the party are on their late 60's to mid 70's.

I don't recall the conversation but the sister said to her brother who was talking to me I don't like to talk politics. She said to me once I said something to my family and it got really ugly so I don't talk about it anymore.

The brother asked me if I like Trump. I stated as I was laughing I don't really want to talk about this. He said well are you and I said yes I like Trump because I think he has the people's best interests at heart.

He said he's a racist. He said did you know his father's a racist? I said to him I don't know about his father but Trump did a lot for the black community. He said he does that for show. Then I asked him have you ever heard Biden when he was young what he said about the black people? He said he never said anything. I said there's plenty of video but there and you are never going to see that on TV. I said you do know the Democrats where the party of the Klu Klux Klan. He said no they are not. I said how about Robert Byrd he was the head of the Klu Klux klan. I said you do know why the Civil War was fought because Lincoln freed the slaves and the Southern Democrats wanted to keep their slaves. He shook his head no.

He said you kniw what MAGA means. I said yes it means make America great again. He said you know why Trump says that? I said yes. He said he wants to return to slavery. That is what he means. I said no he wants to make America unified and great be being independent. He wants us to be strong and bring manufacturing back to be independent. I told him thus hads absolutely nothing to do with slavery.

I said you better do some research to really find out what's going on not what you're being told because the media is lying to you. His sister said this is why I don't bring it up because everybody yelled at me. Then I asked him I just want you to think about this why does everybody hate this man so much that is in the government.

Then his sister brought up to me about Ukraine and she couldn't understand why Putin wanted to hurt everybody. I told her I had some insight in that since the girl I work with was born and raised in Russia and came here when she was in her twenties and her family is still in Russia.

I told her the reason he went into Ukraine was because the Russians that were there wanted Putin to save them. I told her that there were biolabs there that he destroyed. I said she is not a fan of Putin but she is backing him 100% on this. The media wants to make Putin the boogeyman but I told her the US government is involved in all that is going on in Ukraine so they just want to blame it on Putin.

She said now I'm glad I met somebody that could tell me more than what I was listening to on the news. I told her the worst thing to do is listen to any of the news stations because they all lie.

The one thing I noticed is no one brought up anything about Trump's affairs or anything like that it was all about him being a racist.

This is how effective the media is in brainwashing the masses.

Thought you would want to know my experience today to give you room for thought.

THERE ARE NO WORDS. (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by GGRockz ago by GGRockz
UPDATE ON RESEARCH NEEDED IN PITTSBURGH. (media.greatawakening.win) 🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
posted ago by GGRockz ago by GGRockz

My hairdresser just told me a good friend of hers husband works for the police department of Port Authority. Greyhound buses have been pulling in in large amounts with illegal aliens. They are hiding them in hotels and small houses. They are trying to keep them hidden and they aren't coming out that often during the day. The crime spree has tripled in the city with all kind of muggings, theft and people getting hurt and it is becoming dangerous.

She said they are not families they are alll young males.

Did anyone else hear this?

Seen in the wild on Route 30 PA. (media.greatawakening.win) TRUTH
posted ago by GGRockz ago by GGRockz
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