The cabal is telling us again and again that they will never, ever make the mistake of allowing an "outsider" to hold office again.

At the same time, Trump is seemingly retiring to Mar-a-Lago, his private residence... with feral leftists like the NY AG in hot pursuit. Not to mention the Blantifa terror mobs. Think logically - he'd have to flee the country, or at least travel to an undisclosed location, if he and his family were to have any chance of just not being captured or killed. Even if the Q movement didn't exist, this would be a certainty.

While this is going on, thousands of troops are being stationed across the country. The nation's capital is hosting a massive pop-up fortification, additional troops streaming in by the day. Trump and the Dems are both seemingly out of character: POTUS is low-lying, even-keel, and conciliatory, when he should be displaying the most righteous of indignation - given his trademark pride, doubly so. The enemy, meanwhile, is oddly silent - in what should be their ultimate moment of triumph. Nancy sure doesn't seem all that happy. Big Mike looked oddly down in his last FB post. Cuomo isn't going to attend the inauguration due to "security concerns"... does that even make any sense? As little sense as the concern of Biden's handlers, over the political leanings of 'his' troops...

We know that Q and the president are connected, and are communicating together. Given this, I see two logical possibilities:

  1. Q is an elaborately-designed psyop, but deployed only onto a relatively small slice of the populace - the intersection of patriots and dank memers. It works by exposing the secrets of the cabal, while encouraging people to think critically for themselves. Trump, a deep state plant, is the most traitorous slime ever to slither across the American stage. The cabal went through this entire convoluted process, a bizarre humiliation ritual involving a very select group of people, when they could have just installed puppet Killary to destroy the world much faster. or...

  2. I'll leave you to think this out.

I could be wasting my time here, and could be totally off base. But it certainly merits thinking this through to a logical conclusion.

For the next 17 hours, and perhaps beyond: HOLD. THE. LINE. God bless, pedes. ? ??


ECW? Larp?


The more I think about it, the more I'm certain Trump and team are mobilizing for something massive.

If Donald Trump truly had been defeated in this struggle, would you expect him to just quietly sulk off into the night, with his tail between his legs? Hell no! He'd absolutely fight, one way or another, to get his words out. He'd create new media platforms as soon as the old ones are taken down. He would've started this by joining Gab or Parler after the Twitter ban. Donald Trump would not stay silent - he would be there for his supporters, his nation, and fight until his dying breath - whenever his deep state assassins get to him.

What he seems to be doing now - the pseudo-concessions, the lack of public appearances - simply do not accord with his character. The silence is deafening, and that's how you tell something's definitely up. "Stay tuned."


As in the last day or so. Q followers have always been the black sheep of the Patriot movement, ridiculed by the media. Not only have the attacks increased dramatically in the recent past, but all of the sudden, there's the Operation Trust rumors percolating through the alt media.

We've heard accusations from time to time that Q is a psyop, but this spate of rumors pretty much dropped all of the sudden. I think this fits the pattern of a new coordinated disinformation campaign, targeting both our community, and the broader array of voices who would otherwise be helpful. Agencies like the CIA are experts in this kind of 'poisoning the well' within groups they target. Q has taught us to use our heads, our intuition - let's not get distracted in the 11th hour, pedes.

Hold the line! And if this theory is correct, and the Q movement really is being targeted as such, what better Q proof is there?


Amazingly ironic how fraud propelled Kennedy to the presidency, yet he opposed the cabal - to the point they decided to publicly execute him.

Besides his "into 1000 pieces" comment, and EO 11110, I'm pretty ignorant about his other "defiant" actions.


...how genuinely confident he is. This doesn't seem like a man unsure of the outcome - even when the enemy seeks to murder him, before murdering countless others. In spite of his talk about the 'gravity' of the Georgia runoff, there wasn't a hint of desperation in the way he presented himself, or in his manner of speaking.

It really occurred to me, tonight, how he's playing his own part in the show. He knows exactly how things will play out - the rallies are, for the most part, optics.

The Dems/DS really are trapped. If they steal, it will whip millions of DC-bound patriots into a fresh frenzy, while Trump, Q and co. will have even more of the goods they need to indict. But the baddies HAVE to steal, because to attain their primary goal - absolute censorship - they need two fully reliable stooges to do their bidding. Perdue and Loeffler are clowns, but don't exactly fit that bill.

The bastards' goose is cooked from the start! Keep in mind, the various new encroachments on free speech - Cuomo's concentration camps, Caliphornia's $1000 fact-checker fine, Thom Tillis's attack on memes- aren't just desparate attempts to hold the fake scamdemic narrative together. They're also direct responses to the Great Awakening! It's full steam ahead, pedes. WWG1WGA ?