GatesOfHell 1 point ago +1 / -0

No offense taken. Check this out: https://greatawakening.win/p/11Rhhh6nOz/q-proof-its-a-marathon-not-a-spr/c/

There's a ton more - the rabbit hole runs super deep. In our opinions here, Trump and Q are inextricably linked, and are communicating together. As for whether "the plan" is something truly concrete, or will fully manifest on/before the 20th... the only One I trust 100% is the Lord. Nobody knows what will happen, but the Q proofs are definitely real. Signs certainly are present that big, unforeseen operations are underway.

GatesOfHell 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only ones giving you a bad name are the MSM, and the evil traitors that run it. To the public-schooled masses, anybody and anything that opposes the death cults will be portrayed as/seem insane, stupid, morally inferior, etc.

I just don't understand the dooming. If you're going to shit all over the 'Qanon conspiracy theory,' at least read some of the drops, and become familiar with some of the biggest proofs (check McCain and RBG's deaths). There certainly are people in the Q movement who believe crazy, fringe stuff... but there are people, for example, who are Christians who believe in crazy, fringe stuff. Looney birds are everywhere, and they come in all shapes and sizes. I'm sure they make up the minority of most mass movements, outside of cults.

Q is no cult - just look to covid, or Black Lives Matter, to see what a true pagan cult is.

GatesOfHell 2 points ago +2 / -0

She'd be expected to do this anyway, if we're really watching a 'movie.' The fact that she waited until basically the last minute may be telling.

If "the plan" is go, then the Dems and PedoJoe are 100% trapped at this point. Their option to concede is completely off the table, given the events of January 6/7. To appear consistent with the perceptions of the masses (prescribed by MSM), she has to resign her Senate seat - even if her indictment is imminent. Focus more on how reluctant she and PedoJoe are to physically approach DC.

GatesOfHell 6 points ago +7 / -1

Even easier: TheDoomer.lose

GatesOfHell 1 point ago +1 / -0

What specifically did OP predict, besides the Biden theft?

If Q/Trump are a DS larp, chances are OP would be aware of and would mention that fact. What would the "Nazipedia" consist of? Every post from any white person who ever visited any verboten site? Seems like an oddly specific undertaking, even for these monsters.

GatesOfHell 2 points ago +3 / -1

Hopefully, @Jack is going to be @Jail soon... either way, there's no doubt sh!t's flying, what with the Vatican craziness and all. And some other things we've all seen on here today.

GatesOfHell 3 points ago +3 / -0

His hair looks lighter in this video than it did today. Maybe it really was recorded prior.

Or maybe I'm just grasping at straws to puff hopium with. I'm just appalled and sickened at everything today.

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