I know that I don't have the drive and the charisma and leadership skills to organize my neighborhood, and I highly doubt that we have the social cohesion or will to pull together for any kind of actual insurgency. From the ground up, what can we do? I am assuming that the militias have to basically operate under the assumption that they've been infiltrated. As lone wolves, we are vulnerable to being picked off one by one. I don't like placing all of our hope in a nearly 80 year old man. Sitting back and watching seems like a great way to let the uniparty do whatever it wants. Where do we go? Who do we seek out? I'm a broke ass college student and that's not gonna change for a long time. What do I do if my school is shut down, and my financial aid is cut, and my dreams for a house and land and a stable job that pays me enough to live with some dignity go up in smoke? I don't have the money for guns and ammo and armor, and to be honest my body is too fucked up to fight, if we can even get enough people together to mount a viable resistance. I just want to live my life and not be so poor that I have to choose between fixing my car or paying the rent. Praying isn't enough. There needs to be some kind of plan B that provides us with a path to victory.


I just want to skip past all this nasty bullshit and fast forward to the point when Trump is declared The winner and we can get to the happy ending when all these traitors are finally on trial for all their crimes and the violations of their offices. This past 4 years has sucked so much ass and I just want it to be over with. I want the housing prices to go back down until you can get a 900 ft² two-bedroom apartment for $750 bucks and still bitch about how overpriced it is. I want the inflation to stop, I want the gas to go back to $2 a gallon, I want the price of beef to go back to $3 and below a pound the way it's supposed to be. I want the criminals to get locked up and stay in prison where they belong instead of being released back out on the street to terrorize regular people who are just trying to live their lives. I want to go back to being able to support myself with just one job without needing government assistance. I want to be able to eat out again and get an 11-in pizza for five bucks. I want to be able to get a big ass delicious sandwich for seven. I want my grocery bill for one person to be less than $600 a month. I want the food to go back to the way it was before there was poison in everything.

I just want things to go back to the way they were when a regular person could actually have a life. This past decade, I've seen such a rapid decline everywhere. I hope that Trump is going to be able to fix this. I hope that they aren't able to steal the election again. Can somebody just put me in a cryogenic sleep and time it to wake up after the election? I don't want to live through this anymore.


Mike Johnson was supposed to be this hard as nails maga Republican, but now that he has the speaker ship it seems like he's doing the same shit as every other rino. Soft words and advocating for border security when he has the power to literally cut the funding of border patrol and all the agencies on the executive branch who aren't doing their fucking job. The stroke of a pen is all it would take for him. Yet here we are getting like 100,000 illegal migrants coming in every single fucking day. He has the power to starve the executive branch and all the three letter agencies into submission. Yet he doesn't. Why is it that every person who gets into the speaker ship within a matter of months starts toeing The establishment line? My guess is they found something on him or his family or he's been bought off.

I live in central Oregon. I'm going to school here, and the level of ignorance and mindlessness is shocking. Every person here just seems to live with their head buried in the sand in this weird kind of stupor, and they all get so pissed off when you try to disturb it. None of them has even a basic grasp of the history of the 20th century, a person I know who is a fucking teacher doesn't know who George Orwell is, or even heard of Animal Farm. The kids don't know shit about world war 2, socialism, the nazis, fascism, and neither do the adults. How the fuck can you not know who the SS were? The vapid mindlessness of these people is astonishing. They say they're 'woke' but these people have their heads so deep in dreamland that it's like living in some cruel parody of a zombie apocalypse where the zombies don't even realize they're dead, and just continue on with their routines like 12 dollar a pound beef and 10 dollar gallons of milk are normal and should be accepted. I can feel myself slipping into that mindset of just sitting at home alone with my homework and my video games because it's just so freaking difficult to maintain a social life on top of just trying to barely survive. Whenever I try to talk about politics I just get the drooling stare from idiocracy or some bullshit mumbo jumbo feel good shit about womens rights or some regurgitated talking point from MSNBC or they just start yelling at me and not letting me speak. I can't date anybody from here because they are brainwashed. I can't make friends here because they are crazy. I can't connect with people here because they're all so goddamn shallow and vapid and LOBOTOMIZED. I legit haven't spoken a single word to another human being in 2 weeks outside of answering questions in class. I can feel the toll it's taking on my mental health.