But it has nothing to do with your Q psyop and you just don't get it, you are all a cult and are so brainwashed that you now are gainst the man that you are supposedly rooting for.

The system is corrupt and he is doing what he can, he is not a super hero, the military IS corrupt because it is part of the system and you are a fool if you believe people that are trained to follow orders are going to go out of their way to "save you".

Nothing is going to happen in march either, you will just keep moving the goal but the march thing is defnitely the last bastion you had because there is no more, the whole "corporation of the US" which was your last line of defense will crumble and you will be forcefully dragged to reality, many of you are so in denial that your big egos will still don't admit they have been fooled, no matter, deep inside each and everyone of you know you have been used, that you did nothing but stay in your homes hoping instead of going out and fighting in the election day or the next coulpe of weeks and month, to do something, you just stayed home and let this evil cunts get away with voter fraud, you guys did NOTHING.