They keep saying that they don’t want a civil war but slaughter billions with vaccines is ok. This makes no sense to me what so ever. I wan’t to kill them all. Every single one of them.


They all are complicit in treason and crimes against humanity.

The media weren’t fooled. They willfully did this. Media has never been anything more then the propaganda arm for the deep state. Make no misstake. This is nothing new, mainstream media’s purpose is to brainwash people, and so is public school of today..To raise complicit dept-slaves and consumers.

No one can walk, all must hang. Why no deals? Well, what does that do for people’s trust in the legal system?(Which is bad as it is already) Why should ordinary people care about the law if you can walk even when you have been part of the greatest crimes in human history? Nah we can’t afford that to happen. These people are rats..Treat them as such. Stop give the media the benefit of the doubt. 90% are evil and the rest 10% willfully ignorant . Make examples of them so people understand what’s happens when you blindly follow orders..You shouldn’t be able to say “ Oh I didn’t know, I’m sorry”

Let the stupid greedy millennials realize what happens when you betray your country for fame and riches. No one should EVER AGAIN feel it’s worth it.

Some might think it will be convenient to spare, so society can keep going. But this is bigger then that, people must start to get of the comfort-drug and think the long term. This is not about convenience but the survival of our civilization. They have already hurt so many children mentally with the lockdowns. The damages done to our countries is hard to fathom if you think in a long term perspective.


Never compromise with traitors and those supporting traitors. You are in a war and some people has recognized a foreign dictator as president. Make them understand you never will bend and the country will never be "healed" (BS word) as long its occupied by a foreign regime.


..Beacuse he is still the POTUS. Boom.


Had a chat with some normie sheep friends yesterday after some beers. They dont Care guys..They don’t care if they are free or not aslong they can borrow money from banks and have it nice overall, the governments benefits etc..They must feel the pain to change. Crash it all. Give them the vaccine and crash the economy. These people are lost


Check the comments :

I'm so sick of these people..Seriously, what the fucking hell? And know they will force the poison on children? I will never forgive these fucking idiots, i loath them more then anything. If the majority of liberals die its a win in my book, useful worthless idiots who has committed their life to destroy the west. Fuck them, fuck these atheist to hell and let them burn forever. I have a bad taste in my mouth just when hearing these snarky idiots speak.

The only forgiveness they should ask is from god, they are my enemy. I don't give a flying fuck about people who says we should be "tolerant" and "understanding" to these maniacs. Fucking pedophile enablers and filth.

Sorry, had to get that one of my chest even if it is not the prudent thing to say or think but ffs. Carry on now.


With risk of sounding like a libtard/commie..But just a curious question from a humble clueless European:

I don't care about people looks (women aside), i only care about peoples actions and morals. If they are a patriot who lives up to western values and culture and the love of all mighty god.

But in America it seems race has a very important role in your society.How you see each other, it seems as you guys always have a need to distant yourself from each other in that sense. (Its not about hate or so, its just that everyone seems so fixated about race its ridiculous)

Why is there a "black community"? "Asian-american community" "White community?" "Latinos"..For people in Europe we mostly would see you all as Americans. I do understand the fact that most of the immigrants to the new world was white Europeans so in that sense it is a "white nation" historically so that i respect in regards to identity and history i also think its fair to see it that way.

But today it just seems so weird to say and not sound racist no matter what race you are? And don't get me wrong, almost every American i've met in the US were LOVELY! Only great encounters, we meet a white cop in the middle of no where in Texas who stopped our car because i made a wrong turn, he was the typical "hillbilly cop "you see in movies but he was just cool against us, and he didn't give us a ticket because we where tourists and wished us a pleasant journey, best cop i ever met. And as i said, i'm black myself. So yea, it has nothing to do with that, its just how you talk about each other no matter if it is a positive sense or not.

Me and my friend from Sweden visited the US some years ago, and we did laugh about that fact that we rarely saw a black and a white walk side by side on the street. We did and people assumed we were cops (LOL) xD.

All sides are doing it. I mean, its strange to hear black people talk about racism when the majority of blacks are racist in my opinion, and i'm black myself but not American. I would dare to say that these days black people are more racist against others as towards themselves then any other group..But still everyone,no matter what "group" you think you are is always focusing on race..How will America ever be a united country if the race bating is such a normal part of your culture? I hear all sides speak like this and always has.

Your military don't seem to think like this? But the civilians this is a huge part in how you look at each other. Enforced by the democrats of course but still..

Any ideas?


I re-read the Harry potter books due to a notion i got some few weeks ago..

The Harry Potter series have obviously brainwashed a great many young people (especially women) to be in total obedience for the education system (taken over by the communist decades ago) and turn against their parents (Muggels) as well as the legal authority..

These books just screams MK-ultra/CIA brainwashing..Just think of Dumbledore. That is how they see "Obama" (Hussein)..And the deep state are wizards (Big tech programmers,CIA-agents.Hollywood etc..) House-elves are black people, Black elves are jews etc.. And Wizards are white people with power for the most part..Good and bad.

They see ordinary people like a lot of mid western families as useless muggles they should be in control of for the greater good. The brainwashing with racism in every corner is so obvious in the Harry Potter series, they have just swapped out the words.

Nationalist and patriots who understand what the deep state is..Well they are the Nazi "death eaters"..

This is very clever, because the DS understands how many young people today is looking for a meaning in a meaningless world..So they turn to this crap and larping Harry Potter on the streets. They truly believe people like Donald Trump is Voldemort etc.

You might find this is silly and far fetched, then i dare you look this up yourself..The movies are not as well painted in this subject as in the books, the books is truly some CIA-MK-ultra shit.

With all that said, the Harry potter books is also a window to the truth of our world. How the deep state (the wizards) as well as the white hats (also wizards) has been fighting along time and kept that world away from ordinary people (muggles). The books are quite raveling about the DS plans and how they control the world and look down on ordinary people weakness to not understand the obvious truth..Most people,they know nothing of what reality is.

And to be honest, regarding the young people who have been taking this way of thinking by heart. I don't think it will be possible to turn these people. They are so sick in the head they are beyond reasoning. They wan't to fight the same evil they have become without understanding it..And with their pride, they would never admit it if they even realized it..

So how did all come to this in the end overall? Harry potter is ofc just a part of a greater problem..

Too many western families stopped function the way a family is suppose to work..The deep state made the parents only care about material success (Always working) for expense of the care of their children who set off to "Hogwarts" (college) thirsty for attention and confirmation, something many rarely got from their parents always working...So to put it simply, the DS created a world where the parents gets as little time with their children as possible, with that i allude to the fact that many parents forgot to care about what their children where consuming on their free time and what they were thought in school which they spent a lot of time with communist traitors and such. A lot of cuck-men let the women in their house wear the pants to often who in many instances are really naive to the dealings of the government and the people in the top..Their blind belief many women has in the health system for example.

It's all comes together if you zoom out and look on what happen in the west the last 30 years..

The day i become a parent it will be my priority to have close eye on what my children are consuming at a early age..And teach them morals as fast as possible and that money and power over others is not the answer to everything no matter what they believe, no matter if you think them stupid or intolerant, it don't give them the excuse to rule over them.


J.K Rowling has ties to the Rothschilds..(imagine my fucking shock..)


Who owns and controls the biggest IP-backbone in the world? (country) Who owns the greatest fiber infrastructure in the world? (country) Which was the first central bank ever established? (country) US, China, Rus only the big players? Who owns Nasdaq? Who interconnects all central banks and commerce?

Sometimes the world is not what it seems.. When i say "country" think the family in that country..

The DS is promoting global socialism..The schools teach the kids socialism. Coincidence?

I know more about this then i can write here frens..But you have all been fooled. The Rothschild is not nr 1..Nor is the house of SA..

Nr 1..Is the quiete..Smart or "Very sharp" as Trump said..Guess what country.

The Wallenbergs are nr 1 (Sweden).. And has been ruling this earth like Sauron himself..

But a very few people can make that connection due to all secrecy..They are ruling in the shadows.

Look at Ericssons company logo, and compare it to Joe Bidens campagin logo..


When the stock market crash and the depression is a fact (great depression on steroids)..That will be the time the normies truly wake up in large numbers. A lot of these people, not only in US but in EU as well, only care about money and compare themselves with others on social media and such. They have no convictions, no morals, no curiosity,very low confident and a unhealthy fear of death combined in many cases with low IQ due to thinking like a NPC all their lives.

.Many of them are cowards in a way many here can't even understand.. They don't care about their country (many of them actually hate their country because of no more reason then commie-brainwashing tactics)

So in other words..The DS has corrupted them fully, and they are not themselves, they are puppets of the DS. Their mind is not their own.

Only way for them to wake up is to actually have them suffer so they can snap out of it. You cant argument and talk about justice with a person like that. They like the idea of cheating since it makes them feel superior and also it shows them you don't have to put in hard work in life getting what you want..Just cheat.

But when their precious belongings and money is forfeit, and the food shortage start..That is when they will understand. Will be to late for many, but yea, they sealed their own faith by being the miniature devils of the deep state.

When it hits them..We will be there and explain everything in detail. But we shall also tell them that they deserve this..They need this. This is the price they have to pay for turning on their own country and god. They should no get away easy or this will be for nothing. They will only realize what they have done when they are in the gutter..

They know that Trump won..But they rather destroy the foundations of the greatest country on earth, judging people to eternity of suffering if not patriots would have been in control and if this wasn't a trap.(which these idiots haven't realized yet) Only because they wanted to see someone like Trump, who they know is better then most of them in every category. win..Again..With his personality? They couldn't accept that..They rather trough the entire world in total darkness then have their pride and ego hurt. Do you guys realize that?

We shall not hunt this people on the street. But they deserve no pity at all. They should live in shame rest of their lives in my opinion. The damaged these people could have caused is to great to just slide.

"muh, what good will that do?" - It will change the culture. Children will learn from it. Their children will never to what their parents did and we have a golden opportunity to create a new foundation for the free world to advance in. Socialism will be forgotten forever.


Hear me out,

The cabals days are numbered..They know this is the end. The patriots and Trump have them corned and more states will audit the election after AZ, traitors will be round up and charged with treason and crimes against humanity. However..

The society that has existed the last 150 years, has only weakened and controlled people as well as steal their assets. The government and politicians has always been the enemy of free thinking people and they think they have the right to decide what i do with my life, property and children. People have had full confident in the society even tho it has been fucking them over year after year..

No matter who/what comes next..I'm sorry.. I will never again trust society or politicians no matter what side they are on. Its apparently to risky. This society has only caused me pain and stolen my freedom just so you can have useful idiots get stuff for free with my and other goods people's money and hard work.

The justice system is nonexistent, its just a temple of corruption. Q said that deals needed to be made our the US wouldn't have had a functioning government at the time. Hopefully the deals were just temporary, they must be punished. Don't care if they have to hang every politician/journalist in this world. They must die and face the wrath of the almighty. He might forgive them, that's not up to us. All global organisations must also cease to exist.

The only thing i would accept is a small community were equals help each other..But that's it.

I know that in the future most parts pf the world will function as it always has...Secrecy,classification so the public always will be in the dark on whats going on "for our own safety" and "for national security (corruption) and we will still be paying for everything but get nothing in return. There is no transparency anymore..

And i don't want to be a part of a society celebrating weakness and incompetence just so everyone can participate. And the end result is feminists, pedophiles, fags,lazy degenerates (communists) sociopaths and money grubbing traitors.

People must learn to know their place in this world. And sometimes, most of us won't get what we want here in life, our be the person we wished to be. But that is something people have to accept..(lefties). Nature wont always be nice to everyone so to say that everyone is equal is simply not true on a objective level.

Still i think what lays ahead will probably be very good for us all, and i do truly believe good people will be in control. But still..I think a lot of people will feel that their trust in the government and the institutions will be forfeit. You can't repair 150 years of lies with just swapping out some bad apples for now. This entire system was built for control and corruption. And it all started in Sweden in the middle of the 17th century.

I wouldn't mind America to be more like during the revelation era (1776). State rights, wealthy, competent,gun minding their own business. Suspicious against outsiders until they have proven themselves to the community. Self made christian people in other words. I'm sick and tired of the lazy, modern atheist human being just destroying everything which made the west great. They are like a plague of incompetence and weakness. That's why they need parents (the big government). I can never again have a respect them as equal adults, more like spoiled children. They need everything from me, but i need nothing from them? If you help them, they will just find a way to make it into a system were they can be like a blood sucking insect or parasites if you will.

I know this might not be the full picture of thing as for now since we all don't have the full picture of things. But for what we know right now, this is my stance. Feel free to disagree/agree or fill me in with pros/cons.

P.S, I don't hate people and everyone deserves a shot. I just don't want a government to tell me which persons deserve what or not.

Have a nice day folks, i'm praying for you all.



They will have a 5 days break for graduation of high school seniors as i understand it. Many feels this would be a opportunity for the demorats to strike with their commie-trix to do something with the ballots or so..(playbook known)

But what if it is something the white hats is counting on? Maybe they want the demorats to do exactly that and bust them with the fingers in the cookie jar? Just a thought


Hi all.

I've been on GA since last fall (two months before the election) I've started to follow Q about last spring. I've been a STRONG supporter of Trump since the beginning and was part of the first meme war. I have always understood the concept of dooming and it's exactly what the DS want's us to do. They are winning when we lose faith so i have always tried to be positive and stay the course.

Until some few days ago when i had a total meltdown due too family issues with the vaxx and seeing Trump promote it..

I went full retard-doomer mode and wasn't any better then the commie-retards trying to destroy this movement. Everyone have a really tough time right now so it was no reason for me to lose it all on Trump. I know this is very very complicated business and the best of changes takes time and sometimes needs sacrifice. This would have been so much worse with out Trump and the patriots. Without Q's drops i would now know the true meaning of despair..

Q has led us thus far and a lot of people has joined the movement to free the world from the satanic cabal. I was wrong in my despair and i will never again let this happen no matter what happens, no matter if Trump himself endorses Biden. We must pray and also realize that we are part of the change.

Yet again, i'm sorry for the doomer-mentality lately and sorry for the people i lashed out on.

WWG1WGA // Give them hell,



Trump has several times promoted the vaccine which sterilize people and kill infants.. I have no trust in him no more. "The best is yet to come.." Yea right. 70% or more will be dead and so will America and the west in general. But the best is yet to come right..I think we all have been fooled.


Not dooming, just saying. This is to big to ignore. Humanity is at stake.

EDIT: I just want to make clear that i agree with some of you guys that it might just be all LARP from DS shill etc. But only keeping a window open for the unknown..


If 150 millions Americans suffers from the vaccine..They either dies or gets permanently damaged. How will the country solve this? While China's population is secure and safe?


Is it today? Are we in for a big FF?

Truth.. (
posted ago by Gilgalad ago by Gilgalad

The DS are fucked and they know it. They are trapped. All we can do is wait and defend our selfs for the time being.

What ever happens, never be compliant or hand over the guns. Rise and fight, but follow the book.

Everything needs to be after the book..Thats why it had to be this way.

If they break the laws or initate a coup is to play into the hands of the DS.


Philip turned 99 and died on the 9th.

April 9th ​​is also the 99th day of the year

6 6 6, i kid you not.


Compare who you where as a person 2015 with now..

Alot of people now dooming about the DS has taken full control and its all over..

2015 most people knew nothing about any of this..They didn't see anything at all.

When Trump was in the primaries. So many called him a clown and the world would go under with Trump..

2016 - "He will never win"

(Fast forward 2021)

"Trump dooo something!!" "Hang them all!!" "Save the chilrden" "Trump is the greatest preisident ever" "Save us!" "Its over" "when will he return?" "Please make this stop, we want Trump" "He couldn't have lost" "Dont be compliant we have to fight" "WWG1WGA" "God help us"



The answer started with the calssic long troll smile just letting the silent talk for it self. Then he said " Well he's not at Mara A Lago"..Is that a hint or just a empty answer?


The plan was never to place Trump in the WH in D.C for a second term, but to totaly break the DS system world wide and create a new world i think non of us can imagine.

What do i mean by that? Everything. The economy,the institutions etc the presidency..Dont you get it? It was all a charade, it has always been fake..Its a matrix..A prison of our mind. The people never held power.. It was all a lie.. The wars..Everything was lie for at least 100 years

So those who say they want Trump back in the WH right know is missing the picture. That part has been played. This was never about Trump, this is about us all world wide. We have to wake up to understand that the society we relied upon just was a prison. Nothing more.

The patriots are trying to create a new world, not trying to WIN in the deep states world.

If everything would go "back to normal"..That is the DS normal. The world they control and rule.

It all comes down to one thing.. We must all unlearn what we think we know about the world. Its all just a prison of control.

We are in uncharted waters frens. Its natural to be afraid but we have to lift the focus. America is just a country, a piece of land and buildings. Its the people and the spirit that is important.

President, the White house..News..Congress,banks,fiat money..It was all fake, just to keep people compliant.

I do belive that Trump will be president, but you have to remember that its just the icing on the cake. Whats important is to awaken and free the world from the DS grip mentally. That is much harder then winning a other four years of nothing.


Do you think Donald Trump would say "the best is yet to come" if there where in the process of killing billions and sterilize 97% of all women taking the shot? Kill 50% of the US population? Do you think the military would stand down and let that happen?


I see these scenarios:

The vaccine that has been put in to people is not as bad as we think. Trump and the patriots know they can cure all the side effects. And since America is a free country and a lot of information is out there to the public, people will have to decide for them self.

  1. What we are reading in the media and reports on the internet with people dying and sever side effects is staged by the military, in other words all fake just to scare to show what would have happend..

  2. They cant save people from dying from the shot but can heal people with med beds..

All im trying to say is..

If you think that Trump and patriots in the government would let this all happend without a real fight and alert the public..

Why would they? If 50% of Americans die a civil war would have been preferd. No, i think this is all staged.


Stand your ground and defend you families. But have faith in Trump and the military..Because this is the time when it counts. Do you trust them?

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