I believe it was Kari Lake who said from the Pit to let 2020 go, and I was like...WHAT??
I do believe that the White Hats know precisely and exactly how to make sure every single future election goes exactly the way the voters wanted. They know they can't lose, and they want to rub the DS noses in deep shit enthusiastically by actually and truly voting them out the old fashioned way...
...thereby shocking the actual hell out of them and taking the country back, and potentially earning the people's trust in elections again (although that's a huge order).
What say you? Because I had hopes for August that are being dashed as I write, and I really don't care to take a dive into the pit of despair over it.
Telegram -- @Dan_Scavino_Q
Saturday July 23, 2022
4 posts / photos
(1) https://t.me/Dan_Scavino_Q/553?single (photo of gold bars)
-- Bankrupted. Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS,
Feds, Rederal Reserve are shut down
-- U.S. Corporation is bankrupted. Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara
Gesara is growing! ✨ QFS Nesara Gesara is manifested. The Global/Galactic Alliance
are still working on removing the vise-grip on humanity from the DS cabal
-- Currently removing the (s) spell on the global mass. The Great Awakening journey will
be more intense & get more turbulent. Earth & humanity are under construction while
business is still open.
-- The DS are in full panic mode, desperate & wounded & is lunging wild attacks. (s) energies
can not hide anymore as it is prevalent for all to see throughout the matrix society. True colors
are being revealed.
-- Much more ugly truths shall be revealed to the public."
(2) https://t.me/Dan_Scavino_Q/554?single (photo of more gold bars)
(3) https://t.me/Dan_Scavino_Q/555?single
"That's 1 billion 750 million Troy ounces. Roughly! With a current market value
of $1846 per Troy ounce! And if TRUMP RVs to the current debt clock paper to gold
value at $33,877 that calculates to a value of = $59,285,750,000,000 Or just a hair
under 60 trillion!!" 😎
(4) https://t.me/Dan_Scavino_Q/556?single (bars and bars of gold)
"With 650 flights, 60,000 tons of gold has been returned to the people of earth!!! (That's a
drop in the bucket)!!! From the Vatican flew to America.
"I’ve never heard of it. I know that the Western media and Russian anti-Russian “liberals” have been spreading the idea for obvious reasons. So far, the officials have denied it. Also, as far as this “order,” to begin a mobilization, a war must be declared first. All in all, for a number of reasons, it seems VERY UNLIKELY."
Europeans are marched into a digital internment camp:
European Digital Identity: Online consultation platform on European Digital Identity Wallets - https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/news/european-digital-identity-online-consultation-platform-european-digital-identity-wallets
In Bologna, Italy, a social credit system is introduced by the mayor and accompanied by applause. “Virtuous citizens” will score digital points: “Among the most innovative interventions is the smart citizen wallet. <…> "Citizens will be recognized if they separate waste, if they use public transport, if they manage energy well, if they do not take sanctions from the municipal authority, if they are active with the Culture Card".” (https://corrieredibologna.corriere.it/bologna/politica/22_marzo_29/bologna-patente-digitale-cittadini-virtuosi-punti-premi-un-app-tutti-servizi-5a861258-af3a-11ec-9372-638361423a51.shtml)
The World Government Summit, having among its members/partners WEF, IMF, World Bank, WHO, WTO, was held at the end of March, with topics like Designing the Future of Healthcare Systems, Enabling the Future of Education and Work, Building Cities of the Future. (https://www.worldgovernmentsummit.org/home#:~:text=World%20Government%20Summit%202022,29%2D30%20March%202022)
And privatization of nature continues as a “new asset class comes to the market”: “Natural Asset Companies (NACs) are a potential game-changer on a global scale. NACs will be newly formed, sustainable enterprises that hold the rights to the productivity and health of natural assets like land or marine areas. They are a new asset class on the New York Stock Exchange enabling owners to convert nature’s value into financial capital, using that capital to re-invest in the natural assets to protect them or improve their sustainable use.” (https://impactentrepreneur.com/natural-asset-companies-nacs/)
Home heating oil bill spiked by $180/mo. With gas and food at unsustainable levels, it seems ridiculous to keep sending money to criminals in favor of my being able to feed my family. I just know they'd love to foreclose on everyone they can, but that process takes time. My house is likely paid for three times over by now.
What a shitty choice to make.

by Mikhail
The nazification of Europe is in full swing – or, rather, there is nothing new under the sun, as the masks are off. No, no, racism and xenophobia are not tolerated in modern Europe; some of it is even a criminal offense there – except when it is directed at Russians.
People get beat up on the street for speaking Russian. People lose jobs for being Russian. Students get expelled from universities for being from Russia. Children get bullied at schools because their parents are Russian. Some restaurants deny service to Russians. A German clinic announced it will deny treatment to people with Russian and Belorussian passports. Books by Dostoyevsky and Chekhov, music by Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich get banned, etc. etc., etc. Today Russians in Europe are like Jews in the Nazi Germany in 1930’s.
It’s a chance not to be missed to find unity around the idea of hatred, as the idea of European unity around peace, reconciliation and democracy (for which the EU got the Nobel Peace Prize) has not been working.
That Europe is getting united around racism/nazism is a small surprise. Five hundred years of colonialism did not go without a trace. Colonialist/racist Europe never had a problem with nazism; for a short period of time in the 20th century, when it was occupied by Germany, it only had a problem with Hitler.
It is no different today. Leopold II, who killed about 10 million in Kongo, is commemorated in monuments all over Belgium. Open racist Churchill, who starved to death millions in Bengal, is voted the greatest Briton of all time. There are annual marches of Waffen-SS veterans and their fans in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. Ukraine that has become a hotbed of nazism is “in good company” there.
Consequently, Western leaders threatening Russia with “The Hague” probably realize that, with Russia declaring denazification as one of its goals in Ukraine, Europe may in fact be heading toward another Nuremburg.

Granted, it isn't strictly all inclusive to say that everyone in the world pays the Olympics any attention at all. The opening ceremonies just started, and it's already clear that the significance of the moment hasn't been lost on the communist planners.
The many cultures that make up China were 'represented', and standing in two lines to pass along the Chinese flag between them. At the end of these beautifully costumed figures were waiting a group of soldiers, creepily taking over the task of passing the flag along to then goose-walk it away from 'the people.' Propaganda much?
It's entirely repulsive to see everyone wearing masks...especially athletes after they compete. All the people involved across the globe have been warned not to say or do anything in Beijing that might upset the delicate communist sensibilities.
Why did we allow this? Anyone?