A few days ago there was a post with UK data showing how hospitalizations increase with increasing Covid boosters. You can’t search or scroll back and find it. If anyone k owns how I am trying to redpoll a family and could really use that. The husband is oblivious and trying to vax the wife so they can go on some cruise - she doesn’t want it and wants supporting evidence. Thanks team!


I have a friend who is the plant manager of a large facility that is double jabbed. His operations manager just got the booster and is not doing well. He has now seen enough and has been red pilled into fighting back against the mandates. That said, he and a large number of his employees are now suffering from fatigue, short of breath at times etc and he asked me what can they do to combat some of these side effects. In the beginning, he thought he was doing the right thing and setting an example for his employees but now knows he was wrong. He now refuses to get any boosters and is going to fight for his guys to remain unvaxxed/unboosted as he can.

I have seen a number of threads on here with herbal teas, glutathione, Ivermectin and other things that could/should be taken to perhaps counter some of the vax side effects. Could everybody please repost any links that discussed this topic.? We need to help those that are suffering but have come to their senses. Now is one of those times. Thanks my fellow pedes and autists.


This video posted on GA earlier today...................perhaps opinion, perhaps supernatural, perhaps biblical.


Now watch Bill Gates confirm that the mRNA technology to do thIs already existed in 2005. Listen to HOW he explains they would vaccinate everybody. The irony here is that the US officials think he is talking about eliminating GOD from muslims lol. He was always targeting the God of Christianity!
