Looking for a video of a black woman living in one of Trump's properties. She explains she had no where to go and would have ended up on the street. Trump met with her and let her stay. He also made sure she was taken care of. Has anyone else seen this video? Can you send me a link?


Appreciate any information on this agreement.

Take this job and... (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Gmlogmd1776 ago by Gmlogmd1776
Do not comply. (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Gmlogmd1776 ago by Gmlogmd1776

I have lived in Western NY all my life and this just feels off to me. We have never experienced this to this level. I would love to know the community's take on it.


Any medical recommendations? Any possibility to reverse or heal from the vax at this point. He is vaxed with two boosters. None of my brothers would listen to me and I am very upset about this.


The recent Biden documents is turning out to be a fairly decent red pill and want show the unfair treatment of Trump and the Biden situation is much worse.


Need help. I am currently red pilling my three brothers with Twitter and FTX. They don't believe that there is a connection with FTX and Ukraine. Any FTX research you can share would helpful.


I see many comments that these recent Q posts are not real. They lack any new intelligence or revelations. Just throwing this out there... Could this be on purpose? You seasoned freedom fighters are no longer the primary audience. There are many newbies to the movement. Could these be written for them? Written to motivate them, make them feel part of it and get out and vote. Think about it, the mission is at a later stage. I could feel a newbie getting a charge out of these and be willing to share them. There is nothing that someone hasn't already witnessed and perfect for normies at this stage. Another argument is the term "White hats" was never used before. So what? We are at a different stage in the mission and the term has been used widely. It would be something the newbies would understand. Question for the deniers of these posts... If you were trying to bring newbies into the fold, make them feel a part of this, clearly put the the problem of corruption in the forefront and get out the vote, how would you have written them? I think they are brilliant and fitting for the audience now and this stage of the mission. WWG1WGA!

Announcement. (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Gmlogmd1776 ago by Gmlogmd1776
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