If it’s all BS, why do they even care?

If we are all just “crazy conspiracy theorists” why do they invest so much time, effort, & money into censoring us so people can’t read/hear what we have to say?

If we’re all just “wasting our time” then why do they spend so much of their own time, trying to get us to stop wasting ours? I mean, that’s nice of them... but frankly, it’s becoming a bit over obsessive...

They don’t just dismiss us, they loathe us, they foam at the mouth when speaking about us. We’ve driven them beyond absolute maddening obsession and it’s honestly hilarious but also quite sad to watch.


I've noticed a lot of topic dilution lately. You'll read an interesting title but when you look at the comments, it's 90% puns, jokes, references, etc., which is entertaining to read of course, but totally kills analytical debate and further research/discussion of the OP topic. One of the greatest things about this community is the peer review/discussion and I've noticed an extreme shift away from that over the last few days which is a tactic of forum infiltration.