GodSaveTheEmperor -2 points ago +2 / -4

You are missing the forest for the trees. Yes any air force plane he is on is AF1 but why wouldn't he take the custom built plane made just for his security an safety.

Their would be a specific reason. Now we don't know if this is a smaller Boeing that GEOTUS took to several rallys that Biden could be using.

Wilmington airport is small. Digging needs to occur still but....

WTF? Chill out. Read what you wrote, read your absolutes and now realize you made that comment about something you don't even underfuckingstand.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is true but their are also 2 specific planes the POTUS would use that were custom built for potus that would only not be used for a specific reason.

We dont custom build a plane for the security and use of the president and then not use it for shits and giggles.

That is clearly not the 747 commonly used as AF1. There is a smaller one that GEOTUS took to and mentioned at some of his airport rallys during the campaign.

We simply have to compare Biden plane to that plane to verify or dismiss this.

Eta: going off memory but I believe Trump said the smaller one was a 737 at the rally.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why not find what the truth is instead of "believe"?

Dig on the plane. The airport in Wilmington is small so the usual plane shouldn't be able to land there. So what plane is that? Is it the known and previously photographed smaller plane usually used for the POTUS?

Should be easy to compare.

Do some plane fagging. Was it designated as AF1?

Sorry but just believing something without verification is idiotic. Get to work or ignore it but don't just believe because you want to.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hell if I know. I imagine they can take a helicopter at that airport and I imagine that would make more sense.

Was raining yesterday in DE could be as simple as that.

Just playing devils advocate. We need to do more digging on what actual plane this is. Jut reading the comments, many false assumptions are making this true, not facts.

It could be. Hope it is.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey! Turn off that blue light filter before you take a screenshot jackass!

Lol, jk but yeah kinda not.

GodSaveTheEmperor 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not trying to be a butthead but the DE airport is very small, I would be surprised if it could handle the usual plane used. I know for a fact it has size restrictions, don't have what those are available.

Not saying something isn't up here but we need to do more digging and verify this isnt the smaller of the 2 usual planes used.

GodSaveTheEmperor 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are two specific planes they use. One bigger than the other depending on destination.

But no, those planes are only considered AF1 if the POTUS is a passenger. The designation follows the president.

Thats assuming a air force aircraft.

Marine aircraft is marine 1, specifically 1 of two helicopters usually used but as with AF1 it follows the potus to any marine aircraft.

Same goes with navy, aka navy 1. Or coast guard, which would be coast guard 1.

A private plane would be designated executive 1.

Anyhow. Yes af1 does include specific purpose built craft for POTUS but are only called such with the correct passenger.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has anybody verfied that it isn't the smaller air craft used for smaller airports? I know for a fact the airport in DE cannot handle certain planes.

Just a thought before I get too excited.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

I pay attention. I am low risk and long term. Have fun money for risk. Index funds are complete shit. If anything atleast find an index type fund that drops the losers... i stand by what I said. Shitty advice.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't need allies. Just other people to see what I see and it seems they do. In AMC because squezze or no squeeze the price is good value... especially now. AMC is a $30 stock after covid now that bankruptcy is off the table.

GME good stock... not in and already said look for lower price if long term.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

GME has good fundamentals. That is why they were choosen. They were being bankrupt by bad players. That is the point.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

If peolple keep buying and holding the price has to go up.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trust yourself. Truth is, if you have to ask, you shouldn't be investing. Learn first.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Couldn't disagree with you more. I'm not saying buying gme now and holding it longterm is smart. I'm saying in the longterm I see GME as a good investment and a good company. People buying in amc are making money. I am one of them, but I dont care, I just ljke the stock. It can go up or down, I don't care.

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

I own amc. I dont care about china, I just like the stock

GodSaveTheEmperor 6 points ago +6 / -0

The worst case scenario is you lose everything you invest, best case snenario you exit a millionaire.

At this point , invest in GME as a statement, not a money maker. AMC has plenty of juice left if you want to attempt both. Don't get me wrong, I like GME and AMC both longterm. Both are gambles so buy because you want to be a part of it, not for easy money.

GodSaveTheEmperor 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its part of the psyop. Fracture the base and get them infighting. Just ignore it.

GodSaveTheEmperor 2 points ago +2 / -0

Awesome work! Great job! The 1776 report would be a great thing to archive imo

Eta... i uploaded it to maga host here https://f.maga.host/e0I72gu.pdf

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only for the radical left

GodSaveTheEmperor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything everyone keeps expecting to happen is all just guessing on the information we have.

Informed but still guessing. We have more than we know, that certainly means we don't know what we have.

I wanted all of those things to happen exactly as everyone else did. They didn't.

This has to happen the way it has to happen. However that is. I ask people not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

If things didn't go as expected, it proves our interpretation wrong, it doesn't disprove what we already have confirmed.

Just my thoughts

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