This speaker of the house selection is embarrassing and an humiliation to the republican base. Why cant the republicans in the house come together and elect a person who is strong in their conviction to represent this country and it people? mccarthy is not it. Jim Jordan was in, and i like him, but he said no and he stated he supports kevin. Why? Jim is one of the most articulate and intelligent reps in the house. Now iam wondering why of all the people would Jim Jordan support Kevin? Kevin does not have a backbone at all and noone trusts him to do a job that entrusts the needs of the American people first. Some say he is another Paul Ryan. Now i hear on the Joe Segulo show that Mccarthy is very conservative but looking at GAW and from what folks are posting, this isnt the case. Also i heard on the show that the 20 dissenters do not have a cooperative front to negotiate terms and so its mostly chaos rather than a controlled dissent to force a positive outcome. This is just bullshit in that we get a majority after all the chaos that america went through and now we have to deal with infighting..... Could this be a way to expose more RINOs ? Jim are you a RINO for supporting Kevin?

Wondering if i should redirect all my investments to gold and silver. Are there trustworthy companies out there for precious metals investments? Open to thoughts....