If you missed the Maria Bartaromo interview with Trump this past weekend you need to go find it. He flat says i took the vaxx. In the father of the vaxx. The beautiful perfect vaxx that stopped a spanish flu type event. If i were president everyone would want it. The vax hesitate just don't trust the Biden regime. He use to be antivax. The money has gotten him. Huge donations from from big pharm.


I had a new Tee-Shirt made that gets two or three positive comments everytime I wear it. People are waking up.

                   I TRUST
                 DR. SUESS
            MORE THAN I TRUST
                  DR. FAUCI
2 Presidents (rumble.com)
posted ago by GoldFish ago by GoldFish

Sorry for the youtube link. This Old Dog hasn't learned another way to share yet. https://youtu.be/Y2QNnoqc3XU

I had never heard of this movie and considering that cast, that makes it very interesting.

IF Biden is not in the Whitehouse where is Jenn doing press conferences? Can we compare past pictures with where they are now? Also if they are Castle Rocking the press conferences are the press members complicit in that?