A dear friend, who still follows the MSM (still believes the piss tapes narrative, that Trump took the wheel of the Limo)… and I are getting into it on FB.

Does someone have a link to a compilation of all the mainstream media lies that turn out to be false about Trump that I can share with him to pink pill him?

I’m involved in a political action group that is working on the grassroots, local level to help change things like what’s going on in the schools.

Last night one of the members made a post conflating Q with InfoWars. I had to stand up - he said he knew half the crew on that C-17 that “Q claimed was an inflatable”… said that “this chemtrail stuff is causing us to lose Credibility”

I asked him to substantiate which post he was referring to, he said well… “Not Q but Q followers then”. He then said what we really need is for Tucker Carlson to expose what’s going on, otherwise everybody he talks to is just gonna shrug and look at him like he’s crazy.


How would you respond? Keep in mind these are our fellow patriots —- thank you.