I know the pharmacist at the Sams Club.
I told her what happened and she was shaking up. It seemed like that was something she did not really think happened. I know that she would not be one that would hurt someone on purpose.
My thinking is this. Hopefully you will not have to do this but if someone you know dies from that shot let your pharmacist know. Maybe ask for help in how to report it. Even if that person died in another state. Just let the pharmacist know you personally know the person that died.
We have to assume that most pharmacist are just doing a job and they have not connected the shot to the deaths.
If they start getting personal reports it will help break through the false narrative.
I just got a phone call. He died this afternoon.
I don't even know what to say. I just don't have anybody else that I can share my frustration with. So I am posting this here.
Thanks for just being here.
Thank you mods for making this place available.
On Thursday trading halted because limits were hit. They were automatic halts. Friday seemed completely different to me.
The trading halts happened for what appeared to be no reason. It is very possible I missed something.
Assuming I didn't for a minute. What was the result of the trading halts.
The result was price started dropping. Now we know the price shot up like a rocket. You have to expect a pullback from something like that. It just seems a little too convenient. Almost like someone planned to pause the market repeatedly so that everybody could get board to work together and short.
Who knows what will happen tomorrow. On the one hand I want to see price go through the roof. On the other hand I want price to drop so I can buy more.
I know the black hats cannot allow this venture to work. So they are in a bind. If it works they will lose the narrative completely. They lose the narrative = they lose everything.
They have the same problem they had with the election. They were overwhelmed.
Did they short to a point that they are shorting shares that do not exist?
From what I understand there are less than 30 million shares of DWAC. About 1/2 billion shares traded hands on Thursday.
That means on average each share traded about 17 times on that day.
For sure many shares were day traded but what if shorts just keep shorting not expecting the massive volume and now they are trapped?
If so I would expect the price to drop tomorrow and stay low for a little while. They have to go all in or they are completely screwed.
Of course I could be completely wrong but my gut is telling me when this blows it will make all other short squeezes look like kindergarten games.
I think we might need to watch what happens with Evergrande in China. I have heard that Blackrock (which owns just about everything) and some other really big names are in trouble if Evergrande goes down. Upwards of 30 trillion in trouble. If that blows up they will not be able to hold shorts in DWAC. (My guess of course is they are knee deep in this)
The CCP in China is in trouble. If Evergrande goes down so do they. So does the power people behind the curtain in China
We are watching a real war being played out right in front of us. This war is all or nothing.
I really do not think DWAC is going up this week. At the same time I think the more it stays down the more fuel is added to what is coming.
We don't know the short interest so we have no idea. No matter what happens over the next few weeks. When it is all said and done this has been planned out for a long time. I really believe Facebook, Twitter, and the rest are not going to be what they are right now and DWAC (or whatever the name and symbol will be) will be the new king.
I would like to buy more but I am not going to chase the price. If they want to continue to force the price down awesome I will buy more.
With all the retail investors and the massive volume this should be easy to borrow.
Unless of course everything available to borrow is already borrowed and shorted.
BTW (HB) hard to borrow means you can't borrow the stock to short because there are no shares available. A broker sells you a stock. That broker then makes that stock available for others to short. The broker itself may short the stock to sell to you in the first place.
If they don't crush DWAC they WILL lose the narrative. That will be game over for them.
So they are trapped. They must short this. The only way they can win is if give them our shares.
This is a classic President Trump and the Q team trap for the black hats.
We are the weapon the team will use. Just by holding on and trusting the plan.
This is war. If you believe NCSWIC you know where this stock is going.
This has a VERY GOOD chance of leading to the short squeeze that will be talked about for generations.
From the little I have been able to piece together the big players have major problems with the Chinese Evergrande default problems.
I suspect that the Q team knows exactly what they are doing. I would not be surprised that the short squeeze happens at the same time liquidly for the big guys has dried up because of Evergrande.
You might have heard that Evergrande is a 20 billion dollar problem. From what I am hearing it is more like 30 TRILLION dollars. It is freaking massive.
Think about it for a minute Would China allow everything to collapse over 20 billion dollars?
President Trump said a few months back that China owes 10 Trillion dollars to the US alone. https://www.irishpost.com/news/donald-trump-says-china-must-pay-at-least-10-trillion-in-reparations-for-covid-19-213814
Nobody including President Trump expects China to pay anything like that to anybody.
Maybe, just maybe president Trump was letting us know what is really going to happen in this war.
If the price comes back to anywhere near where it was yesterday I will buy more.
Trading is being halted because of price movement. NOT BECAUSE OF VOLUME.
To me it looks like there are no retail sellers. Short sellers quickly drop the price to whatever they need to create a halt. With has little volume (capital) as needed.
Investors sometimes only look at price and don't pay attention to volume. Price + volume shows you how much money is really changing hands.
They can only drop the price so far until it hits a pocket of buyers. That pocket may be around the mid 80s (not sure of course). If they try dropping to price below where the pocket of buyer are sitting they will have to massively add to their selling volume. We will see
Halted a 3rd time within seconds of the 2nd halt ending
The black hats were overwhelmed in the 2020 election. They had to shut everything down to made adjustments to the votes. Yesterday with MASSIVE volume the price stayed about the same during the morning.
I wonder if the black hats (Facebook, twitter, etc) were trying to suppress the price by shorting during the morning.
If so they finally failed and the price took off like a rocket. If they did not cover their shorts they are F#cked.
It appears we are watching a short squeeze being played out right now.
Of course this is just a guess on my part.
The media has been trying to convince us that there is a small minority of far right people that believe what President Trump is standing for.
Sometimes even we feel alone
Maybe DWAC is about to show us and the rest of the world that there is MASSIVE support for what President Trump stands for.
We can't tell people how much support President Trump has because they just can't hear it.
If DWAC keeps doing what it is doing even the media will not be able to hide it.
Not a ton of shares at $89 but price did get there
The price right now is $66.00 This is crazy
The vaccine has not been proven safe and effective. If it was it would be approved by the FDA.
According to the Pfizer website their vaccine has NOT been approved. Therefore there is NO proof that the vaccine is safe or effective.
As far as I am concerned the FDA is full of crap. So for me they are not the final word. Still even the compromised FDA will not give approval to the Vaccine.
I am hearing about big name people that are "pro vax" but anti mandate fighting on our side. As far as I am concerned they are full of crap. They are saying that the government has no business having mandates. Why in the world would we want to fight that battle? Why are they pretending that the vaccine without the mandate is safe without proof?
The battle right now should be these vaccines are not vaccines at all. They are experiments and anyone taking the shots are part of a experimental test. Basically a lab rat.
No one should be forced in any way to be involved in any medical experiments against their will. No matter how good it makes someone else feel.
This is NOT about mandates. That is just total BS. This is about being forced to be involved in a medical experiment with biological material that has not been proven to be safe or effective.
There are mandates for different vaccines already. It is a small jump for the courts and the public to toss the mandate nonsense aside.
So when someone says the vaccines are safe and effective why won't we take the shots. Our answer should be it is not up to us to prove the medical experiment is or is not safe. It is up to the manufacture to prove to the FDA through science they are safe and effective. They have not done that. So why should I blindly ignore science and put my trust in these multi-billion dollar corporations?