President Trump has said vote Red even if that means voting for RINO's. He said we will deal with RINOs later. This election is more that the House and Senate. This 2022 election is for all the state legislatures across the country. If the Republicans win tomorrow we will look into all the nonsense in the 2020 election.
The fraud will be exposed. They will also see that they not be able to secure the 2024 election.
In my opinion (my opinion is worth so much that if you add about $5 to it and you can buy a cup of coffee just about anywhere)
Like I said, In my opinion tomorrow we are electing the very people that will be electing the president in 2024.
There is a very good chance that the 2024 election will not happen. At least not the way it has been done in the past. They will not use a popular vote which has been proven to not be secure.
We will go back to the constitution. The state legislatures will vote their states electoral college votes without using a popular vote. A popular vote is not required by the constitution. We vote for many of those state legislatures tomorrow.
The bottom line. The military is in control but they are in the background. This is how they will secure the elections going forward.
I thought the draw down of the strategic oil reserves was to keep the price of gas down leading up to the election.
It could be possible that they know they cannot win the election. Even with lower gas prices. so maybe that is not the reason.
They are setting up for right after the election. They are draining the reserves. We are running out of diesel. Without diesel everything comes to a halt. Will there be a railroad strike at a time when trucks can't get diesel?
Also are they going to try and start a war with Russia when our country will be hard pressed to secure enough oil for everyday use and war operations?
Things can go ballistic quickly.
Just passing this on for our Canadian friends.

For this I am going to assume a massive red wave. I know that is a big assumption.
If MAGA (not Rino's) win in November in a massive wave can they shut down The insane Biden administration? If the win is big enough congress could be veto proof. Is that the point where the administration in reality has no power?
I agree with him about that. That thought has me thinking.
By now just about everyone knows that the Dems are going to be destroyed in November. There is just no way for them to win.
Is there going to be another massive cheat? Just enough to keep them in power. They don't have a choice. They have to win or they lose everything.
Also, does the Trump Team really want to appear to be in control of anything when the walls come crashing down? If somehow the Dems cheat it will be over the top no question about it obvious for all to see. The media will once again back them. Only this time when the pain of reality hits home the people will finally wake up and see the media for what it really is.
Believe me I am tired of these games put I just don't see the deep state allowing the election to go against them without fighting with everything they have left.
About freaking time
I almost wonder if the market will revisit where the market was when President Trump was sworn in back in 2017. They are trying to cancel everything He did. This is going to get bad, very bad.

Let's just assume that the Dems know they will not be able to cheat enough to win this November. That speech was not designed to help them win. It was a setup for 2024
If that is true we can expect MAGA to have a great election night.
In 2024 the Dems will face MAGA with many already in office. I suspect they will find a "Moderate" candidate that can unite the country to end the extreme MAGA . The Dems could claim that some in the party were too extreme for America (the Biden speech) and that is why they lost.
That moderate will be Hillary

Here is something to think about. President Trump announces he is running for 2024. Will Twitter be required to allow him to post. Or will Twitter be required to also block the Democrat candidate?
I don't believe for a minute that President Trump will go back to Twitter. That is beside the point. If they block one side can they be sued if the allow the other side?