We know they will be forced to cheat once again. They have no choice. Once again it will be "the most secure election in American history" Maybe even more secure than the 2020 election.
When the count is over the Dems will keep control of the house and they will pick up enough Senate seats to push through anything they want without question.
We know that things will continue to get worse and worse leading up to and after the election.
We also know that everything hinges on the Precipice. Only when that happens will people find the will to change and break the system of control.
Is it possible that the steal will be so over the top that nobody tries to defend it. Yet at the same time nothing is done about it (in public).
Will the pain get so bad that the public finally comes to its senses and realizes that criminals run the country and are in the process of destroying everything we have?
My gut feeling tells me this election will not fix anything except for one thing. A vast majority will wake up to what is happening. When that majority feels maximum pain they will rebel against a system that they know is not legit.
I think that it is important that we all get out and vote. A massive turn out is extremely important. There can be no real question about who really won.
I expect things to get a lot worse, a lot worse. War with Russia? Food shortages? Marshal law? Jail for ANYBODY that questions the government? The bible talks about the mark of the beast. It says that no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark. The bible doesn't say that the governments talked about the mark and tried to make it work. It says that the mark of the beast will happen.
I honestly think we have no idea how bad things need to get for the public to finally wake up. Q drop 4685 https://qposts.online/?q=4685&s=postnum

Right now the QQQ (NASDAQ) is where it was during the 2020 election. Every dollar in the NASDAQ that was put it since Biden "won" is now under water. I bet you a whole bunch of people have the warm fuzzies for Joe right about now.

Over night the market dropped again. Pretty much anybody that bought and held in the NASDAQ since the election of 2020 is now under water.
Ecclesiastes 10:2
2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. 3 Even as fools walk along the road, they lack sense and show everyone how stupid they are.
We know that Ukraine is Deep State and needs to be fixed. President Trump says that Russia would not do any operations in Ukraine while President Trump was in office.
Just today I think I understand what President Trump was saying.
He needed to not be seen as in charge while the Ukraine operation was happening.
That means the good guys knew the election was going to be stolen and they allowed it to be stolen. Because they knew this was all coming down. The black hats had no choice because they had to steal the election.
Talk about a 5D trap. The black hats were forced to steal the election which the white hats won but did not want it to appear as if they won. The white hats did not want to be seen as in control during this phase... optics
Trump is saying that if he was seen as winning the election Russia could not remove the deep state from Ukraine. I think what he is also saying is once this is over we wil continue to have record low gas prices
If that is anywhere near true than it is possible that there are some real patriots (that we think switched from white hat to black hat) are saying there is nothing to see in regards to the stolen election. They know that the time is not right to fix the election. Not until what must be done is done.
Now that the black hats appear to be in control, the military is doing its thing in Ukraine. I had thought that the statement that the military was the only way meant the American Military. It means much more than that. The Russian Military maybe the Chinese Military and other militaries.
Americans have no problems with other countries. Americans have a problem with the Deep State of those other countries. It could very well be that these other countries that have a deep state problem also have military's that are very nationalistic. They don't want globalism. They want their country to be strong just like we want our country to be strong. The average American does not want to attack other countries. I suspect that people in other countries want to be strong but they also do not want to just go out and attack someone else. It could very well be that the military is the only way is referring to almost all militaries across the world. Everyone has a common emery.. The cabal.
When this is over I really hope that we can get a copy of this movies playbook. lol Heck even the cliff notes would be great. https://qagg.news/truthimages/167321f5e4b6309f.jpg
If anybody was thinking of picking up a few shares now is the time to think harder. Of course price could go lower but you just have to take you best shots. demand zone 88-92
Not only that but today during regular business hours trading hit the highest high since the initial blast off launch back in October. Today is the first time price broke above $100 during regular hours since the two day surge in the beginning.
I hope Q drop 4915 isn't referring to people like me that use Android phones.
4519.. The truth won't be for everyone... Bummer. :(
Truth Social is not available at the google play store yet.
There appears to be 2 fake Truth Social apps in to play store now. Mega Hub and Vero.
They are not the Truth Social apps we are waiting for.
Be careful if you are using them
2/22/22 is this twosday. :)
If Russia does not invade Ukraine tomorrow Brandon will be up for the Nobel Peace build back prize better... You know, the thing.