I’m looking for the video where it’s some intel agency discussing how they can target the God gene in humans and basically turn it off. It’s an older video.


What’s the name of the website where you can search for reported side effects by vaccine lot number?


I know I saw the video of her vowing to get trump if she was elected. During her campaign. Going home knowing she sued him. Can’t find the video anymore. Can someone please point me in the right direction?


Is there any videos out there that recorded the actual tornados... I think a saw one. Has anyone else found some good videos?


Is it me or are there way less military planes in the sky right now?

5:24 pm PST


What’s the best Ham Radio or CB Radio (not sure if they’re the same or not) to buy in case of an emergency or communications blackout? I’m not real familiar with this type of equipment.

Thanks. Much appreciated!


Does anyone have that video handy showing the D.U.M.B.s and children being rescued. From the tunnels and from under the Whitehouse that one night all the First Responders were there?


Dear fellow Hold The Line Humans 🗺♥️🙌🏼 - Please feel free to share the below and help us spread the message!

We are looking for volunteers to help with any city that wishes to take part in the World! We require local knowledge and people to help organise things; like choosing a busy central starting point where we are able to easily build a line of people linking arms and holding signs! It will be great to connect cities and ultimately go across whole countries and even continents if we can drum up the support!

For the greatest impact we should be aiming to get the line onto main roads and/or highways, whichever is safer of course. Our intention is to create a feeling of community and solidarity in our stand against what is going on all around the world. 🌎🗺

By Holding The Line we can create a visual that would spread around the world and be impossible for governments and media to ignore. It will also allow us to fully measure the amount of people who love their freedom and autonomy!

Bring your good vibes to contribute to our happy tribe! Our future generations are relying on us, and we cannot let them down on our watch! Let’s DO THIS people! 💃🕺

Date: 11th September 2021

We have created a series of groups to accommodate the planning for each city and adding more and more as we go long.

Channels already live and starting to plan and organise:

HTL Main Central Group - https://t.me/AF_Holdtheline

London - https://t.me/joinchat/k2Nrj0atbnNiYTA0

Birmingham - https://t.me/joinchat/tRn3ARDoGioyZjg0

Newcastle - https://t.me/joinchat/S1gOtmHLcFc2NDFk

Leeds - https://t.me/joinchat/TP-9VNkJ6wExYWE0

Bath & Bristol - https://t.me/joinchat/4DGCo4--6qY1MDA0

Sheffield - https://t.me/joinchat/zVdxwNPeOGA5ODg0

Liverpool - https://t.me/joinchat/zgeHkNU947JkYWY0

Manchester - https://t.me/joinchat/V-Y1Z9uHce40ODA8

Glasgow - https://t.me/joinchat/vOpNjxCnYjg0OGZk

Edinburgh - https://t.me/joinchat/-1kwIuG9vn01NmQ0

Belfast - https://t.me/joinchat/oDqVMH7ULN9kODk0

Dublin - https://t.me/joinchat/zClVnkdkkkxkNjQ0

Dundee - https://t.me/joinchat/4kwAORximlpmMDk0

The idea has now taken off in the US also, so we have already formed groups for:

Los Angeles - https://t.me/joinchat/V3nCd5ocz8YyOTBk

Idaho - https://t.me/joinchat/tQ9WUS9v6wIxYmI0

Now is a time to draw a line that shows that we stand together, and nothing is going to stop us. 👊🏼🙏🏼☀️🙌🏼🔥♥️


It’s usually not like this all localized and everything.


My buddy is a LA City firefighter. He said that they are going to force them to get the experimental poison or lose their job. I believe he said it was his union requiring it.

He asked me if I have any resources or sample letters (legal and otherwise), where it states that it is illegal to force someone to receive a non FDA approved experimental drug.

This is how he explained it:

“The city of la is requiring it. And our union is in limbos on if they’re going to support our choice in getting it or not and our union has not told the city that is firefighters will not be following the requirement

It’s not about requiring an FDA approved vaccination or not it’s about forcing us to be required to put a medical experiment in our body’s if we don’t want too”

Can someone please lead me in the right direction to find these resources or share them if you already have them.

Thank you!!


Trying to find articles and information regarding the effects of the experimental injection on pregnant women. Tried searching online through DDG and Qwant, but there is sooo much bullshit disinformation articles and studies out there that are BS. And I know I’ve saved the articles out there and studies but I can’t find them right now.

Trying to explain to a woman that she should not get it if she wants to have kids.



About 10 min I think. And lays out how Trump is fighting child sex trafficking...I think it was posted like a week ago.



I’m looking for that video where it explains how Trump went around the world to talk to the world leaders starting in Saudi Arabia where they handed him the sword which represented giving him power.

Can someone please point me in the direction to find this video. I think it was around 11-13 minutes long.



Can someone please point me in the right direction to find this video where she said she was talking to her family in Cuba about the situation and using Canadian currency etc...



Can someone please help me find the video where a guy breaks down a video of an injection where the needle retracts back into the syringe and drops at a 90 degree angle proving there was no needle actually in the arm?



They’re scheming on Camera 4 right now. Lower left.


Keep on eye on this group. The guy doing the black light has same weird uncomfortable looking body language.


I’ve seen some videos posted on here of crazy libs freaking out over masks — crying and shit, screaming, complaining if others don’t wear them.

I was trying to show some of these to my buddy the other day and couldn’t find them. Can someone please point me in that direction.



I saw a post previously that had a chart coming out of the UK breaking down the side effects of the vaccine in the thousands.

Can someone please point me in the right direction to find this information?

Thank you!

Boeing VC-25a airborne ✈️ Planes ✈️
posted ago by GrowAPair ago by GrowAPair
