That’s why I had “lose” in quotations. ;) But McSally was a weak candidate who conceded both of her races far too quickly and with no effort to challenge the results.
The McStain wing of the party needs to go. McCarthy would’ve been a great U.S. Senator, but noooo...dipshit Arizonans voted for McSally, only for her to “lose” to mUh AsTroNaUt.
Imagine how much more empowered they’ll feel, and how few scruples they’ll have (read: none) if they’re allowed to get away with this massive theft.
Those poor doggos are in such horrible company.
He all but confirmed in a recent tweet:
His Twitter feed appears to confirm as much:
NoBoDy WaNtS tO tAkE yOuR gUnS aWaY. ?