HardyK327 1 point ago +2 / -1

Joe's desire to be president AND his willingness to sign off on anything "they" put in front of him is crucial to this venture. They were able to sell Joe as a "moderate". They could not have done the same with Sanders or Warren. Truth is, he is a radical on a very personal level. It shows every single time Joe steps out in front of cameras. Joe has no qualms to personify every inch of this power grab. Heck, he treats US citizens with less respect than he treats the Taliban.

HardyK327 2 points ago +3 / -1

Because he is a dictator. That's what he always wanted to be. Now he has a small window of opportunity to let it all out. Joe is a notorious non-achiever. His 50 year record in Gov. are proof of that. He also suffers from a deeply seated personal calamity: He could not leave the political stage as the VICE president to the 1st African American President in US history. Joe was & is willing to do anything to show the world he can be president too. That's btw. what makes him so dangerous. Joe will do anything they tell him to do, as long as they let him be president.

HardyK327 2 points ago +2 / -0

@ around 19:10 is an interesting aspect, confirming what I thought. There is officially no testing distinction for the Delta Variant. Even this WH spokes person tells us, they don't know. They are just going by what they are being told by their "scientists". We already know since the beginning, COVID testing is highly unreliable, hit & miss at best. Which means they can, in a perpetual fashion, tell us this, that or any other strain is infecting us. We will never know. Heck, we don't even know if a "positve" COVID test real. If they bring upon us quarantine mandates after testing "positive", as they did & many employers probably are doing, we are going to look like Australia very soon. Stay away from testing sites!

HardyK327 4 points ago +5 / -1

None of this COVID frency is about health or science. It's about control and restrictions applied to reduce our freedoms. The effects of such control measures on indivuals are horrendous. We are a nation of educated people. As such we are capable of making decisions for ourselves. Our Bill of Rights grants the right to make such personal decisions. Nothing shall ever stand in the way of making personal decisions free from government interference.

HardyK327 6 points ago +7 / -1

I'm into 41 minutes. Nothing that hasn't been circulated before. Complications from vaccination cannot be denied, but to continuously propagate mass extinction and to predict millions of deaths because of the vaccine is ludicrous imo.

To push for vaccine mandates on the other hand, as this regime is now attempting, is highly condemnable.

It is THE attempt to ramp up a primary layer of implemented master control. It will affect everybody in this country, the vaccinated population included.

HardyK327 2 points ago +2 / -0

You could drop the entire "vaccine talk" and instantly everything would be back to normal. Guaranteed! That being said, this vaccine talk is pure propaganda. An attempt to implement another layer of "Master Control" aimed at the entire population.

HardyK327 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree, yet he still manages to rake in lot's of bucks for his bang!

HardyK327 7 points ago +7 / -0

I find it utterly appalling to watch those mouth pieces who got rich promoting their Freedom, now publicly disrespecting & denouncing the Freedom of others.

by Quelle
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