Hold the line! Q's NEW operation "she was 18 in dog years" is a go.
We are Oscar Mike.
So Trump isn't going to use the Insurrection Act. He already has PEADS, which is highly secretive that grants him unilateral powers. He already signed us into another state of emergency against China and handed over all military power to FEMA, which now is circling DC by at least 20 thousand.
If Q and Trump does indeed have the balls to arrest Joe and everyone at the Capitol come the 20th, I think the blackout will occur that day.
There's no way in living hell he's going broadcast the arrest of everyone. That will probably cause civil unrest. There will probably be a blackout and after everyone is arrested, we will probably get a broadcast. I think Trump used the recent broadcast to urge all of us to stay home is because he doesn't want even more people rioting and screwing up his plans. Makes sense. The provocateur's will probably show up, but they will be in such weak numbers that their tens of thousands of FEMA deputized military will probably handle them with ease.
Its weird typing this all. I'm the last guy that would ever be a conspiracy theorist. I remember my parents were all into that Roswell bullshit in the 90s, and a couple doomers posted some funny shit the past couple of days. It all seems like I'm watching a fucking Mission Impossible movie.
But this is actually legit. All these pieces are already positioned and representatives are already on record saying they're nervous of how the Capitol looks like a detention camp.
I'm not 100 percent certain it's going to all work. I never am. "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong." So please keep hoping Trump will keep those promises. He signed the wall and was proud of "promises kept." The only promise he hasn't kept, that everyone is waiting for, is "drain the swamp." This is his final promise. I hope he has the metal to do it.
If not, Please move to a red state and start building locally. I'm all stocked up on guns and I make sure I volunteer every weekend and try to make this place less shitty than it already is.
That's my analysis, gentlemen. Godspeed.
P.s. I'm sorry, but some doomer posted a picture mocking all of the decrypted Q drops and it was fucking hilarious.
He said... “is of zero risk to me but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration,”
Honestly this doesn't sound like he's acknowledging Biden as the next president. He was just being snarky to jab at Biden.
Trump does this often. He always goes off script and makes quite frequent gaffs and dumb comments.
Don't be like the left and get hung up on every little word he says. That's what the left does. he was just jabbing at Joe after it (25th) was tried on him.
Did you know that there was a secret war that happened in Cambodia, during the Vietnam War? A proxy war. Russians were aiding the Vietnamese war effort with troops and supplies through Cambodia. So to sabotage and intercept their resupply efforts, We sent the SOG, (Special Operations Group) into cambodia, "across the fence", from Thailand. Spike teamed of 5 to 8 SOG would go deep behind enemy lines in triple canopy jungle dropped off by some of the finest Army Air Force calvary our nation had to offer.
...And it was a slaughter on a routine basis. Getting shot out of LZs, having trackers hunt you, getting caught in L shaped ambushes....the average death rate of the SOG were 110 percent. You weren't expected to last past 4 days. In one instance, a SOG spike team went up against 10 THOUSAND NVA troops. A fucking batallion. The enemy being determined to the point of possession, did everything in their power to fucking kill the spike team of 5 who were trying to get to their extraction.
That is until they heard the worst of news come in on the comms by Spider, the operator at their forward Operations.....extraction isn't coming for another 3 hours....buckle up.
So you know what those crazy fuckers did? Amongst the NVA they were absolutely killing, they STACKED NVA CORPSES TO CREATE A COVERED PERAMETER.
Honestly you don't need much deduction to arrive at this conclusion. Here's my analysis:
Let's think about the world's worst dictator on the planet as it stands: Xi Jinping. The reason why freedom and Democracy isn't on the table for this man is because, the minute he relinquishes power, everyone will attempt to kill him. Dictators cannot afford to relinquish any power. That's a fact. This is why it either takes a bloody revolution, full economic collapse, or full scale war to uproot a dictator.
Trump, on the other hand, isn't a dictator. Even though they have been attempting to unseat him, at this point, they're gonna go after him and try to prosecute him once he leaves office. This isn't in dispute. We all know this will happen. Either arrested or suicided.
Therefore, the military IS his only option at this point. He cannot afford to lose. That isn't on the table. His entire family is at stake if he does, and he'll be against a government apparatus that controls almost every branch of the government, save the Supreme court (which will be packed).
So, this is it. Lots of things can happen between now and the 20th. Lets hope he takes action soon. For all our sakes. I'm absolutely convinced that the won't stop at Donald Trump.
Holy hell the news cycle is moving crazy fast.
Lemme make a list from what I have gathered:
Capitol was "stormed" (by a bunch of skinny armed / pot bellied guppies let in by the police).
Nancy Pelosi and other lawmakers had their laptops stolen.
Nancy has been in full blown panic mode.
A: She's been begging Pence to use the 25th
B: She's been screaming for impeachment
C: She literally told the military this morning to stage a coup against the president as reported by the NY Times.
Trump is blocked virtually everywhere except for FB.
Twatter stocks crash as people, in droves, flock to GAB and PARLER. (I believe trump supporters alone account for almost 50 percent of Twatter's share value)
Google and Apple de list Parler if they don't have Orwellian speech codes.
Right wing MSM are starting to put things together and predict Trump is gonna declassify everything. If MSM is starting to say it, pantaloon-shitting will be the least worry of the deep state's problems.
Sen Ted Cruz on Parler upvoted my comment When I told him it was a fraudulent certification and Biden is compromised by China. (I felt my dick move).
ANALYSIS: If Trump is supposed to be impeached this Monday, then he needs to do SOMETHING BIG within the next 48 hours. I could be wrong, but it looks like the Deep State is trying to strip him of all executive authority.
Did I miss anything important?
Q is pretty damn awesome and his "tippy top" proof blew my mind (seriously the fact he got with the president to say that in his speech to post on some site for nobodies like us is humbling, to say the least) but he isn't God. Like the Marines said about the Japanese in WWII, "The Jap is a tricky bastard, but he isn't a superman." He's flawed. Mistakes may happen. Honestly I see this going in so many directions. I don't think we will have a president by the 20th. Just my two cents.