I don’t go there much at all anymore. Maybe they have realized we were right along? I know, we still have three more days but really…….GAW was right all along!!!!!


This should have never happened. With reports of live wires shorting hours into the wind event we have someone who never ran an actual utility during and emergency event making critical mistakes. A long duration maintenance job on the reservoir should have been timed to avoid drought season and the power should have been turned off in anticipation of the wind storm.

That is all.


It’s a broken system. It needs to be fixed and discourse helps figure out the problems and how to fix them. They are purposely using the disagreements on how to fix it to make us look weak and disorganized. Don’t fall for their trap!


Some have now turned off their signals. Something seems to be happening!

Edit: 2 stratofortrress are in the air!


What is happening? I’ve never seen this many in the air together before!


Something is going on! The emergency broadcast went off this morning with no instructions and no “this is a test” notification.


Something interesting to watch today.


She thought the steal machine would save her. Except the steal machine was apparently beholden to Joe. Should have figured that out in advance. Can’t just come up with 14M votes out of the blue without a way to distribute them.


Trump will control both the house, the senate, and the Supreme Court (to a degree). Now we see how they react. We the people have spoken.


But I have a problem. I am in FL where they not only require ID but signature registration (thank you)! However, I also have a tremors in my hands (and my whole body) c of CT due to essential tremor. It is nearly 100% in my body. It is everywhere. I was really concerned at the voting booth it would not match my signature from 2021 because my tremor has progressed significantly but they accepted it. I’m pretty sure in 4 years it won’t match and I didn’t really get good guidance on how to handle this in the future.


I’ve never gone to something like this! What do I wear!?!?!? 49yo female taking my 16yo daughter!

There has been an external suggestion that my group of 5 wear garbage bags. Thoughts?

Frens: I get to see the acceptance speech. I’m so fortunate. It’s frustrating, I have friends telling me not to go because they believed the MSM version of J6.and think there will be violence if he loses. I know I will not be happy if he loses, but we will not riot! That is not what GEOTUS would want nor am I capable of. I’m so glad to have this place. TU!


That is all.


Such obvious BS

Eat the cat! (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by HeartofStone2 ago by HeartofStone2

It only applies to those with personal assets over $100m apparently? Please correct me if I’m wrong as this is what my friends are saying. Even if it’s true, it is designed to ruin people of wealth. People like Trump.

They are so afraid of him they are literally willing to do anything to stop him.


She needs a nickname that envelopes her stupid cackles personality and lack of presidential persona. I think Kammy fits just right.

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