One of my 25 year old son's friends, a kid he has known since grammar school, passed away night before last. We found out yesterday. It was an overdose but that's all I know right now. Please pray for his family. I am heartbroken for them.

I was talking to another mother of this group of friends and she started talking about how crazy everything is, brought up that so many people in the last year have cancer. We moved to the adjacent town and I had no idea but knew many of the people through the fundraising we all did together more than a decade ago. I said "Please don't get put off I know this may not be the right time, but please don't take anymore of those shots." To my total shock and surprise she said, "Right? It's like they are trying to kill us!" I love this woman. She is a great gal, grew up in rough circumstances and picked herself up by the bootstraps to create a lovely home and great family. But she leans left for sure. It was a terrible day with many more to come. I think about this other family's loss and it is just unbearable to fathom. I am dreading the funeral. But there was a sliver of hopeful on the red pill side.


Saw a white minivan with a "WWGOWGA" license plate in my old neighborhood but I was driving and couldn't get a picture, I was so bummed. I couldn't get alongside his car either to give him a thumbs up. The good news is the WWG1WGA vanity plate must already taken, LOL. This after seeing red minivan with a WWG1WGA sticker in my new neighborhood a couple of years ago.

There are at least four frens in Illinois (counting me and my husband)!

Babylon Bee LOL (babylonbee.com) 🐴 BEEPOST 💩
posted ago by HelloDolly ago by HelloDolly

NOT doxxing here, just interested in his background if he is, like Patel Patriot - Jon Heron, also okay with people actually knowing who he is.


He was probably trolling, but I think it's interesting he has offered to do it on a temporary basis until they get a permanent Speaker. Also, that they have set the precedent or as Burning Bright would say, created a "narrative", for having extreme difficulty getting the votes to a permanent Speaker with the crazy McCarthy 18 votes or whatever it was.

I'm envisioning Biden and Kamala being on the verge of gone or Biden being gone and Kamala almost gone or something, and the WWIII nuclear threat thing heating up, along with increased disclosure of the stolen election, etc. His trial date in the televised case I think is March. The press would have to be making a 180 "We hate to admit it but we really do need him back!" pivot. And it would have to be very obvious that the 4-6% ers are the only hold outs. He could then as defacto POTUS probably ensure that the November election is clean and overseen by the military, and then we are all awake and united and he gets his new term. THE END. Or maybe a new beginning. A girl can dream.


He went from at the very least Q agnostic to total Qtard? It annoys me a bit that he's so snarky towards skeptics when he was one not too long ago. It's one thing to be on board and another to be arrogant about it, as if you always were on board and other people are just too stupid to get it.

Is it just me? Maybe he's was always supposed to be a pied piper - but I don't know how effective this method is tbh. Thoughts?


I'll try to keep it short. BFF from high school from many moons ago is the daughter of Polish immigrants. Her Dad - like most Eastern Europeans who know first hand etc., -is a huge Trump fan and she usually drones on about how "idiotic" he sounds. Just goes to show what one generation of NBC watching can do.

Today she said, for the first time EVER, about her Dad's Trump dialogue, "but you know, at the end of the day, he's right."


Just saw that Mayo deleted their hydroxy info page 2 days after the fact that it said it treats COVID 19 was posted ON THIS SITE. https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9fqYMCd/mayo-clinic-deletes-page-listing/

Coincidence? I don't think so. They watch us but can't stop us. If they could they obviously would. Coupled with this brilliant post stickied earlier today, I would say we are winning the information war.




I was thinking today about how I will have to reassure my Mom and sister, etc., when the WWIII or nuclear threat or internet shutdown or whatever comes. It dawned on me then that we are not only supposed to be there to inform but to be the calm in the storm. We have all come such a long way if you think back. I remember panicking when they announced the Mueller investigation. Now Trump is being prosecuted in four separate criminal cases and I am not only not panicked, but kind of relieved that we must be getting to the end.

There's nothing more reassuring when you are frightened than to be around someone who isn't. And from a psyop perspective, the ground for redpilling is never more fertile. Because we all believe what we want to believe to some extent. Right now, sheep don't want to believe that their government hates them or would do them harm. Or that there are evil elites that run the world. BUT, when they are desperate to believe that everything will be okay, they will be all ears. And they will want to believe, because their lives will depend on it.


I didn't see that anyone else had posted that apparently The Dirty Truth guy passed away.



It was more than usual. The teller's manager came over to ask me what it was for. I was so taken aback I didn't say "How is that any of your business?" Which really shocked my husband because I am usually quick on the draw that way. How did we get here? The bank thinks they are the boss of what I do with my money? Just like the IRS things THEY should be auditing US??? We should be asking them where OUR money is, no?

Rant over. Just thought it was interesting how they chip, chip chip away. Over time, we kind of forget who was supposed to be in charge of what.


Not because of the Lockwood book or anything. IDK why, every time I see a picture of him I just get that strong impression. It's literally a strong feeling that is hard to describe. Usually I worry about kids whose parents are larger than life being messed up, but this isn't that. Although there's kind of a weird heartbreaking feeling nonetheless. Sorry for the weird rant having a hard time explaining myself. There's something very unusual about that kid.


Nothing. I am thinking even if there are a number of leftie comments on Twitter, you have to wonder if ANY of those people are real. If they are I am sure they are commenting anonymously. People I have known since HS were vehemently anti-Trump for so long, and because of where I grew up they felt free to spew their anti-Trump BS knowing they would have 99% support from their other leftie friends. But now no one I actually know is a real person is saying a word. Not a word. We are winning the argument BIGLY.

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