Helpmelogin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could careless what the MSM posts about trump but when breaking news agencies that are independent and have vile info post that are important post things.......yes ..yes. I will promote that. No more propaganda.

Helpmelogin 0 points ago +2 / -2

If you guys hear something....POST IT!! The way the MSM is covering Trump's attempted death is terrifying. At this rate, if he is assassinated we'll hear about it in a blog from the media 48hrs later. Hear something...post it! They are already calling the blackrock commercials BS which isn't accurate. They are legit. So, do NOT DISCOURAGE PEOPLE!!

Helpmelogin 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is absolutely correct. I guarantee the Will Smith slap did get more attention than the Trump assassinations because they shoved it down our throat as a distraction. They broke the news with the Johnny Depp trial and interrupted regularly scheduled programs but I had to hear about the second Trump attempt from a third party?? The complacency I am seeing with the media speaks volumes and I will not accept the lone Wolf bs. It's extremely terrifying what the media is doing. They are complicit with these attempts on Trump and the lack of coverage and facts they are providing to the public. Our government has gone rogue

Helpmelogin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Once again, MSM fails us again. Not an update or anything. This should be breaking fcking news! The news did a "breaking news" segment during the Johnny Depp divorce but not this lol. Unbelievable

Helpmelogin 26 points ago +26 / -0

I am from the Detroit area. No one can stand this female / thing. The Great lakes we take great pride in and during summer....it's peak season baby. Fishing, tubing, bonfires at the beach etc..When she shutdown the beaches during COVID is was disastrous. But the topping on the cake was a memorial weekend when she prohibited anybody to go boating or to use the lakes...they were completely closed. Guess what happened, Lord behold a man was trying to put his boat in one of the lakes was stopped by security/law enforcement and this man happened to be the husband of the governor and he played that card as well. He told them " don't worry, im the governors husband". What a slap in the face to Michiganers then we are to believe she got reelected?? That moment would have sealed the deal for any candidate. (Sorry for the long comment )
