Pro-human / anti-human
As far as political divides go there are many. Left/right, progressive/conservative, anarchist/tyranny... etc. But these sorts of political divides are irrelevant compared to an increasingly powerful worldview, anti-humanism. Individuals and groups who have been infected with this religion find it increasingly hard to accept truth, see beauty or understand what is good.
Everything is tainted with a lense that makes them incapable of empathy or compassion for their fellow human beings. They see humans as viruses that need to be eradicated. Humans are no longer sacred in their view, but destroyers of the world, filth that needs to be burned as a sacrifice. Anti-human thinkers will happily abort their babies, help old/sick/mentally ill people kill themselves. If you follow the logic of such thinking, killing anyone for any reason is a viable option if they can create the right political justification. Since they do not venerate the good, beautiful, or true, they can simply create a reason out of this air to justify their elimination or life.
For the last few years I have mistakenly seen the main cultural and existential battle to be between progressives and conservatives, but I now see the error of my thinking. In earlier eras progressives were pro-human. They envisioned flying cars, space exploration and abundance. They thought everything would be better, and that we could innovate ourselves out of any current human affliction. They may have been a bit misguided, and utopian, but at least they saw humans in this future. And those humans would be free, rich, and happy.
We are fighting a multi-front battle, against several types of enemies.
- The rich (the bishops and cardinals) who use anti-humanism to manipulate their adherents in order to further enrich themselves.
2)The media, celebrities, etc. (fathers) who spread the message of hate.
3)The useful idiots (the true believers) who allow themselves to be used by the rich, kill their babies, adopt retarded technologies, and become dependant on the drugs required to live the pathetic life afforded by the anti-human worldview.
We must keep our hope that the future will be a good place for our children and grand children to live in. We must fight the pro-human fight. We must have faith that the Good will overcome the pathetic evil. God wins in the end.
Really? In a democracy is it really necessary to have representatives when we can all instantly represent ourselves? I've been thinking about this ever since the internet poped up, anyone can instantly communicate with anyone instantly. Why keep such a corrupt, evil system around, when we could create something new that actually reflects the will of the people? In my opinion it is time to get rid of so called representatives and start representing ourselves.
If you had to pick books that should be read and conserved for future generations in order to preserve the best parts of western values and traditions, what books would you pick? I think the Bible is a no-brainer, 1984, Animal Farm, Marcus Aurelius Meditations, Huckleberry Finn, Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe. Which books would you add?
Worth watching the whole 9 minutes. Very well spoken and to the point. A good one to share with normies.
I am curious if there is a good timeline of all the most notable propaganda that have been used to manipulate and control populations. 2 weeks to flatten the curve being a good example of one of the first major pushes. I know this can vary from region to region, but im wondering if this exist already somewhere?
An interesting conversation about something we might need to learn to use more effectively. I'm interested to see how it works out in Australia here soon.
Looks like Trudeau is making the election into a referendum. Trudeau promises $1B to help provinces pay for vaccine passports.
Are there any legit studies showing sterilization from the jab, or is that just a rumor floating around?
I've noticed during the last 2 decades especially, (but it has probably been happening since Freud started going on about them) the focus on emotions as the primary driver of human experience. We are taught to focus on our emotions, through school, media, work, self help, psychiatry among others avenues.
Emotional thinking short circuits rational thought, it will in all people, but some people have trained themselves to stop, and look at what is actually happening in order to help be calm and find solutions to whatever problems they may be facing.
I really noticed this with my kids when they started school. The teachers constantly emphasized emotions. I think to some extent it is good to be able to recognize and name emotions, but that was almost all they were taught. Since I noticed that I started teaching them not to be victims. To look at what is happening around them, identify the problems and come up with solutions. I've been teaching them logic, cause and effect, faith in God and to fear not. Ive also been reading a lot of classic stoic texts. I especially recommend Epictetus, he is insightful and hilarious.
This has bled throughout Western culture, and why you see 30 year olds acting like petulant, entitled, little brat 3 year olds. They have been infantilizing us for generations. Thank God there are still some of us who aren't 40 year old babies.
There are probably many sources, but this is where i got mine. It came today. Took my first dose. It is pretty bitter, so probably better to mix it with some yogurt or something like that. Each tube is for a horse, so 600 kg worth, approx 5-7 human doses.
Luke 12:49-53
49 “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed!
51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52 From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
This scripture has always made some sense to me, because when I converted to Christianity my birth family mocked me, and eventually shunned me, but now it is starting to make sense on a societal level.
People who seek the truth will inevitably be separated from those who are decieved by the lies they are fed. Not to mention being separated by lies about the jab and people dieing. This scripture has taken on a profound new meaning for me. Our bonds are being torn to shreds, but it isn't necessarily bad, is is simply a pattern that repeats over and over again throughout history.
Many in our govt worship Satan Q - 3
These people worship Satan _ some openly show it. Q - 10
The wizards and Warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic evil POS control our country. Q - 15
Satan. Who follows? What political leaders worship Satan? Q - 100
Does Satan exist? Does the 'thought' of Satan esist? Who worships Satan? Q - 133
SATAN has left the WH Q - 382 (who is this about?)
I'm really just starting to read the Q posts now. At the moment I am searching and reading about specific terms. This time it was Satan. I found some very interesting little tidbits. Like the mention of the "deep church" Q - 4541, and the mention of Putin being controlled by "3 families" Q - 15 yet in Q - 133 there is mention of Putin and the new world order worshipping Satan. (An interesting article come up with that title-
Q - 4541 is especially interesting. It looks like i will have to do some digging into Carlo Maria Vigano
What makes a movie GOOD? Q461
You are watching a movie. Q813
What makes a good movie? Q1191
Think movie. Q1262
You are watching a 'scripted' movie. Q1450
Something out of a movie. Q2663
Good movie. Q3070
There are more of course. Q talks about some specific movies, or how certain events are like a movie, but I have been pondering the question, what makes a good movie? I have been thinking about the events currently unfolding, and movies.
Movies contain many elements. Heroes, villains, action, tension, suspense, character arcs, gadgetry, symbolism, story, overcoming great odds, journeys, special effects, dialog, schemes.... etc. Why would we be told to, think movie? One thought I've had is we were being primed to expect a movie level of absurdity to manifest in reality. Like the absurdity of the old Bond villains, set on world destruction. I always found those characters so extreme as to be absurd, but now it seems reality contains more than Bond villian levels of absurdity. We were being told, yes, such evil is real. Such plans are on motion. Believe that you are in mortal danger, and the future of humanity is in question.
They just want us to be safe.
This is a bit of a mind experiment but I am curious what others here think about this.
If Q wasn't a part of the equation, what fictional dystopia would we be heading toward? I'm talk books, movies, video games, etc. Brazil? 1984? Hunger Games? Gattaca? Omega Man?
Let me know what you think and why.
The Canadian government is escalating the genocide. Pray for us.