If something happens to me, it is because of impure crack. Ain't gonna commit any suicide.
Corn Pop says, we're winning cause its 38K for blue and 7.9K for other side. Mah daddy is the most popular man in American History.
The fuck?? Harris is giving away blowjobs and I don't even know about it. I am running out of dead brothers' widow. Where do I sign up??
Nah. Nothing important. Just the feds dropping of some crack for me and some adrenochrome for corn pop. Not a big deal.
Alison got jealous of Jessica and revealed the picture of ali and I having a great time. So, Cuckie kinda knows what an erection is. Word is, he is tryna buy one from Big Mike. Boy, thats something, Mikey has got one that is even bigger than mine. Shit.