I just had to post with those 'who know'.
I'm so grateful to just be there for him and the rest of our crew! 17 yrs for me.
My towels arrived yesterday. They're beautiful...
There is a saying inside West Point when you do a dishonorable act, "you've been found".
Stating critical race theory is needed in the military.
Shilling for a political party is a dishonorable act.
Gen Miley.... YOU'VE BEEN FOUND!
This can't go well.
Steve Bannon just opened with a Joe Scarborough clip with Joe yelling "the qanon cult believes politicians are pedophiles and cannibals."
"That is the Trump cult" he yells.
So much written up long before Trump and long before Q. 40 yrs of docs! Must be panicking....
Hey Joe!.... here's a short list.
And..... https://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.php?thread=946300&boardid=2
Here are some dems Joe that you have forgotten about!
The daddy who built it all!
The Franklun Cover Up by former senator John DeCamp....
"Before there was Jerry Sandusky, there was George Herbert Walker Bush & the Franklin Cover Up Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2012 So is this story true? Yes. In the 1980's there was a man named Lawrence E. King, who by the way is walking around free, who was/is a satanist while at the same time being one of the worst homosexual pedophile pimps in the USA and was also a networking Republican..."
Their dog died. It's all over the nooze... their personal tragedy...
I'll bet the dog bit Hunter and died of an overdose. Joe is so proud of Hunter you know... but now they are hit with a real tragedy.
Oh come on.
Was something wrong? Did he appear sad?
I get what has happened and the correct tone for what Biden has done to our country. I understand the 'venue and format, itbis not a rally.
When did Lara know she wasn't running? Candidate Bud for NC says he was told about endorsement only 15 minutes ago.
I hope no threats or anything, however there was a quietness and sadness to Trump last night. Was it to match tbe state of our country? Was something off to anyone else here who watched?
Please chime in.... I'd like other opinions.
My friends two grown children. One is a lawyer 32, and was told by his mom who's also a lawyer, who was a nurse first, not to get the vaccine because it is still experimental and there is no reason for them as young healthy people to need one. She has shared all of the doctors' videos speaking out with her children as well.
She told her daughter too who is nursing!
Hubby had a heart stent, was told too.
They all gang up on her cuz she's always political and a former elected official. She is always a badass in the community exposing sewage dumping Etc.
She feels she has lost her whole family they have all received that Jab!
Her son in his early 30s (Vanderbilt educated lawyer) very sick immediately the first day and still sick
19 days later from the first shot! He has been on a lung steroid pack ever since for 19 days now.
Her daughter took the Jab and she is breastfeeding her infant! Tiny bodies they are and our CDC and FDA are now talking about developing a vaccine for 2 year olds and older.
Her mother asked why would you take a vaccine that's experimental while you are breastfeeding as infant's have not been included in this? Her daughter said that her pediatrician said it was okay.... (mom was a neonatal nurse before she became an attorney!) The baby developed a fever and a little cough the next day!
I asked her if I could share this and she said please do. Tucker is now beginning to talk about this.
Israel says they have more death from vaccine than covid-19 itself.
We have heard many times that the military are flooding tunnels around Washington DC and elsewhere. We are watching the damn in China as well.
We have discussed the context of the tunnels as being underground military bases or dumbs, tunnels for trafficking and raising children for sale or adrenochrome.
We have also discussed tunnels being used for the powerful Elite to flee. We know the vast us u.s. tunnel system has been here forever and used to transport slaves in the early day of our tunnels, which are built up beyond belief.
I read years ago about luxury bunkers for sale for rich people in case there was ever a nuclear bomb. At the time the article discussed underground bunkers for sale on of coast of Florida and elsewhere for wealthy people.
Now I see Monkey Werks showing all the activity off the coast of Florida with something under the water submarines etc.
Maybe what's being flooded or blown up are not just tunnels used for children? Underground cities with bunkers belonging to nefarious elite? I just don't know.
If the CCP wants Biden to allow a dirty bomb in the middle of America wiping out conservatives (scare event?) while they hang out in bunkers? Maybe we should be thinking about all kinds of bunkers and places they have ready to go.
Since I read about it and I look now I only see current articles about building homes as bunkers, sporting fake windows, or building an underground bunker with the house, like it's nothing, like adding a swimming pool.
I keep watching the water but so far only have seen corporations currently fouling up our water.
We will be able to discuss immigration, election fraud and human trafficking connected to our politicians while the rest sit by and watch. They will be able to do nothing to stop us.
Mike says the first order is to put up all of the fraud information the truth for all to see.
Mister apple and the rest can do nothing about it.
Mike Lindell is so genuine I absolutely love him as much as our President Donald Trump.
I wonder if he could be the labor secretary in the cabinet?
" my pillow.com".....
It is a total shitshow! It's not held in the pressroom, there are very few people there and the only ones asking questions are those he is giving permission to out of a folder!
Come on man....
Back to the kids in the containers on that ship... did I say that?
Saw 4 fighter jets leave Mac Dill around noon today-in formation peeling off and out but there is no air show scheduled so I'm looking for a reason....
Thanks MAGA
Great for red pilling:
You do not allow comments on your YouTube videos and I don't know how to get you information other than emailing you and I don't want to do that. With that said...
You continue to talk about an ongoing operation off of Port Canaveral FL as you are showing lots of activity to prove that.
You have mentioned watching the water for possible submarines and protection of the Atlantic coast. Yet there is a concentration off of Port Canaveral that you keep showing us.
Start digging here:
President Obama gave Saudi Arabia a 35-year port lease for shipping containers off of Port Canaveral.
We know what these containers are used for, this was all done after Fast and Furious!
So I hope that this ongoing operation we see off Port Canaveral is part of the plan.
Don't miss this interview with Kash Patel on Tracy Beanz Dark to Light.
Kash used to work with Devin Nunes as his chief of staff on the Intel committee then went to work for D & I, the Pentagon and also DOJ. He was the first to see Hillary's Benghazi emails and work on that case for 2 years.
He's the one who can tell us what the heck was going on now that he is not there.... great interview.
Prior to her current role, Lindsey was the senior health scientist in the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. That office oversees the allocation process for $1.5 billion in terrorism preparedness.
CDC official accused of child molestation, bestiality - CNN
Oct 11, 2011 — Police arrested Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, 44, in DeKalb County, Georgia, on Sunday. Authorities also charged ...her boyfriend. It was his son and dog.
Then she got off....of course.
Then she complained she had to do cheap jobs and earn little money for five years while they cleaned up her court case.
So WE paid her in retro 5 yrs back pay when CDC REHIRED HER!
They married to protect each other after they were arrested and are now divorced, of course.
They need her mind for biology and cover up the fact that she is a degenerate.
It is roped into every Institution. imagine what she knows when it comes to pathogens. Like the ones they had to move out of our country to China because it was illegal to be doing that type of work here. She knows everything. That's why all of her BS was handled very carefully.
Third of troops turned down vaccine...
So joe was supposed to be in Portage Michigan at the Pfizer plant tomorrow. Postponed. (family lives in Portage)
Postponed until Friday.
SCOTUS is Friday....
Every time the music chimes in I would love to see a flash of our flag under a light in each verse. You will know what I mean when you listen to this along with the words posted in this video. This is our song. Band Muse - song is Uprising. https://youtu.be/lbrWcvXceGU
Attorney Lin Wood is not making this shit up. I’ve dropped both whistleblower tapes. I’ve personally seen the evidence myself and you better believe the same chatter is heard here in the 305th.
Mike PENCE MURDERED 58 Children
Go Tell The FBI to release the damn tapes so the world can see what a sick bastard this man is! https://t.me/QFrogman5326/468
My note: 18 years ago I started to study election fraud after a ripped off national race! When it came to following the money we found the elite government-sponsored pedophile rings around the world. We had lots of activity in the United States after HW Bush set up a very elite ring out of Omaha Nebraska where they kidnapped boys and indoctrinated them. That was known as the Franklin cover up.
While working with those trying to find their children I heard about a big problem with satanic based communities in the state of Indiana. When I read it I remembered reading about it in the Detroit news as a teenager growing up.
So through the years I learned these people move up in positions of power as judges governors CEOs Etc. The Great Awakening boards and to have shown you all of this
I was one of the few who never trusted Pence and believed that was misinformation we were told we would have to receive from time to time. I just questioned it because that man was governor of Indiana and known to be one of the biggest Evangelical Christians. That is how they hide in what is known as an opposite extreme.
Bannon continues to have Ken Blackwell on as a guest. Ken Blackwell was Secretary of State for Ohio in 2004 while also being pro chair of the bush-cheney campaign.
That conflict was removed in Florida after 2000 and their Secretary of State Katherine Harris who is also co-chair of the bush-cheney campaign during the Florida mess.
So they moved the shitshow to Ohio for 2004. I spent a lot of money and years working on that election fraud and reform case. Blackwell did a lot of terrible things during the election and allowed a fake bomb threat to close the public traditional tabulation. People came in for recounts inserting Parts into machines on and on
Then Blackwell was rewarded with being the governor of Ohio. I gave the Blackwell information to Bannon and all they would do is mention the two-hour hearing for Ohio in 2004 so people would understand the process of the seven contesting States January 6th for the Electoral College certification.
The Republicans won't look in their own house all of bannon's guess go back as far as 2013.
Ken Blackwell has much to atone for and will not discuss Ohio only the reforms we had to push for while he worked against us.
Steve Bannon if you are reading this fuck off you have already been told and that is why it is useless for those of us who have done more work on this to listen to you and your stupid guests who hide their own criminality years before.
Bannon came here yesterday looking for whiners criers and people to take a break and listen to him he took that opportunity because he is an opportunist and here is Ken Blackwell today so I shut it off and I have now unsubscribe from from America's Voice.
Ken Blackwell belongs in prison Steve much more than you ever did!
yet she nabs one of the first interviews with USA Today! She..... gets to discuss Melania's decision not to have tea with jill. Just look at conversation around the world! No one can't believe we would accept an outright fraudulent election. Two neighbors took their flags down today. One a veteran. He said he fought for the right to vote and liberty, all a lie he said. Just sharing....look, Ashley is now a celebrity. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2021/01/19/joe-biden-daughter-ashley-biden-melania-trump-breaking-tour-tradition/4209557001/
On purpose. I remember the media even asking why, was pushing this when nobody liked it. Only Obama seem to like it. Hillary called it the gold standard until it harmed her in the debates and she changed it and said she would look at it again.
This is a bill 16 in high locked in a room no one was allowed to read only for 20 minutes and no screenshots taken 2 review more pages. The bill had guards at the door! No one wanted such a big Global sell out of the u.s. and the media never asked. I know for a fact Democrats really hated this. It was what made Trump win and everyone come together for that win in 2016. This is where we are not the United States anymore.
By ALI SWENSON yesterday CLAIM: Air Force Gen. John Hyten, the vice chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, created a channel on the popular messaging app Telegram on Jan. 18 and has posted several dozen times there sharing videos, images and phrases such as “nothing can stop what is coming” and “THE TRUTH WILL SHOCK THE WORLD.”
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Hyten’s spokeswoman, Maj. Trisha Guillebeau, confirmed to The Associated Press that the general does not have a Telegram account and that the creator of the channel is impersonating him.
THE FACTS: The Telegram channel titled “General Hyten” was created on Jan. 18. By the next day, it had dozens of posts and well over 200,000 subscribers. https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-9889558744
During the most watched television show across America while the president cannot tweet? The broadcasting system is his what the fuck is going on?
Sorry I don't have time to dig but we can start from the vantage point they have already given much to the Chinese