Hillinsider 1 point ago +1 / -0

Neither, knowing his family and knowing all about him growing up here, he probably went to a party, partied WAY too hard, and then got kicked out and banned and now he's trying to ruin the party for everyone else.

Hillinsider 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was no need to "get to him." He's an awful rep. I own two homes in his district. He came in hot talking about battling the liberals that have moved into our area and taking back common sense for business. Then he was elected and vanished off the face of the earth. He hasn't shown up at a meeting in our district since his election. Sadly he's probably going to lose to Moe Davis next election because he pissed off every conservative guy in the area.

Hillinsider 1 point ago +1 / -0

He always has been a joke. I own two homes in his district and I'm very active in local politics and I haven't seen him at a single meeting. He only won because he beat out a carpet bagging democrat who thought he'd get elected because he was in the military. Our district has gone totally to shit since he was elected. There's a lot of basic paperwork that needs to be done by a congressman, and he hasn't even done the basics which has allowed local laws to lapse which have ended many protections for local businessmen who are in a constant battle with a bunch of hippie homeless idiots who are constantly doing drugs and sleeping on the sidewalk.

Hillinsider 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's now saying he didn't see anything.

Hillinsider 0 points ago +1 / -1

You get the heaviest flak when you're over the target.

Why do you sound so panicked? What are you hiding? You contribute so much here, there must be something going on. Why would you attack me so hard unless I had a very clear point here??

Hillinsider 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven't seen anyone this triggered since I had to deliver some equipment to a private liberal arts college in New Hampshire.

Hillinsider -1 points ago +7 / -8

It became personal attacks because the original poster, who is extremely active on this board, went after someone and exposed himself.

This dude is the ultimate forum slider.

Hillinsider 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude, you've replied to my comment a dozen times and messaged me a bunch attacking me.

Talk about over the target. Why are you so defensive and hostile?

Hillinsider 3 points ago +8 / -5

You seem fun. You post so much here it's like your full time job, no wonder you're so cranky all the time. Or, is it your full time job? Why would a south African spend his entire day and night posting about American politics?

Also, I you fly the south African flag so hard, I'd bet money it's a decor for Syria or something.

Hillinsider -5 points ago +2 / -7

He's clearly not a moral dude, he toured Hitler's home, has been busted drunk driving a bunch - he's a wheel chair because he was drunk driving, and he seems to be setup to say the right things then implode.

I think he's controlled and pulling a long haul to make us look bad.

Hillinsider 3 points ago +9 / -6

purkiss is an alt of one of the mods, and he clearly lives in eastern Europe, he does all his posting at like 3am US time and always responds like this and in really broken english.

Hillinsider 21 points ago +21 / -0

Elon better be careful, he might find himself president if he keeps tweeting like this.

Hillinsider 0 points ago +1 / -1

This exactly, everyone says BUT THE HEALTH DOCUMENTS, but link them? What documents? Then they link something from naturalnews.com that says half the military just dropped dead.

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