Homeschoolmommamo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Good and The Beautiful https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/ Created by LDS (Mormon) but contains Christian traditional values throughout. They provide many curriculums for free or for an excellent cost. Some of their books are printed in China, but you have the choice to buy them and print them yourself.

Buy yourself a dictionary. We have a few - a regular, adult one, an illustrated children's and a children's dictionary. We also have a book of idioms and a thesaurus.

Rush Revere Books - Good old historical fiction for kids. Action packed and written by Rush.

Brave Books - Subscription Service https://shop.bravebooks.us/ This is new but the first book is awesome! It explains why transgender theory is bad to young children. It is printed in Canada, which is better than China!

Tuttle Twins - https://tuttletwins.com/ A simple way to explain conservative values to your children.

Guide to the Universe By Institute for Creation Research. Science book that supports God's Creation of Earth

PragerU Prep - https://www.prageru.com/kids/ They have new "kid friendly" videos. I have watched the first couple already and enjoyed them and the pro-America message but I will be honest in saying that I have not watched the newer ones yet, but feel comfortable recommending them considering the source.

Founding Documents of the United States Call me crazy, I'm afraid this text will be difficult to find with the current banning of everything. We purchased these along with the Federalist Papers as primary source material to just have on hand.

Get America Singing Again This was the primary music source for my choir classes when I taught public school. It is important for my children to know American songs.

Letters from Afar - https://lettersafar.com/ This is a subscription service. They provide letters from all different areas of the world. They do not gloss over how awful some places are and it helps bring perspective about what an amazing place America is.

What Should Danny Do? A great "choose your own adventure" story where choices matter and consequences are explained.

Good Pictures, Bad Pictures Great books for having the difficult convo of porn with children.