News Jumps to the Wrong Conclusion Again - Funny (youtube.com) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by HonestBobbin ago by HonestBobbin
Did Reporter Call BS to White House Press Secretary? (youtube.com) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by HonestBobbin ago by HonestBobbin

u/ ThisIsHowItStarts Asked a question on Daily Chat, https://greatawakening.win/p/17si5Ej09m/x/c/4ZA0iOglvH9

I think this is a great question. I had recalled (incorrectly) that Q claimed Alex Jones was Mossad, but I haven't seen anyone point to evidence yet personally that I can remember.


When I looked at this again, it was clear that I didn't remember corrextly. It looks like it was another Anon who didn't like Alex Jones & Q just told Anons to move on.

I did a search for 'Alex Jones' on qagg.news and the above along with post 2101, which were the only two posts to come up.


So I genuinely ask, why so much push back against Alex Jones. Sure his methods make conspiracy researchers look like kooks, though when I was growing up he brought recuepts I could share with others often enough. That said, I didn't follow him well enough to know all of his claims.

Is there a clear association with him & Mossad members? Is he funded by some Mossad linked individuals somehow that I & ThisIsHowItStarts are now aware of?

I would love to know what I have missed, or have many of us fallen into a misinformation based belief?


I am no supporter of Nimrata Haley, it occurs to me she generally seemed to stick with America First at the UN when working for Trump (though my memory could be way off on that).

What if some of these primary candidates were fully on board with Trump & them "running" against him is just a method of draining the opposition funds on a candidate to nowhere?

At this point I wouldn't be suprised if this theory is accurate, & it could make for a fantastic script/movie. Though just wanted to see what other interesting ideas you guys all have that could play along with the plan, regardless of them being accurate or not. It gets the ol' noggin joggin with a game theory exercise.


Spoke with a family member about a grandpa they have been caring for. They were taken to the hospital in AZ for a broken bone during a fall.

Sounds like they were put into a bed in the hallway & rushed them out with the bone still broken. To be fair, if doctors are working 18hr shifts because some flu is keeping those hospitals filled beyond capacity, I can see them missing something on an xray.

They were taken to a different hospital where their bed was also put into a hallway. The EMT asked around to see if there were any hospitals that this man could be taken to. They were all filled beyond capacity with the flu.

Now I don't know how true it is that every hospital is filled in AZ is. Everything I state here is clearly hearsay, though I am curious if any AZ pedes happen to know if there is any truth to this?

Also it could be that the some narrative is being pushed. Just trying to figure out if there is potential for a narrative push for some scare event down there?

Election COVID Round 2?

Why Posts Posts Don't Save Correctly LOL (media.greatawakening.win) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by HonestBobbin ago by HonestBobbin

So we have talked about the mass influx of military age men that seem to know which new cities they are supposed to go to.


Some, if not many, are already well trained.


The idea is that these militant groups are coming up, being acquainted with varied locations & will attack America just in time for the deep state to have Biden claim martial law & stop the election because we have war in our own borders.

I could see blackhats absolutely attempting this. I personally only see one path (currently & have been wrong before due to a lack of data & experience) that Trump takes office again at all & that is if the beast is chased out of the US by the young Lion mentioned in 2nd Esdras 11-12, Devolution gives me this hope that we are far enough along in the timine that the heads of the eagle have swallowed each other up & our military is the sole remaining head of this beast that is in its death throes or that the Biden we see on TV is the little horn with the eyes & mouth.

I could be way off on all of this text from parts of the Bible that were included until some Christian sects decided they didn't want them in official cannon any longer. I have read in some Jonathan Gray books, IIRC, where he claims that the Bible Code (math code) doesn't add up correctly if the Apocrypha books are included. Though the coincidences are incredible regarding how many 4 year & 8 year terms president's were voted in. Also that JFK is the middle of the life of the beast & that Roosevelt was elected to 4 terms & none other would serve as long as him. It spelled out that Trump would be removed (which he was) as was Nixon & JFK.

The last bit is the Biden is removed sooner than Trump was, & two others stand to take the presidential seat & are denied it. Then the heads wake up & take each other out (maybe the branches of government?)

I can see that Biden was GITMOed or killed for treason/any other military reason. Kamala & Pelosi (would Pelosi give up that opportunity to someone who wasn't a natural born resident like Kamala?) didn't get to take the seat because the military woke up & took control see Devolution

Just looking for thoughts from others on how this might play out with some game theroy. How likely do you think it is that black hats have imported foreign militants to stop a Trump landslide & will activate it to get the election denied next year?

I would love to hear all ideas, including ones telling me how wrong I am and why. Just looking for more data/ideas to help figured out the game theroy here.


I thought I had saved it for easy reference & cannot find the link. I have a few family I am around this weekend who wanted to see how real videos can be made using computer modding software.

Can anyone help me out?


Seriously though. I don't see anything on this board other than earlier today asking if anyone else was glued to GAW waiting for something out of curiosity.

Glowies & Clowns must be so upset that there weren't more uprisings & demand for violence today.

Remember frens, Peace IS the prize.

Stay aware. Learn the enemy's tactics in 5G Warfare & don the Armor of God as you carry peace with you.


TLDR: Many are really afraid & can see what is coming. They have no hope, as those in Ephesus that build shrines, that they will be able to navigate this new paradigm that is coming. Love them & help your neighbors to understand this new paradigm as it is opended up globally.

My church is studying Ephesians this week. Here is the overview we have been offered to consider as we study & pray over what God wants us to learn & do this week as we seek to become closer to Jesus.

When the gospel began to spread in Ephesus, it caused “no small stir” (Acts 19:23) among the Ephesians. Local craftsmen who produced shrines to a pagan goddess saw Christianity as a threat to their livelihood, and soon “they were full of wrath, … and the whole city was filled with confusion” (see Acts 19:27–29). Imagine being a new convert to the gospel in such a setting. Many Ephesians did accept and live the gospel amid this “uproar” (Acts 19:40), and Paul assured them that “Christ … is our peace” (Ephesians 2:13–14). These words, along with his invitation to “let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away” (Ephesians 4:31), seem as timely and comforting now as they were then. For the Ephesians, as for each of us, the strength to face adversity comes “in the Lord, and in the power of his might” (see Ephesians 6:10–13).

It seems to me that Paul & Jesus would want us to remember that today it seems a large portion of those working inside, or along side, a system that is being destroyed might be worried about how they will be able to provide for their loved ones.

I encourage you all to seek to emulate our Savior & his love to the best of your ability this week. Study out scriptures that have been given to us & maybe consider learning about what others, who don't believe exactly as you do, understand & believe. Find ways to lift them up & ease their burdens so you can be an example to them.

We see posts here frequently of how many sheeple are amazed at the kindness & actions that are the opposite of what they expect due to the illusions of fake News & other main stream media.

Continue to live in a way that makes it clear that WWG1WGA does in fact mean, we are all going to be thrust into the great awakening & want to help lift our fellow man into a place where they too can help lift others & bless them with as much truth as they are able to handle & pass on.

Frankly I could care less if it is a Buddhist, Jew, Hindu, Muslim, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, 7th Day Sventist, Protestant, etc... that we associate with. We should be unified in lifting each other up & sharing what we believe or know to be true as we all awaken to the awful reality of our situation globally. This is a time for joy & we are all loved by our Father in Heaven. As well I firmly believe that Jesus made it clear that he had other tribes to teach after his resurrection, which likely means people in every single corner of the world if oral traditions of groups globally are to be believed. If this is true, then every single group around that time will have been taught what our Savior needed to teach those people at that time & we can all learn & glean some knowledge from it.

Focusing on waking up the populace that has been lulled into a false sense of security & helping them navigate into a new way of thinking, or profession with the changing paradigm globally, seems to be what Q & our scriptures suggest to myself.

I hope each of us remember this as normies wake up during this time. Even those who have worked in the swamp, simply believing that it is frustrating to see justice get blocked left & right, not really understanding why & assuming that as it goes up the chain, it is being better properly so there must be some evidence they didn't see. Everyone is included as this world awakens & many will need to find a new way to provide for their family & build an increase for themselves (ie labor for their own food, housing, etc...).

Be patient frogs. God is in control & there are an abundance of signals that White Hats are in control. We simply need to let things play out & continue in the morally straight path we have been put on.

Obama with $65K Hotdogs meme (media.greatawakening.win) FIFTH GEN WARFARE
posted ago by HonestBobbin ago by HonestBobbin
The GIF uploaded of Than-Q (media.greatawakening.win) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by HonestBobbin ago by HonestBobbin
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