They got nervous and convinced Elon get into Twitter to take steam out of Trump's website (and right wing media sites in general).
Trump should stay off Twitter even if he's offered his spot back, or at least have his site linked in every tweet, for free advertising.
Modern doctors should be EXPERTS in human parasites. This pisses me off. My wife works with super smart surgeons. Unfortunately, they're the only smart doctors these days and they're pretty brainwashed. We know you can change gene's on the fly in organisms now. I wouldn't doubt that a bunch of these "genetic diseases" we have are actually fucking bacteria that cause genetic changes in the body. Schizophrenic people tend to have foreign bacteria in their brains and they hear voices! LOL. Maybe bacteria are conscious beings in the "Etheric" realm (whatever the hell you call the weird place electricity seems to come from). The devil is decay, the lord of flies. Bacteria are devilish in that manner I suppose. But, the Human neuron is a bacteria technically. It creates light, and order the universe. It's not the devil.
Remember, Lord God wanted UNLEVENED bread on his altar. No yeast. Look at the link about the black yeast at the bottom of this.
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a bitter herb found in Eurasia, North Africa, and North America. The plant has been used therapeutically since ancient times. In fact, the name “wormwood” comes from its traditional use as a means to cleanse the body of harmful organisms.
Does anyone know anything about "Saw dust rum"? it's Rum made from cellulose instead of the traditional parts of the plant. It may also have alchemical benefits to the body like Absinthe, I have to do more research on that.
Check this out:
There are three major sources leading to mycoplasma contamination of cell cultures in the laboratory: infected cells sent from another lab; contaminated cell culture medium reagents such as serum and trypsin; and laboratory personnel infected with M. orale or M. fermentans.
Mycoplasma fermentans is a very small bacterium in the class Mollicutes. Like other mycoplasmas M. fermentans is characterized by the absence of a peptidoglycan cell wall and resulting resistance to many antibacterial agents. It is a possible human pathogen with roles suggested in many illness such as respiratory, genital, and rheumatoid diseases[2] among others. Investigations have focused on a possible link to it being a cofactor in HIV infection.
Mycoplasma orale is a small bacterium found in the class Mollicutes.[1] It belongs to the genus Mycoplasma, a well-known group of obligate intracellular parasites that inhabit humans.[2] It also is known to be an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised humans.[3] As with other Mycoplasma species, M. orale is not readily treated with many antibiotics due to its lack of a peptidoglycan cell wall.[4] Therefore, this species is relevant to the medical field as physicians face the task of treating patients suffering from infections with this microbe. It is characterized by a small physical size (0.1 micrometer in diameter on average), a small genome size, and a limited metabolism.[4][5][2] It is also known to frequently contaminate laboratory experiments.[5] This bacteria is very similar physiologically and morphologically to its sister species within the genus Mycoplasma; however, its recent discovery leaves many questions still unanswered about this microbe.
My mom is a 73 year old riddled with "many blood clots" in her lungs. She was admitted to the hospital 2 week ago because she was having a hard time with Covid. Went home with oxygen a few days later, after recieving the Antibody treatment. She got the J&J vaccine 6 months ago I believe.
Motherfuckers almost killed my mom. I bet the reduced blood flow in the lungs is what caused her trouble with Covid too. Less blood=less immune response in the tissue...More virii replication. Also, body can't clean out the crud that builds up as quickly.
Lets say you had your blood preserved before getting the jab. You get both jabs.... What would happen if you inject that old blood? What if you had natural covid antibodies before the jab? Are you now allergic to your old blood?
It's almost like it's creating a new blood type. After the apocolypse and humanity recovers and they figure out blood types again, they'll have it like "O- C+)" LOL...negative for rhesus but positive for Corona antibody variant. IDK heh.
Let this be a record.
Remember the mystery seeds showing up from Chyna? Whatever came of that? My wife mentioned seeing something about it on Tiktok.
I just heard about the THOUSANDS coming to the US now. Just watch. More Democrat voters.
Instead of sending them to a nearby country, right...Bring'em here.
You know, I've been recording electronic voice phenomena like crazy the past couple months. I'm not even sure what gave me the desire to. I've heard voices crying for help, and demonic growling. What is a good hosting site I can paste links to my audio files? I think you guys told me not to use google drive links last time I linked something.
The world we live in is insane. Now I have no doubt they sacrifice children to demons. I have recordings of demonic growling.
Because Phoenix is in Maricopa county. Phoenix rising from the ashes th(m)eme.
When I was in my early 20's, my friend had a pizza place on a street in downishtown Milwaukee. Back then I still had my upbringing/Democrat brainwashing intact. One year we made pizza for a 2004 John Kerry campaign stop in some park near the Milwaukee courthouse building. I remember some slick southerner with bright blue eyes coming into the shop asking if we could do it ASAP, no warning. Typical Democrat behavior. Anyway... Dave Grohl was up there singing with his guitar when we started walking the pizza's over.
Dave Grohl is highly connected to the Demoncrat party. He recently released a terrible song called "Waiting on a war", tearing (literal tears) up the airwaves for the last month or so.
They ARE waiting on a war. I wouldn't even doubt that these recent ransomware attacks are actually people connected to Democrats. How the hell else could they keep getting away with it? They'll collecting money for the war, they're probably using Biden's stimulus money at the same time, but they can only gobble up so much of it without looking suspicious. Meanwhile, the intelligence agencies don't do anything.
Wouldn't it be funny if the RH-/RH+ differentiation in people's blood originated in vaccinated/unvaccinated people before the last cyclical destruction event? RH- being more rare, because they were the less sheep like people that were left to their own devices on the surface.
Will kids born from vaccinated people have a new blood group modifier designated eventually? Like... Type O (RH-/CV+).
I'm being facetious, but I wonder sometimes. After watching Diehold Foundation on youtube, you never know.
I haven't seen anyone mention this is a short concise way.
- Someone gets the relatively mild for most, Covid virus.
- Immune cells save bits of Covid viral DNA as they eat/clean up during infection.
- Person gets another cold or flu or just takes a test because they're a worried sheep, gets a PCR test.
- Cells that were around during Covid infection die and decay due to normal programmed cell death... Those saved bits of covid viral DNA are floating around blood/body.
- Overcycled PCR test amplifies low level Covid viral DNA, boom... positive test with no symptoms.
Remember what the preacher Kim Clement said before he died? He said the miracle will occur when it seems like all hope is lost. I think I might've figured out how the Miracle could happen. This link is food for thought, weirdness with Huma/Q. So anyway... In that thread, someone mentions the pending Pennsylvania Supreme court case Trump filed a while ago. The response is due 1-22-2021. This: It's talking about how mail in ballots violated state election law, FEDERAL US constitution gives power to state legislatures only for changing election law. I know WI and Pennsylvania violated those laws, did Michigan? So, just roll with me for a minute. I'm not trying to spark false hopium or anything, but in my mind... I still see a twinkling of a possible legal victory. Not saying it's gunna happen, but you never know. That's why it's a miracle:
- Arizona just announced a forensic vote audit. Imagine if Trump wins after they deduct fraudulent Biden votes. I heard Nevada isn't paying out bets on presidential race till MARCH. Do they know something?
- Pennsylvania's supreme court rules that the mail in shit did violate constitution. Trump wins the state
- Trump probably has the same filing in Wisconsin, reopens case... They rule mail in ballots were unconstitutional as well. Trump wins the state. Does Trump win the election with these 3 states, or does he need Michigan too? Could Arizona's vote fraud discoveries force Georgia to do a real forensic audit on their ballots, flipping that state too?