Help me Understand
Any proofs are welcomed. In an online debate with family
Man, I got swept up in all that. DWAC and AMC. Am I rich yet? What’s the scoop on this stuff?
I'm fucking getting lost guys. Help a w*gga out?
Asking for a fed, uh, I mean friend.
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Fuck the doomers, shills, and woketard homos. Whether Trump announces he’s running in 2024, or whether he shows the world the cheating and fraud, or whether he’s relaunching Trump University, tonight will be great.
He knows what he’s doing and he’s never lied to us before.
“Hopefully TODAY will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country.”
That seems like a pretty big announcement. Nothing but good news. Honestly, it feels like Christmas Eve.
Trust in Trump
First, I miss Rush terribly. With him gone it feels like I can’t trust anyone in media. I hear certain names dropped but I wish to know which people you think are trustworthy or people to avoid. A healthy debate is welcomed too.