What is going on with all the Trump memecoins? First Trump, then Melania?
Are these real? This is a horrible look in my opinion, im curious to get the communities thoughts on this - what the fuck is going on? One day before inauguration they are dropping random meme coins that are skyrocketing in value?
There's no way the coins maintain their current valuation, it just makes no sense.
I dont even know where to start when it comes to the stock market. I want to buy some GME, but I don't know how to or what the best place to go is.
Any advice for a beginner?
This image was generated by an AI using the given text prompt, "an oil painting of donald trump as the punisher, standing in the middle of a gloomy swamp"
Stable Diffusion is a new image generating AI developed by a Munich research team. They made the code open source, so I downloaded it and started playing around with it.
Heres the album: https://imgur.com/a/Rlz3KCT 8 Read more about stable diffusion here
Comment prompts below and ill run them through the machine
During our morning meeting over skype, politics came up, as it usually does (everyone is on the same 'side' except for me, but they don't know it because I keep my mouth shut)
These dumbasses were CELEBRATING student loan forgiveness, and CELEBRATING 87000 new IRS agents.
First of all, only 1 person on the call had any student loans. She was ecstatic that a chunk was getting "forgiven". The other guys were so happy for her - I was biting my tongue so fucking hard, because I've yet to go off on these people for their moronic positions. Come close several times. These dumbasses don't realize that THEY are paying for her loans (and me). These dumbasses couldn't even come close to figuring out that you don't need 87000 IRS field agents to target the rich. The IRS agents are targeting US, to pay increased taxes on top of already increased taxes to pay for our neighbors student loans (also, her loans have NOTHING to do with the profession she is in - shes a debt slave, and will be for decades, for indoctrinating her self and getting a garbage education that she doesn't even use that I now have to pay for.)
This is the same group of people where one of them bought themselves a new home, and the home's water came from a well - he was complaining that the well had no flouride, and planned to add his own flouride to the water, specifically for his kids health. The fluoride comments and the comments today they made celebrating all these garbage policies that are DESTROYING our way of life. I'm SICK of this shit, when does it end? These are people I consider smart, and yet they can't see the government placing shackles on their feet right in front of them. HOW did people get so trusting? These people are so trusting that their first instinct when they hear about 87000 new field agents is, "Finally, they are going after the rich for real!". Are you fucking kidding me??? You don't need 87000 agents to target the rich, they are collecting taxes for loan 'forgiveness' FFS
The shooter was talking about, and planning, his attack months in advance on Discord. As soon as he started live streaming, he shared his links to his discord, and the glowies immediately took those links and started spreading them around, including creating threads on 4chan.
Read through this thread here https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/377710317/ (Fair Warning: Theres some grotesque shit in this thread. Apparently the shooter also stabbed and beheaded a cat, theres images of that, as well as other footage of people dying (unrelated to the mass shooting))
Some interesting finds from his chat history:
Jimboboiii — 02/18/2022
Remove l210 from list
Coordinating his list of potential targets with someone else? (3 months before...)
Jimboboiii - 03/17/2022
"Attack low security targets. Even though you might out gun a security guard or police man, they likely beat you in armor, training and numbers. Do not throw away your life on an unnecessarily dangerous target."
But Sir Patrick, Who shall I attack? And where?
WHO is Sir Patrick??? And why does his advice GLOW SO FUCKING MUCH? Straight up telling him to just commit a mass shooting and to shoot unarmed people, don't waste it on someone higher profile?
Had a dream I watched psaki get eaten by a lion. Actually kinda weird thinking back on it lol, I also can't remember the context but it was quite random.
I accidentally hid a post (why is hide right next to save?)
How do i view hidden posts?
So, long story short, I travelled to a neighboring state for about 10 days and was perfectly healthy before, during, and (for a short time) after my trip. Once I got back, I felt to be in good health, but that only lasted a couple of days.
About 2 days after I got back, I ate a can of old chili I had in the pantry that was a few months past its best by date, but I figured it would be fine because it smelled ok and I planned on cooking it to a high temperature. I woke up the next morning feeling awful, and had all the symptoms of food poisoning. Decent headache, slight fever w/ chills, achy muscles (presumably from the fever), and diarrhea. It wasn't too bad, but was bad enough for me to tell work I would not be working for the day. These symptoms lasted about 3 days, and the 4th day I could tell I was getting better so I never thought anything of it, was just grateful to be returning to good health.
Then two days after recovering from what I thought was food poisoning, I lost my sense of smell and taste, completely. So clearly what I thought was food poisoning, was really covid? It's been almost 8 days since my senses went away, and they are showing no signs of coming back - drinking a tasteless, odorless cup of strong dark brew coffee right now while typing this.
Basically, Covid symptoms are mild enough that I thought it was food poisoning instead of the thing that shut down the world for months. However, the post-recovery symptoms are kinda bumming me out. I've been deciding what to eat based on the texture of the food rather than taste, which is a very strange thing to have to do. It's been a lot of fried and spicy foods, cause those give the most sensation in my mouth. Beer is interesting too cause it has no flavor, but I can definitely feel the strength of the alcohol more (im drinking an IPA now that I can only describe as both 'smooth and aggressive')
Anyone else who had it experience a loss of taste/smell? How long did it take for your senses to return?
Why were the vote counts removed from comments?