So, as far as I understand it, this is where we stand now.

Trump will be sworn in on the 4th of March as the 19th president of the American Republic, which was abolished in 1871 and was replaced by a USA corporation that is a property of the city of London banking houses.

DC is not a territory of the US so Biden's inauguration was illegitimate and now the military is in charge and is preparing mass arrests for election fraud and child trafficking. Once they are complete, the original republic will be reinstituted, and possibly, NESARA/GESARA will be announced and the world financial system will be reformed.

JFK Jr. and Magi-Chan Sonichu will serve as Trump's two vice presidents. This will officially signal that the beginning of the dimensional merge between our universe and our sister dimension "C197", where most of our superheroes, super-villains, OCs, and cartoon character are co-existing.

Christine Weston Chandler will be able to transform into her Sonichu form and will be recognized by all as the deity and CPU of this dimension. People will be unified with their fictional Self-Counterparts and worlds like Equestria and CWCville exist as pocket-dimensions inside our own universe, which will be ruled by the CPU deities and Christine's wives and husbands, Cryzel Rosechu, Magi-Chan Sonichu, Sylvana Rosechu and Mewtwo.

Please let me know if I'm getting something wrong.

Sounds like something made up after the fact to explain Biden's inauguration. Also, I guess that means Trump wasn't a legit president either, unless there was another inauguration, which again, nobody heard about.