Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
How many here have come to God or returned to God because of the unveiling of the evil around us? (The Great Awakening)
Genesis 50:20. What they meant to destroy humanity God planned for good and the salvation of many.
All glory to God EVEN in the darkness!
The EPA case repealed the Chevron deference, which allowed federal agencies the default "experts" to interpret laws. I wonder how this case will be used as precedent to overturn this and other ATF laws?
About 100 more aircraft which is about 30% more planes than a normal day. Been doing soft planefaggin for a few years.
The "Nightwatch" plane is the Presidents airborne command, for those wondering.
Taxation protest idea. Need Help.
Gather people to collect 1040 forms from the post office, library, DMV, etc., and dress up as Native Americans and dump them into the Boston Harbor on April 15 (tax day)
This seems to go against that general consensus here but fear of what can harm us is even more harmful. Fear is evidence we are not living is God's spirit
Mark 16:18 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands, and whatever poison they drink will not harm them; they will place their hands on the sick and they will be well.” God gives supernatural protection.
Matthew 10:26 “Do not be afraid of them, for nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing is secret that will not be made known. 27 What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light, and what is whispered in your ear,[d] proclaim from the housetops. 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body[g] but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Man can do nothing to our bodies.
it is our mind and soul the enemy wants. It is right to pray for healing for those who have taken a dangerous vaccine. Pray that they will be healed but also pray for those who relize they have made a mistake for peace and not to have fear.
We no longer have a government that represents the people (we haven't had this for some time but the stolen election made it certain) if the middle class woke up to this and, as a whole, stopped funding the cabal we could make a major impact.
If everyone stopped paying taxes we could do major damage and there aren't enough resources to come after everyone.
We hold all the power.
People that use logic and scientific method to arrive at conclusions are always asking the question of "what if"
An idea is theorized and a hypothesis is made. The tests then use available data to confirm, overturn or postpone results until additional data/information can be obtained.
TL:DR- trust the science, bigot.
As I write this I am overwhelmed by how good God is! Remember, God wins!
Keep believing! Hold the line! Listen to the "Joshua & Caleb" report. God will not turn his back on us.
Numbers Chapter 13.
Nicole means: "Victory of the people!"
Storm to hit DC this weekend
Big Announcement on Tuesday
Today we have two years and two electrons to fix.

When I see people in public with a little gay flag I tell them their rainbow is missing indigo and ask who is being excluded by leaving that color out.
All of the issues we are facing can be erased by God.
Ours news is fake - God speaks to us and through His prophets Big Pharma poisoning us - God gave us the natural world to provide and also gives our bodies healing ...Please add to my list with what you guys come up with
Maybe it's coincidence but my brother started having back pain over the weekend. since then I have as well (live in a different state) I have encountered 6 other people since then that are experiencing the same thing starting around the same time.
Might be nothing but might be something. Just seems strange.