Citadel is one of the Largest Market Makers that was Caught Red Handed Manipulating GME GameStop to oblivion these past 2 months - Them and Their Buddies on Wall Street had 150% Short Interest on the Company Going Bankrupt. Not to Mention the Naked Short Sellers that tried to Trap GME Stock Price below $5. Some Smart Investors saw the crack in their trades and eventually broke their backs, now all hell is braking lose (over a Video Game pawn Shop Stock!)
This is absurd and what is happening now is nothing short of Criminal (Robinhood, TD Ameritrade, SEC, NASDAQ, Trading Halts).
Is Citadel the Gatekeeper for anything that destroys wealth in America?
Looking for a Q Drop.
I need a link to the 9/11 helicopter shot, a prerecorded/green screen/live edit of the towers on fire then falling - this is your primer for understanding how to enjoy the show, we will expose all the lies!
Help me with the 9/11 helicopter shots all have different hues all are the same shot just different editing, all were from a central broadcasting production.