Idontknowwhattoputhe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wasn't aware that it had already been posted? Sorry about the repost then but its here again in case anyone wants to read it

Idontknowwhattoputhe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it? Sorry. I haven't really kept up with whats been posted here.

Idontknowwhattoputhe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right. Thats not the question im asking though. I'm asking why does a man who literally who labels himself on twitter as, "chinese state affiliated media" want Assange free?

Idontknowwhattoputhe 1 point ago +1 / -0

The narrative i was given about these two were that they were journalists fighting against the Deep State and exposing government corruption. If thats true, youd think it would be in Trumps interest to pardon the two? If the Deep State is working with the CCP though or is bought off by the CCP, why would they want Assange pardoned and freed? Wouldn't he expose their operation? That doesnt make sense.

Idontknowwhattoputhe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. Ive already accepted jesus into my heart. He was a good man. I wish i did it sooner. Ive been praying but i dont know any formal prayers but ive been praying and honestly crying too. All i ever wanted to be was an artist and musician and to do good things in this world

Idontknowwhattoputhe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you thats very sweet of you. I know this is random but can you please pray for me to go to heaven if i die? I mean it. I know im just words on a screen to you but please? I don't really have anyone i can turn too...

Idontknowwhattoputhe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think theres going to be an uprising. Once people start actually dying from covid 21 thats just goign to validate the virus narrative and because people have been locked down for a year with covid19, we're already conditioned to believe that locking down will save us when it will not. There's not going to be anyone standing up to this. Who would you even stand up too? where would you go to find these people? Castle rock? thats a movie studio right? So biden isn't even in DC in the white house. hes in a secured location elsewhere. They all probably are including bill gates. Who and where would you attack?

Idontknowwhattoputhe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please listen to me. Please talk to me. Please say anything. Please help

Idontknowwhattoputhe 1 point ago +1 / -0

i cant help it. These people are so fucking powerful and so fucking evil. They literally have control of everything. Technology, agriculture, government, military, medicine, robotics, A.I., everything.

I feel so fucking powerless and theres nothing we can do to stop them. They have corporations, factories, weapons, body armor and everything. They have chemical weapons. Covid 19 was the test to see the response from the public. There was a leaked document from canada that showed their schedule and plans. They had camps in place for dissidents. Covid 21 is literally scheduled to be released in february.

Idontknowwhattoputhe 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't understand. These people have a plan for global depopulation and covid is part of it. They want to drop the world population down to 500 million. Covid 21 will be the bioweapon(they'll claim that its a mutation or somesort of new strain) that will have actual casualties that will kill people.

THey literally already have camps set up for dissidents and have technology that has tracked everything you have ever said online. Bill gates has been buying up 250,000 acres of farmland across the US. They have control of agriculture.

No one can stop these people. I dont mean to doom but im fucking dooming dude im fucking terrified. No can stop them and i don't want to die. Im actually crying.

Idontknowwhattoputhe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its obviously panic but they're literally quarantining the national guard thats sworn to protect us. That is literally a neutralization of our military. The covid 19 exposure wont kill them but it puts them in LOCKDOWN for two weeks while the NWO gets to carry out their plan unimpeded. I wouldn't be surprised if the NWO has PMC's at their disposal that will follow their orders over the US military.