
Look him up on twitter. https://twitter.com/chenweihua

Why does he want Assange free? I've seen an enormous push to get Snowden and Assange pardoned even within right wing circles. I personally don't know TOO much about them or their background but why would someone obviously associated with the CCP want assange free? Maybe there was a very good reason why Trump didn't pardon the two? I mean we've been told that Trump would give a pardon to one of them if they gave up their sources but they apparently never did. Maybe their sources were part of the CCP?

This feels really weird.


"NEW - 'Packed us together like sardines': Hundreds of National Guard in Washington D.C. have tested positive for #COVID19 or are quarantining in nearby hotels now."

The NWO is in full control and The Great Reset is in FULL swing. They literally dont give a single fuck about optics whatsoever right now. They have full power. It doesnt matter what you think. They'll be releasing covid 21 very soon now. Covid 21 is an ACTUAL biological weapon that WILL have casualties and bodies behind it. Covid 19 was the test run to see how people would respond. I think i just realized what was happening in DC. Looking at the tweet above i think they literally just neutralized the National Guard. Pushing them and packing them into tight spaces to force their covid narrative and now all national guard will be required to quarantine and lockdown, essentially neutralizing them from organizing and getting together to fight back. I think Q really was somesort of psyop. I don't know what to think of Donald Trump but i don't think he was actually on our side. he may have been a wild card or maybe he was supposed to be a charismatic leader to gather anyone who would stand against the NWO but hes not coming back. hes not going to help us. I don't think the military will help us either. We are literlaly on our fucking own. Please for the love of god, please im begging you please listen to me. I'm so fucking scared.