Im_too_BASED 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't the whole idea of Christianity that Jesus sacrificed himself so that we wouldn't be burdened with our sins?

In other words, we can accept our imperfections, and don't have to be saints to gain access to Heaven. We must only desire repentance, and Christ will do the rest. That's what "accepting Christ" means. Going through every act of evil we've ever committed would be near impossible. That's why Jesus exists; to take the weight off our shoulders.

The Vatican and most Christian churches were hijacked by Luciferians, starting in the decades following the Crucifixion. That's why pedophilia is rampant in the Catholic Church. The people running these institutions are members of elaborate blackmail rings, all tying back to globalist oligarchs.

Im_too_BASED 2 points ago +2 / -0

My theory is that Earth is a spiritual testing ground. Evil is in charge for a reason.

It's like a global "Hunger Games", where we must decide what to do while under the boot of a seemingly insurmountable foe. The weakest among us will welcome tyranny, while others pretend it doesn't exist until they've lost all of their inalienable rights.

The true "elite" are those risking everything to expose the monsters ruling over us (like James O'Keefe and Alex Jones). They are figuratively walking in the footsteps of Christ. Most of us, myself included, can't be bothered to physically do anything about the NWO agenda (well, except bitch online). We all need to start networking, and prepare for what's to come.

We could be witnessing the early stages of Revelation. Right now, agents of Lucifer are creating the prophesised one-world government. Once under this technocratic system of feudalism, the nations of the world will declare "peace". The vaccine passports are a dry run for the Beast system, which I suspect will be revealed in the coming years. The creatures spoken of in Revelation may be secret government/alien experiments being unleashed on the public. Only fools believe there aren't sketchy underground military bases scattered across the globe

It's also my opinion that Biblical figures are really aliens. Christ will return after all hell breaks loose, with armies of God (patriots) clashing with armies of Satan (globalist useful idiots). Those who join Satan's Beast system will be left on Earth (Hell) forever, while those who fought for justice will be transported to the greater universe, where super-advanced civilizations exist (Heaven).

Im_too_BASED 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who do you think Lucifer really is?