I saw on here or Truth social a page showing the Trump economy vs Biden economy and how the price of individual goods and services has sky rocketed under Biden. I thought I screen shot it and can’t find it anywhere. Now I can’t find it anywhere online. Anyone have a source or pic? Thanks.
Can someone please link me to the post from a few days ago that showed Kamala’s entire lineage?
Look at this sick trash. More indoctrination and mind warping of our children 😡
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
According to this substack with graphs, 17 million worldwide have lost their lives from the jab. They suspect 100x this have adverse effect health conditions.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
NASA papers showing that humanity is the enemy.
Found this in my dad’s old books. That sure holds true through the ages and into our current government.
More Catturd humor/truth
Someone else’s post gave me a meme idea
Rutger Hauer (Roy) knows the score
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