“The medical field is driven entirely by money not treatments. Those who push for real treatments are assassinated.” https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf

Diseases created by families in power (pop control + pharma billions kb). https://qalerts.app/?q=%23252

As a former licensed (M.D.) in 3 states - ALL voluntarily and intentionally NOT renewed, board certified in 2 specialties plus an extra year of liver transplantation training, a legal drug pusher (thru prescriptions of course 😂🤭😆)with a now expired DEA number, a pimp and prostitute all rolled into one for and by the big pharmaceutical companies conjoined with Rockefeller/Western/Allopathic medicine I am NOT ashamed to admit that I was completely ignorant of the terrain theory - BÉCHAMP as microorganisms including “viruses” being the cause(NOT) of a lot of the diseases and illnesses afflicting mankind. I had swallowed the “germ theory” line, hook, sinker with or without a bait including the fisherman with the boat (if fishing on one)😡😤🤬

It was ingrained in my indoctrination thru formal “science” courses in high school, premed, and medical school didactics and subsequent internship, residency training and so forth that microorganisms are either inherently harmless or harmful. It’s crossed my mind transiently and briefly in the past that microorganisms can be manipulated but didn’t really pay attention to it.

Well, the Covid-19 plandemic/scamdemic being declared March 11, 2020 I knew from the get go it was a scam, with the first case in WA state Jan 15, 2020 all over MSM alongside the significant coverage/blabber of mail in ballot and the presidential election for that year. I knew the election was the target at that time. Disclaimer: I hate politics, don’t participate in the voting process because instincts tell me it was/is RIGGED. This is my “I told you so” moment being proven in public in real-time albeit sloooooowwwwwwly.

Anyway when Covid-19 scamdemic was declared I had “too much time on my hands” (Styx song) and started reading and hearing about “gain of function” research - what it really means in a malevolent way, bio weapons, presence or absence of the sars cov2 virus and the terrain/Bechamp theory without having any clue about this site and others and the Qposts(only learned about the Q posts at least a year after the last post dated Dec 8, 2020)

Talk about a “GreatAwakening” from my perspective as a medical provider. My awakening process started in 2001 post 9/11 of all things about organized religion which resulted in my getting out (future topic/post). Although when the twin towers collapsed and MSM was harping about burning “jet fuel” as the cause, with NO knowledge or info of any kind about controlled demolition prior to 9/11 and no construction/engineering background whatsoever my instinct told me right there and then that it was/is a big fat🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥exposed then for what it was/is but ignored and/or suppressed and now resurfacing again including Gen Flynn’s https://twitter.com/Patri0tContr0l/status/1755360714762354930 an individual with a large “platform” so to speak from, and my recent post https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOxAgEw1/did-anybody-know-that-george-dub/ with special mention of George “Dubya” being (s)elected and having a certain role in the events of 9/11

When faced with a dilemma in my premature but NOW very gratefully shortened medical career especially in the really difficult situation(s), I would look up the extremes of the “information” spectrum for that particular case/disease meaning what is the latest treatment and the opposite end of the spectrum being what is the basic cause of the disease itself including infectious causes. I would do the latter process by looking up the most recent edition of the “STANDARD” reference textbook, NOT the medical journals for the root cause ie basic etio-pathophysiology of such a disease I’m trying to address, if it has been changed/upgraded/debunked/fact-checked etc being a more solid basis of my decision making process from my point of view.

According to both qpost (https://qalerts.app/?q=Sars )and Majestic messages of disclosures ““Off world viruses are common viruses similar to Earth that have adapted to other ecosystems.” https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf ) virus” do exist. My professional dilemma now is “I don’t know what a virus is anymore”. With my very limited knowledge now of “gain of function” research and bio weapons being used almost in the same breath and sentence for malevolent purposes that aside from being real, manufactured and/or hybridized as the cause of illnesses due to microorganisms my new and personal conspiracy theory is that “ALL” so-called pathogenic microorganisms were/are being used as the “boogeyman” for the cause of a lot of diseases/illnesses to hide and obfuscate the “REAL” cause of our unhealthy living, chronic illnesses leading to premature aging and death. Alone and/or combination of toxins (fluoride, aluminum, etc) and genetic manipulation (gmo, CRISPR, etc) in our medicines, food, water, air, environment, etc being the true cause(s) +/- “ze bugs”.

It is the intent of this post to address the basic cause of certain illnesses/diseases due to “microorganisms” by providing the “sourcing” background per se and NOT the microorganisms/diseases themselves or theories, and misc.


Patent search sites: https://patents.google.com/ https://www.freepatentsonline.com/ https://worldwide.espacenet.com/

Meme with short list of virus w/ patents https://media.greatawakening.win/post/msnuhsXYZKIs.jpeg

Dr. Paul Marik Exposes the ‘Biggest Hoax’ in Medicine Outside of COVID “The medical system will kill you. https://vigilantnews.com/post/dr-paul-marik-exposes-the-biggest-hoax-in-medicine-outside-of-covid/

Wall Street Admits Curing Diseases Is Bad for Business https://www.truthdig.com/articles/wall-street-admits-curing-diseases-is-bad-for-business/


Watch: Did You Know? How John D. Rockefeller Founded Modern Medicine And Took Away Natural Cures: https://twitter.com/

Rockefeller Medicine https://archive.ph/dZUbI https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-286-rockefeller-medicine/

What Does—and Doesn’t— Make Us Sick https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/what-makes-us-sick/#gsc.tab=0

BÉCHAMP OR PASTEUR? A LOST CHAPTER IN THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY https://mnwelldir.org/docs/history/biographies/Bechamp-or-Pasteur.pdf

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any “virus” having been found in a host and isolated/purified. Because virology isn’t a science. https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-have-no-record-of-any-virus-having-been-isolated-purified-virology-isnt-a-science/

VIROLIEGY Exposing the lies of Germ Theory and virology using their own sources. The Path Paved by Dr. Lanka Https://viroliegy.com/2022/08/16/the-path-paved-by-dr-lanka/

The Virus Misconception Teil I Dr.Lanka https://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/wissenschafftplus-the-virus-misconception-part-1.pd

The Virus Misconception Part II Dr. Lanka https://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/wissenschafftplus-the-virus-misconception-part-2.pdf

The Virus Misconception Corona simple and understandable Part III Dr. Lanka https://wissenschafftplus.de/uploads/article/wissenschafftplus-the-virus-misconception-part-3.pdf

“Virology is a Fraudulent Pseudoscience and is a Dying Field” according to Biomedical Scientist https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/virology-is-a-fraudulent-pseudoscience-and-is-a-dying-field-according-to-biomedical-scientist/

The Illusion of A Virus https://thegoodcitizen.live/p/the-illusion-of-a-virus

Dr. Mark Bailey: A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition) https://snooze2awaken.com/2022/09/16/dr-mark-bailey-a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/

Predominantly medical info expose site http://whale.to/

Credit to u/MaxJenius : “Hmmm lets see here. Lets start with ALL of this evidence that pathogenic viruses dont exist. https://www.bitchute.com/video/dX0wqs2xbM05/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/8qJwUaLxG8Ll/

Rosenau Experiment https://zenodo.org/record/1505669/files/article.pdf

Rosenau experiments (extra information) https://archive.md/jvb0l

High Impact Flix: Contagions don’t exist https://odysee.com/@HighImpactFlix:c/oct-19-contagion:1 https://www.bitchute.com/video/T7clboYMkS7I/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/BFnIM5KxelmR/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/EdffVJbFxb96/

Tom Cowan speech, july 10, 2021 https://odysee.com/@dharmabear:2/%E2%81%A3Dr-Thomas-Cowan-Viral-Panopticon-Part-1-July-10-21:3

A pandemic of Lies: MHRA confirms COVID is Man-Made & the Vaccines are not based on the “Virus” but instead on Computer Generated DNA https://expose-news.com/2023/01/23/synthetic-pandemic-covid-manmade-vaccines-deadly/

Laboratories in US can’t find Covid-19 in one of 1,500 positive tests https://greatreject.org/laboratories-cant-find-covid-19-in-positive-tests/

A virus at the heart of every cancer - The Work Of Royal Raymond Rife https://www.canceractive.com/article/the-story-and-theories-of-royal-raymond-rife-1588

“It's no longer possible to believe clinical research"https://philharper.substack.com/p/its-no-longer-possible-to-believe

Two decades of Alzheimer’s research was based on deliberate fraud by 2 scientists that has cost billions of dollars and millions of lives https://wallstreetpro.com/2022/07/23/two-decades-of-alzheimers-research-was-based-on-deliberate-fraud-by-2-scientists-that-has-cost-billions-of-dollars-and-millions-of-lives/

Scientists Find No Evidence That Depression Is Caused by “Chemical Imbalance” or Low Serotonin Levels https://scitechdaily.com/scientists-find-no-evidence-that-depression-is-caused-by-chemical-imbalance-or-low-serotonin-levels/

Prominent Psychiatrist Admits He Helped Invent ADHD As A Disease https://www.cchrint.org/2013/08/13/prominent-psychiatrist-admits-he-helped-invent-adhd-as-a-disease/

How Big Pharma Bought the Federal Government https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2023/October/PDF/how-big-pharma-bought-the-federal-government-pdf.pdf

The Biopharmaceutical Industry Provides 75% Of The FDA's Drug Review Budget. Is This A Problem? https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnlamattina/2018/06/28/the-biopharmaceutical-industry-provides-75-of-the-fdas-drug-review-budget-is-this-a-problem/

“They have you drugged by fluoride glyphosates aluminum mercury nanytes etc. Fluoride will cloud your judgement.” https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf

All Aboard the Disease Xpress!! https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/all-aboard-the-disease-xpress

Bioweapons Whistleblower Dr. William R. Deagle MD In 2006 About Chemtrails, NSA And Military Involvement, Morgellons, Genetic Modification And Mind Control https://twitter.com/catsscareme2021/status/1729817475116601689

Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized https://brownstone.org/articles/medicine-has-been-fully-militarized/

UFC President danawhite explains why you should NEVER go to doctors for your health : “I will NEVER talk to a doctor about my general health again!!” https://twitter.com/bambkb/status/1707375276093542805

Dr. Paul I admit in public https://youtu.be/z2DkOjkWsGI

I share ALL the sentiments by Dr. Paul on the video above. My ONLY regret is not finding out earlier about Rockefeller/Allopathic/Western medicine being the actual🦆🐍🛢salesman and enforcers ALL in one😤🤬😡


Source unless otherwise specified


9/11 was a movie executed by the NWO Majestic 12. The script was written years prior and the players and actors all had roles to execute. Those roles were well documented in classified briefings.

9/11 was a movie.

All lights camera FAKE NEWS!

Which exotic space weapon was used on the WTC?

Q Given 9/11 was accomplished by the use of black ops technology of some directed energy source to “dustify” the towers and contents, it would imply Majestic 12 was involved to bring all 7 towers down. How do you justify this? How many members of MJ12 were involved?

A At the time, 4 MJ12 members were involved in orchestrating 9/11. Technology used include Looking Glass, Time Travel, DEWs, Mockingbird Media, Blue Beam, and several other Highly Classified programs.

Why was Never A Straight Answer involved in the rerouting of the "planes" used for the 9/11 attacks?

Who gave the stand-down orders, and did they follow the chain of command?

9/11 required Bush to be in office because Gore was not signed into the programs pertaining to the stand down orders given, the actual technology used, and the money/records that were washed as a result of the damage. Part of keeping NWO legal is to destroy all evidence pertaining to the bad components of the organizations - the blackmail, the child trafficking, the snuff films, etc. Many cases and clients represented by people associated to businesses within the WTC overall ecosystem were directly involved in systematically causing illegal regime change throughout the world to somehow fulfill a prophecy given to us by our "founding fathers" to destroy the planet in a nuclear holocaust. This was supposed to take place in 2017 soon after Hillary Clinton would have been confronted by the Military with evidence of treason, pedophilia, human trafficking, ritualistic sacrificing of children, and least of all pay to play and even less than that, the illegal server in your bathroom with Majestic SAP programs on it that you were selling to China/Russia/Iran/North Korea/Venezuela/Saudi Arabia/+ many others that are beyond the current public knowledge level of her criminality. Florida and specifically Broward County played a key role in guaranteeing that Bush was sworn in as President to oversee the execution of the destruction of the WTC building because of how essential it was to establish a major shift in consciousness and at the time, take control over the Government. Bush was selected to oversee this, his lack of visual intelligence deceived many people into believing he was a Patriot. He believes he is, because he serves the NWO.

George “Dubya” say what? “He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.”




George “Dubya” in classroom with kids: “Plane must hit kite steel”


Who is Osama Bin Laden, well it may come to shock you that his actual name is Tim Osman, or Colonel Tim Osman, a CIA asset and Mossad agent who worked with the Justice Department https://twitter.com/PunishDem1776/status/1699173098925236519

“Who financed 9-11? Who was BIN LADEN's handler? Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?” https://qalerts.app/?q=%23307

“Why was the BIN LADEN family here during 9-11? Coincidence? How does SA connect to the BIN LADEN family? Who in SA is connected specifically to the BIN LADEN” https://qalerts.app/?q=%23118

My Account Seems To Be Nuked Today So Hopefully People See This. George W. Bush Had Texas Money Manager For The Bin Ladins Name Removed From Documents To Hide From The Public https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1714416458250498126/mediaViewer

Florida is a major state to understand when it comes to the Deep State, the Bush Cartel, the Saudi's, and interplanetary child slave trading for religious consumption to continuously feed the occult magic connected to adrenochrome.

Admiral’s e-mail on photos of Osama bin Laden’s corpse: ‘Destroy them’https://www.cnn.com/2014/02/11/politics/e-mail-photos-destroyed-osama-bin-laden/index.html

U.S. Won't Release Bin Laden Death Photos https://www.rferl.org/a/us_will_not_release_bin_laden_death_photo/24091657.html

Listen to the firemen💥💥💥💥💥💥 911 was a controlled demolition. https://files.catbox.moe/pprq2z.mp4

Bldg 7 side by side view controlled demolition https://files.catbox.moe/vtsp81.mp4

A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7 https://ine.uaf.edu/wtc7

BBC (JANE STANLEY) REPORTS -911-WTC7 COLLAPSE BEFORE IT HAPPENS https://www.bitchute.com/video/kor6BnR0mufd/


NO PLANES - A 9-11 DOCUMENTARY BY HIBBELER PRODUCTIONS https://www.bitchute.com/video/btmWIH7sa1tH/

PENTAGON: No planes CNN: No plane crash and debris at Pentagon. THIS FOOTAGE APPEARED ONLY ONCE ON TV AFTER 9/11 - AND NEVER AGAIN https://files.catbox.moe/nshskl.MP4



If only Mark Walsh would’ve been on-scene to explain the lack of airplane debris. https://twitter.com/realstewpeters/status/1701219265049764028

Bitchute: No plane query (Good luck in YT) https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=no%20planes%20911&kind=video

White House: Rumsfeld Interview Says Missile Hit Pentagon On 9/11

Missile Hitting the Pentagon on 911: https://www.youtube.com/watch

Hidden Video Showing What Really Hit the Pentagon: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QZMguwD5HGmE/

Pentagon Hit By Missile, Not Plane https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ib9Lt5CxYGoe

911 THE TRUTH IN FIVE MINUTES BY JAMES CORBETT https://www.bitchute.com/video/IoagvyXfUSde/

CORBETT REPORT - 911 TRILLIONS FOLLOW THE MONEY https://www.bitchute.com/video/hY1eNegdRwIW/



“I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone.”https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2011/06/27/demystifying-911-israel-tactics-mistake/

9/11 Was an Israeli Job https://www.unz.com/article/911-was-an-israeli-job/

“What I can say is that I did spend a lot of time examining the events of September 11th 2001, and came to the same conclusion as Dr Alan Sabrosky: it was a Mossad false flag operation (with complicity of elements from other treasonous agencies from many countries). Expressing this viewpoint has provoked outrage among a few of my Jewish friends, including one with connections in the intelligence community. They cannot imagine such a betrayal of trust. Sadly, I cannot change the evidence.”https://eraoflight.com/2023/10/16/its-real-at-last/

It’s pretty simple: 9/11 is best understood as a case of “triangulation”, by which two parties are drawn into conflict with each other by the invisible hand of a third party. In this case, the desired “clash of civilization” between the West and the Muslim world was triggered by Israel, 9/11 being only one operation in this ongoing strategy. Triangulation is the favored tactic of the Mossad, described by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies, on the eve of 9/11, as having “capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.”[1] https://www.unz.com/article/the-9-11-double-cross-conspiracy-theory

JoeRoganand @ComicDaveSmith highlight the startling claims made by General Wesley Clark, who asserted that the U.S. government had formulated plans to attack seven Middle Eastern countries, ultimately culminating with Iran, days after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. https://twitter.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1716896127591788651


Tax times again folks. Continue getting the Rothschilds et al richer, while robbing us blind or eyes wide shut - were screwed if we 💪💪💪

Banks control Gov'ts, Gov'ts control people https://qalerts.app/?q=%23275


The FED and the IRS

FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws. Q138

https://qalerts.app/?q=%23135 ; https://qalerts.app/?q=%23136 ; https://qalerts.app/?q=%23137 ; https://qalerts.app/?q=%23138

Source unless otherwise specified:


They have you controlled through debt slavery fiat monopolies.

The Federal Reserve will be audited and federalized. The IRS has been a political weapon used by the Babylonian Priesthood in order to enforce compliance from all fronts financially essentially allowing the unchecked behavior of entities like the Clinton Foundation or the Gates?

Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save financial Capitalism”https://www.activistpost.com/2023/11/rothschild-wants-merger-between-corporations-governments-and-ai-to-save-capitalism.html

The Money System is your Slavery Chain https://finalwakeupcall.info/en/2023/05/13/the-money-system-is-your-slavery-chain/

The Road to National Digital IDs and CBDCs by 2030 https://drmathewmaavak.substack.com/p/the-road-to-national-digital-ids

Federal Judge Opines That 16th Ammendment (forming the IRS) Was Never Properly Ratified https://www.ini-world-report.org/2014/05/18/federa-judge-opines-that-16th-ammendment-forming-the-irs-was-never-properly-ratified/

The law that never was https://www.thelawthatneverwas.com/bill.aspx


Former IRS Agent Sherry Jackson There was a $50,000 prize for the person that could find the federal income tax law. She couldn't find it. https://twitter.com/AAnon55/status/1720812142364963127

26 U.S. Code § 1 - Tax imposed https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/1

Ready to Get Depressed… How Many Different Taxes Do I Pay? (97) https://paradigmlife.net/ready-to-get-depressed-how-many-different-taxes-do-i-pay/

Smash-Hit Docuseries on the True Meaning of Money https://goldsilver.com/hidden-secrets/

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers | 2023 Cost Study https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers-2023


Disclaimer: I NO longer watch ANY TV and have NO cable connections for at least 10 years.

I quit following football while living in Nashville, TN (till 2007) after I learned that the NFL and other professional sports organizations were tax exempt which the NFL apparently “voluntarily “ gave up after 2015 according to this link:

FACT CHECK: DO THE NFL, NBA AND MLB HAVE TAX-EXEMPT STATUS? https://checkyourfact.com/2020/09/18/fact-check-nfl-nba-mlb-tax-exempt/

The worst part was the football stadium was NOT that old and already partially paid for by TN taxpayers, but they were planning to build a new one and they were going to increase the tax rates in Davidson county to pay for some of this new facility. I was NOT living in that county but at the very edge of it, but was planning to buy a condo/townhouse in downtown which would be walking distance for me to the VAMC and Vanderbilt University.

Thank goodness I got a better paying, and easier job in another state, otherwise I would have been in the middle of the Covid-19 scamdemic at the center of “liberal” minded blue area of that state.

But back to the Super Bowl shower thoughts:

Winner: SF 49ers = Gold rush

Scores: 45-17, or 17-0

Official start of GESARA/NESARA???

Source unless otherwise specified:


Q: Will there be a global currency reset?

A: Yes

According to the link below, sports is utilized for “comms” also.

Sports: Nuclear Football And Satellite Soccer https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/16/sports-nuclear-football-and-satellite-soccer/



The use of the 😷😷😷😷😷😷 were/are being used for the following reasons below and NONE of them are for one’s health benefit.

🎬😷🦹‍♂️The blatantly obvious reason is to hide/obfuscate the identity of criminal elements with several Qposts as follows:

Why is ANTIFA allowed to incite violence, wear masks, make threats, use/carry weapons, and physically harm others who oppose their ideology?


Does a combination of prisoner release + 'MASK' mandate(s) provide for a more dangerous environment to citizens?


Why were[are] violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded and allowed to operate within [D] controlled cities [safe-zones]?






Clowns wear masks.


Why is the NSA limited re: ability to capture and unmask US persons?




🆙⬆️👆⏫🔺🆙 I told you so ⏬⬇️🔽🔻👇👎🔽🔻⏬ Make Your Mind Up! Now British Government Wants to Arrest People For Wearing a Mask


🎬😷🐑Symbolizes your a 🐑🐑🐑 totally controlled.

Masks Symbolize That You Are Enslaved


Qpost https://qalerts.app/?q=%234895 “System of control?”

🎬😷⚠️☣️☢️⛔️Cause harm covertly especially when worn chronically and long term as per articles below with TPTB having the gall to admit that there are NO studies that mask are helpful🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥, and Qpost with https://qalerts.app/?q=%234895 a picture pointing out the BLATANTLY obvious, not to mention the carcinogens/toxins in the mask itself.

Fauci ineffective mask email page https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/20793561/pages/leopold-nih-foia-anthony-fauci-emails-p3027-xlarge.gif

Fauci Said Masks 'Not Really Effective in Keeping Out Virus,' Email Reveals https://www.newsweek.com/fauci-said-masks-not-really-effective-keeping-out-virus-email-reveals-1596703

DR. FAUCI MOCKED HIS OWN MASK AND COVID ADVICE PRIVATELY, NEW BOOK SAYS https://www.outkick.com/dr-fauci-mocked-his-own-mask-and-covid-advice-privately-new-book-says/

FAUCI FINALLY ADMITS MASK MANDATES DON’T WORK, SAYS ’10 PERCENT’ EFFECTIVE IN NEW YORK TIMES PIECE https://www.outkick.com/fauci-finally-admits-mask-mandates-dont-work/

Secret Letter To CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data To Support Mask Narrativehttps://www.zerohedge.com/political/secret-letter-cdc-top-epidemiologist-suggests-agency-misrepresented-scientific-data

WH CV Advisor Dr. Jha FINALLY ADMITS Masks Do Not Work https://rumble.com/v23usxi-wh-cv-advisor-dr.-jha-finally-admits-masks-do-not-work.html https://youtu.be/WSE-ua1uTK4

More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms https://brownstone.org/articles/studies-and-articles-on-mask-ineffectiveness-and-harms/

Ineffective and harmful Mask studies https://brownstone.org/articles/studies-and-articles-on-mask-ineffectiveness-and-harms/

Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer A study published in April found disposable masks can have toxic chemicals https://12ft.io/proxy?https://ussanews.com/2023/08/28/nih-backed-study-covid-masks-expose-people-to-toxic-chemicals/q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fhealth%2Farticle-12443319%2FMask-study-published-NIH-suggests-N95-Covid-masks-expose-wearers-dangerous-level-toxic-compounds-linked-seizures-cancer.html

'Gold standard' scientific study finds masks are useless against COVID https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/faith-freedom-self-reliance/gold-standard-scientific-study-finds-masks-are-useless-against-covid

Flu Masks Failed In 1918, But We Need Them Now https://www.healthaffairs.org/content/forefront/flu-masks-failed-1918-but-we-need-them-now

The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/21/opinion/do-mask-mandates-work.html

Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome (ODMS) https://www.brmi.online/post/oxygen-deprivation-mask-syndrome-odms

Masking Children: Tragic, Unscientific, And Damaging’; I Wrote This 3 Years Ago At The Height Of The COVID Madness, Infact Before And Veted With AIR Over Time, So Longer! Still Today, Used By Courts, https://ussanews.com/2024/01/20/masking-children-tragic-unscientific-and-damaging-i-wrote-this-3-years-ago-at-the-height-of-the-covid-madness-infact-before-and-veted-with-air-over-time-so-longer-still-today-used-by-courts/

Toxic Carcinogenic Masks https://rumble.com/v3e8vxo-toxic-carcinogenic-masks.html

Face mask—A potential source of phthalate exposure for human https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8496910/

NIH Study: N95 Masks May Expose Wearers To Toxic Compounds Linked To Seizures, Cancer https://www.asrn.org/journal-nursing/3009-nih-study-n95-masks-may-expose-wearers-to-dangerous-level-of-toxic-compounds-linked-to-seizures-cancer.html

Occurrence and health risks of semi-volatile organic compounds in face masks https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9666228/

Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8072811/

MASK WEARING FOMENTS CANCER https://www.bitchute.com/video/dXWYYkS4XgU3/

ETHYLENE OXIDE ON COVID TEST SWABS & MASK https://www.bitchute.com/video/T5I3GVad5kRC/


Titanium dioxide particles frequently present in face masks intended for general use require regulatory control https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35169246/

Farce mask: it's safe for only 20 minutes https://www.smh.com.au/national/farce-mask-its-safe-for-only-20-minutes-20030427-gdgnyo.html

Unraveling the potential human health risks from used disposable face mask-derived micro/nanoplastics during the COVID-19 pandemic scenario: A critical review https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9671534/

🎬😷🦅🐟🐼🐢Miscellaneous: Harmful to wildlife

Discarded Covid-19 Masks and Plastic Gloves Are Killing Wildlife https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/covid-19-ppe-entangling-and-killing-wildlife-180977502/

FACEMASKS PRESENT CONCERN FOR SEA TURTLES https://wildlife.org/facemasks-present-concern-for-sea-turtles/

Our Pandemic Trash Is Killing Wildlife on a Devastating Scale, Scientists Warn https://www.sciencealert.com/face-masks-protect-humans-but-they-re-a-deathtrap-for-everything-else

Trapped in gloves, tangled in masks: Covid PPE killing animals, report finds https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/29/gloves-masks-covid-ppe-killing-animals-report-litter

Discarded Face Masks Killing Animals Around the World, Study Finds https://weather.com/health/coronavirus/video/discarded-face-masks-killing-animals-around-the-world-study-finds

😷🎬👿 Rituals

EXPOSING THE OCCULT CORONA-INITIATION RITUAL https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/exposing-the-occult-corona-initiation-ritual.289751/

